Laws of Life Essay Contest

Laws of Life Essay Contest

The Georgia Laws of Life Essay Contest is a state-wide character education program for high school students. The contest challenges students to reflect on core values such as generosity, courage, perseverance and compassion. It promotes advanced literacy skills and gives teens an opportunity to craft written arguments for their ethical values.

The Rotary-branded Georgia Laws of Life Essay Contest reaches nearly 40,000 high schools a year. For most of those 40,000 students – and their teachers and parents – it is their first and most lasting impression of Rotary. The contest reaches more students than any other Rotary program in our state, and is also the largest essay contest of any kind in North America.

Since 2009, the essay contest has been owned and operated by the nonprofit Georgia Rotary Districts Character Education Program (GRDCEP).

Rotary Club Contest Sponsorship

By sponsoring a local high school, your Rotary club can:

  • Introduce an effective character education program in local schools;
  • Encourage your community’s youth to reflect on important values such as those in the 4-Way Test;
  • Connect and interact with local educators, students and parents in a positive, value-affirming program;
  • Have a memorable club meeting each spring as you recognize winning students.

Rotary sponsorship involves partnering with one or more local high schools. A club works with the school’s English department to implement the program, and publicly recognizes the school’s student winners in the spring. Rotary club sponsors also make a financial commitment to the contest.

How You Can Help

Become a Rotary Club Sponsor and School Partner, visit the ROTARY page on our website,, for more information and to complete a sponsorship form.

Encourage your local high school(s) to learn more about the contest. Teachers can register their school at the TEACHER page on our website,

Invite a speaker from Georgia Laws of Life to one of your club meetings, contact Lakisha Taylor, 6900 District Laws of Life Chair, at lakisha@eastersealswga.orgor 706-666-1381

Questions? Contact Carol Gray, Executive Director, at or 404-735-4939

What Participants Are Saying

"I wouldn't have come this far in my life adventure if it weren't for the Laws of Life essay contest and the Rotary Club. So it is with deep gratitude that I thank you and those in the Rotary for the opportunities that you've given me."

Kayla Johnson, 2009 Georgia Laws of Life State Runner-Up

“The Laws of Life Essay Contest is one of the easiest and yet most meaningful ways for a Rotary Club to establish a strong community-school tie. By sponsoring the contest, a Rotary Club can reach out to the next generation of young people, support its local educators, and make a valuable contribution to character education within its community.”

George Stewart, Dunwoody Rotary Club

Updated by Alec Smythe
October 30, 2022 10:44 am