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The Bulletin


Club Calendar

April is Maternal and Child Health Month


Our Rotary Family

4/5 Benjy Dubovsky
4/8 Bob Levinson
4/10 Robert Moore
4/18 Keith Sanders
4/20 John Neill


Rotary Online


Sandy Springs

Mondays, 12:15 pm
Hilton Suites
6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, NE
Sandy Springs, GA 30328

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Buckhead January 13, 1972
Active Membership: 50 FacebookTwitter

ROTARY CLUB OF Sandy Springs

President Lisa Stueve
President-Elect Will MacArthur
Immediate Past President Jerry Hicks
Fellowship Director Fred Ferrand
Program Director Billy Lovett
Vice President Jim Squire
Secretary Mike Stacy
Treasurer John Neill

President Lisa Stueve's Welcome Message

Rotary International is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.

The Rotary Club of Sandy Springs meets most Mondays at the Hilton Atlanta Perimeter Suites at 12:15 PM. The lunch program includes club business and also hosts guest speakers - business professionals, elected officials, non-profit leaders and others from the Sandy Springs area.

We’re always looking for ways to make an impact in the community; our club members are actively engaged with senior and youth programs that support leadership development and student scholarship. While our motto and most important feature of Rotary International is “Service Above Self,” we also work together in fellowship as we enjoy great camaraderie. Like us on Facebook Sandy Springs' Facebook Page to keep up to date on our club's activities!

I hope you will enjoy our weekly newsletter and I invite you to join us for lunch soon!

Lisa Stueve, President, Rotary Club of Sandy Springs, 2016-17

March 27, 2017 - District 6900 India Team Members Fran and Phil Farias

On March 27, 2017, Fran and Phil Farias presented their District 6900 Adventure to India. Fran's notes are reprinted here.

February 2017 - was like no February we'd experienced before! Yes of course we had anniversary celebrations & travels, we gone to Rotary meetings & events. On January 30, Phil and I joined the D6900 Rotary Friendship Exchange (representing our club) and departed Atlanta to Mumbai India. Visiting this amazing country as a guest of Rotarians vs visiting as a tourist provided a greater understanding of this countries cultures, religions, business, projects and Rotarians and their families.

Our trip included 18 days visiting 8 clubs meetings, 2 district conferences, 10 service projects 10 historical sites, 2 international businesses and numerous parties, meal sharing and great conversations. District 3060 - Gujarat includes 4 zones vs 6900 with 2 zones, 96 clubs vs our 69 clubs. The clubs meet in the evening and hover in the 40-60 membership. We met with the RC of Senoras who was an all-female club chartered 3 years ago and has already sponsored 7 clubs: their projects in out lining towns/villages stirred the interest of citizens who wanted to organize and continue to do the same.

Our group of 6 traveled by planes, trains, vans, cars - living out of a suitcase because we were on the move every day or two. The clubs were on an average of 4-5 hours apart. Gujarat/district 3060 was like traveling Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina!

We found the club meetings and district conferences to be more formal, a mix of men and women, some couples and professional including Educators, Architects, Doctors, CPA and small to large company owners. These gracious Rotarians were English speaking (with hundreds of dialects) quite a few educated in the US or worked outside of India before returning. Hindu is the major religion (therefore most are vegetarian) followed by muslin and Christianity. The cow is sacred and everywhere in the cities, in the countryside, along the highways. Education is emphasized and all encouraged to work and learn a trade (some earning $8-10 day with some industries including meals, health care and bonus to the management team.

We were invited to the local newspapers and were 2 newspapers articles promoting Rotary, the RFE and promoting the international convention & polio works in Rajkot as well as one in Delhi with the polio NID

When asked what are the challenges that Rotarians face in their community and country - the biggest is over population and helping to move their country forward. Roads, Education, Health care The projects we visited were sponsored project done by the Rotary Foundation - India ranks #2 in TRF grans of over $15MM. We visited hospitals that specialized in heart surgeries for babies/children, hospitals for kidney transplants &b dialysis; hospitals & clinics for eye surgeries & cataracts, schools organized in the middle of slums - clean, organized, happy and productive children learning various vocation trades, school/orphanage for the deaf and dumb and a e-club that has started an after school program for children (keeping out of harm’s way of human trafficking). As you know India is now polio free but it is with the constant NID designated usually in January each year but there are parents who bring their babies to the clinic for the drops.

