May 20, 2021 12:15 pm

Russell Deese - Russels' Military Vehicles AT THE BISCUIT COMPANYAdd Guest

Russell will bring his unique speaking style and fun stories to entertain us. Wars may come and wars may go, but the vehicle that carried soldiers to the battlefield never die. At least that's the goal of Russell's Military Vehicles. It's our way of honoring history. We see old jeeps the way God sees people, not for what they are, but what they can be. That gives us the desire to see a jeep reworked and looking battlefield-ready again. The military vehicles are a 3-D representation of history. As I started this "Hobby gone mad", it all began as a child. My dad had a salvage yard in the 40's through the 60's; that was the atmosphere in which I was raised in since 1962 in Live Oak, FL. I have been working on jeeps for as long as I can remember. I started building, restoring, and repairing jeeps as my occupation in 1984. Several of the restorations we have completed are in museums from the east coast to the west coast. We have provided vehicles and accessories for movie props and reenactments.

Rotary Club of Thomasville
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792