Rotary Means Business 6900

Rotary Means Business is a Rotary Fellowship recognized around the world that encourages Rotarians to support the success of their fellow Rotarians by doing business with them, learning from others, mentoring young professionals, and by serving as a business referral source for fellow Rotarians.  We currently enjoy the support of our District Governor as the District Vocation Committee. It offers a business to business networking opportunity to share your business with fellow Rotarians. Empowering your business by the Power of the Pin.

If you are looking for help, start by searching the District Pro Classification directory:

Search District Pro Classifications

Essentially, we offer a business to business networking opportunity to share your business with fellow Rotarians. Empowering your business by the Power of the Pin. 

Rotary Means Business (RMB) will help you with the following (and probably more):

  • Attract new and retain strong club members
  • Mentoring opportunities for veteran business owners and leaders
  • Support your Vocational Chairperson – activity for annual Goals
  • Cross activity with other clubs in the district – annual Goals
  • Grow membership and attract business owners/leaders
  • Add value to your regular program for your members
  • Additional activity on your Social Media/websites if you place on your social media pages and websites to promote interest in your club and this fellowship

RMB Atlanta

  • Meets: The Fourth Tuesday of Every Month
  • Start: 6:00pm
  • Location:  Check District calendar for updates
  • For more information check: Facebook


  • Carter Stout, (770) 349-8201

Our current focus is to build a program in the Metro Area that is successful and repeatable to grow to other areas within the district.  Please reach out to connect if you would like to discuss an RMB chapter in your area.

Updated by Carter Stout
January 7, 2024 5:17 pm