India cultures date back many 1000 years but the influence of it being a British colony with European design of 400 years to many new modern buildings under construction everywhere. Ghandi and his movement for democracy has resulted in the ownership of the leadership and fellow Indians. A progressive prime minister and leadership emphasis on education and health care have accomplished much. We visited temples in each city, the beautiful pink palaces of Jaipur, the Taj Mahal/built for the queen who died & now a mausoleum for both the kin & queen. many of Nepal historical buildings of 400 years were destroyed by the earth quake almost 2 years ago...out district sent container of medical supplies. Many homes destroyed and live in temporary housing. The beauty of the Mount Everest was overshadowed by the overpopulation and dusty city....but work continues and people work hard to make a difference with the poor.

In addition we visited 2 very large international factories - diamond cutting/polishing company and a brass manufacturing company. The stories behind how & what they have done are incredible making a difference with their families, the community and citizens. This was a lifetime experience with like-minded new friends who are serious about Service.

April 3, 2017 - ALIA EL-SAWI - Victim Assistance Specialist for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Homeland Security Investigations

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On Monday, March 6, 2016, ALIA EL-SAWI - Victim Assistance Specialist for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Homeland Security Investigations, will speak to the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs.

Her area of responsibility includes all of Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. In this capacity, she designs and provides educational trainings and outreach to law enforcement, attorneys, mainstream service providers, and community-based organizations on human trafficking and child exploitation. Additionally, she is involved in conducting victim interviews and completing a portion of the immigration documents and relief available to human trafficking and child exploitation survivors. She works to establish collaborative relationships locally, statewide, and nationally. Prior to her work with Homeland Security, Alia worked for a non-profit, Tapestri, and served as the Anti-Human Trafficking Program Coordinator. In her past position, she provided trainings, outreach, and direct services/case management to foreign-born survivors of human trafficking. Alia also worked on cases that involved immigrant and refugee survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and rape. She also served as the Chair of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Rescue & Restore Board for 3 years and served as the Freedom Network’s Social Service Committee Chair for 3 years. Additionally, she is a recipient of Georgia Trend’s “Top 40 Under 40” Georgians for her career accomplishments. Alia is experienced in public speaking and has made many presentations for the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice, Department of State, Department of Labor, and Department of Health and Human Services. She has also presented in other local, state, national, and international events and conferences. She has traveled overseas to train foreign governments on human trafficking in Chile, Peru, Brazil, Hong Kong, Macau, and Vietnam. Alia speaks Arabic, French, Spanish, and conversational Portuguese; she has Bachelors degrees from Mercer University in International Affairs and another in French. Additionally, Alia has her Masters degree from Boston University in Criminal Justice with a focus in Victimology.

Congratulations, Jim Squire, For Receiving Recommendation for District Governor 2019-20!

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Past District Governors, the current District Governor, and future District Governors of Rotary International's District 6900 met together at the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs on 2-6-2017 to make an important announcement that the District 6900 selection committee has recommended Jim Squire, a member of the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs, to be the District Governor for 2019-20. Congratulations, Jim. Present were PDGs Claudia Mertl, Margie Kersey, Ralph Thurmond, Bob Hagan (Skyping from India), Blake McBurney, DG Raymond Ray, and DG-Elect Alec Smythe, DG-Nominee Court Dowis, Jr. For more photos, go to http://www.zenfolio.com/rotaryclubofsandysprings/p1029290527

2016 Sandy Springs Rotary Foundation Dan Keels Scholarship and Technical School Scholarship Winners

The Sandy Springs Rotary Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation that provides scholarships to deserving students. Congratulations to the 2016 winners of the Dan Keels Scholarship and the technical school scholarship listed below.

Dan Keels Scholarship Winners for 2016

Georgia Tech - Anjana Anandkumar for $2,000.00

Alabama A&M - Jordan Mason for $2,000.00

FAMU (Tallahassee) - Auriel Durr for $2,000.00

2016 Technical School Scholarship

Gwinnett Technical - Cassandra Lloyd Douglas for $500

Applications are now being accepted for the 2017 year. For more information and a link to the application, go to https://sandyspringsrotary.org/v2/page/293


Next Week's Greeters and Invocation

April 3, 2017

GREETER A: Mark Hancock

GREETER B: Todd Lawrimore

INVOCATION: Candace Apple

If you are unable to serve as a greeter or give the invocation, please be responsible for finding a replacement.


- See more at: http://rotary5730.org/Stories/april-is-maternal-an...

At least 7 million children under the age of five die each year due to malnutrition, poor health care, and inadequate sanitation. To help reduce this rate, rotary international provide immunizations and antibiotics to babies, improve access to essential medical services, and support trained health care providers for mothers and their children. Their projects ensure sustainability by empowering the local community to take ownership of health care training programs.

Watch a video of the 1917 Rotary Convention in Atlanta at 1917 Rotary Convention in Atlanta

Like the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs' Facebook page at Rotary Club of Sandy Springs Facebook Page

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Follow us on Twitter at @RCSS2016

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