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October 8, 2019


October is Economic and Community Development Month

10/10 Eduction Today
10/17 Visit Roswell
10/24 Open Season
10/31 Happy Halloween


10/8 Rotary Means Business
10/12 Youth Day Parade
10/17 Alive In Roswell
10/19 Hurricane Relief Collection


President Gordon Owens
President-Elect Lynne Lindsay
Immediate PP Becky Stone
Treasurer John Carruth
Secretary Terry Taylor
Membership Nancy Alterman
Foundation Mike Agurkis
Public Image Karen Schwank
Service Don Horton


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Community Activities Bldg
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online




To: 41411

Our Rotary Family

10/1 Ralph Rowland, Jr.
10/2 Sandy Buhler
10/2 Cheryl Greenway
10/4 Ronald Cowan
10/4 Adele Hamilton
10/4 Lucy Hall
10/6 Cathy Steffen
10/7 Lynne Lindsay
10/10 Jeffrey Meyers
10/12 SaraBeth Huntley
10/12 Jeff McCoy
10/13 Kyle Woods
10/16 David Wash
10/18 A.D. Dalton
10/19 Nancy Diamond
10/19 Jack Stephens
10/23 Mindy Jones
10/23 Lisa Smith
10/26 Katie Tucker


10/1 Fate McKinney, III (18)
25 years in Rotary
10/6 Chuck Savage (3)
11 years in Rotary
10/7 Jim Coyle, Jr. (10)
10/7 Matt Millard (10)
10/10 Mike McRay (17)
10/10 Carl Owens, Jr. (28)
10/12 Tom Rowsey (13)
15 years in Rotary
10/13 Jennifer Briggs (8)
10/14 Ted Williams (15)
10/15 Neil Moulton (32)
10/16 Lou Tabickman (11)
10/19 Richard Clark, Jr. (2)
10/19 Steve Forbes, Jr. (2)
10/19 Kurt Hilbert (2)
2 years in Rotary
10/19 Timothy Klatt (2)
10/19 Jim Sturm (2)
10/23 Steve Stroud (33)
10/25 Dazia Fumbah (1)
10/29 Hal Coleman (21)


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message
Family Fun On The Farm

Thanks to all that helped setup or break down and a special thanks to Gary Garrett for opening up his farm for our families to come enjoy the beautiful fall day and some fellowship together. It was a fun event!

This Week's Speakers
Education Today

Ed Klass, PTA President and member of our club will lead a panel of educators from Roswell area schools including Stacey Perlman, Steve Palmer and Robert Shaw. Today's always on, connected world has its advantages and disadvantages. Hear from our members who are molding our future leaders on why they got into education, what challenges they face and what drives them to continue to push their students to succeed.

Support Youth Day Parade
Bring Candy To Rotary

We need candy to toss to the crowd during the Youth Day Parade next weekend. Please bring a bag or two with you to Rotary this week. Thanks!

Thursday, October 17 | 5PM - 9PM
The Last Alive In Roswell of 2019

Saturday, October 19 | 9AM - 12PM
Please Donate Supplies


We are collecting supplies to send to the Bahamas for Hurricane Dorian relief. Please bring supplies to donate to Rotary over the next several weeks.

Visit Relief.RoswellRotary.Club to view the list of supplies needed.

Sponsor The Next Patriot Flight
Honoring Our First Responders

Jeff McCoy is organizing another Patriot Flight, a project he did during his year as President of Roswell Rotary. Flight is tentatively scheduled for later this fall and will involve taking 30-40 of Roswell's first responders to New York City for a day meant to honor their service to our community. If you are interested in helping plan or sponsoring the next trip please reach out to Jeff at 678-852-4297.

​Get excited, It's Almost Foundation Month!
Get Up To $300 In Matching Funds

As we approach the end of the year we all get inundated with requests for giving and we ask that you consider the Rotary International Foundation when planning your year end donations. The club will match your gift dollar for dollar up to $300. That means your next Paul Harris Fellow only cost $700 instead of $1000. Please see Michael Agurkis if you are interested in taking advantage of the matching funds.

Halloween Meeting
Costume Contest

Our club meeting falls on Halloween this year and we have some spooky fun planned. Our Interact Clubs will be with us to kick off the year, so come dressed up to compete in a club costume contest, help us provide treats to the students and hear ghost stories from Roswell Ghost Tours. The kids will love this and we might have a little fun too!

Thursday, October 24 | 5:30PM - 8:30PM
World Polio Day At Houck's

Join us at Houck's for a drink and appetizers or stay for dinner. In honor of World Polio Day a portion of the proceeds with go to Rotary International's Polio Plus fund. Bring friends and family to help us pack the porch and raise money for a great cause. We hope to see you there.

Friday, November 1 - Sunday, November 3
GRSP Weekend Host Families Needed

The North Fulton Rotary Clubs are hosting a GRSP weekend and looking for volunteers to host students. This is a great way to meet some awesome kids from around the world. Hosting starts by picking your group up in Alpharetta on Friday evening and ends by dropping them off on Sunday morning to head back to school. In between you feed them breakfast on Saturday and Sunday mornings and join the whole group (including your family) for dinner on Saturday night. If you are interested in hosting, please contact Alex Kaufman at (404) 964-5587.

Rotary Last Week
