Dues Bylaws

ArticleFinancial Management

Article 15, RI Bylaws 15.060.1 provides for a District Fund and describes the process required to establish and maintain it. In July and January of each year the District Treasurer shall forward each Rotary Club an invoice for 50% of the per capita levy approved by the district assembly or the district conference, as the case may be, for that Rotary year. The amount of the invoice shall be based upon the number of active members as recorded at RI as of June 30 and December 31, respectively.

Reminders of per capita dues shall be sent to attention of the respective club treasurers, with copies to club presidents. District dues are payable July and January.

All payments are to be made to the District Treasurer, where their receipt will be logged in and checks deposited. The District Treasurer will follow up with clubs not responding with timely payment and will document each contact in a log until all collections are made.

Revision DateDec 22, 2019

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