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The Bulletin


Club Calendar

April is Maternal and Child Health Month

4/17 4/17 Austin Jackson
5/8 5/8 Dick Yarborough
6/2 6/2 Counsel General of India

Our Rotary Family

4/5 Benjy Dubovsky
4/8 Bob Levinson
4/10 Robert Moore
4/18 Keith Sanders
4/20 John Neill


Rotary Online


Sandy Springs

Mondays, 12:15 pm
Hilton Suites
6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, NE
Sandy Springs, GA 30328

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Buckhead January 13, 1972
Active Membership: 50 FacebookTwitter

ROTARY CLUB OF Sandy Springs

President Lisa Stueve
President-Elect Will MacArthur
Immediate Past President Jerry Hicks
Fellowship Director Fred Ferrand
Program Director Billy Lovett
Vice President Jim Squire
Secretary Mike Stacy
Treasurer John Neill


Lisa Stueve, President, Rotary Club of Sandy Springs

Please join me in honoring Ralph Thurmond, a Rotary Club of Sandy Springs' member, District 6900 Past District Governor (1991) and Past President of the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs (1987). Ralph has been a Rotarian since 1978 and a member of the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs since 1981. Ralph was elected to serve as Rotary Club of Sandy Springs president 1987 to 1988. During his presidency, Rotary International initiated the Polio Plus program and Ralph led this program for the first year of the three-year fundraising campaign. The Rotary of Sandy Springs at that time had around 55 members.

On the heels of the U.S. Supreme Court's 7-to-0 decision on May 5, 1987 to no longer allow the exclusion of women from Rotary Clubs, Mr. Thurmond reflected on the proudest moment during his presidency when he inducted the first woman member of Rotary Club of Sandy Springs, who also happened to be the first female Rotarian in District 6900. Mr. Thurmond’s leadership and sound counsel continue to support the civic, fiscal, and community service of the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs. Thank you, Ralph, for your exceptional and continued service to our club, Sandy Springs, and the Rotary International Global Community.

President Lisa Stueve's Welcome Message

Rotary International is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.

The Rotary Club of Sandy Springs meets most Mondays at the Hilton Atlanta Perimeter Suites at 12:15 PM. The lunch program includes club business and also hosts guest speakers - business professionals, elected officials, non-profit leaders and others from the Sandy Springs area.

We’re always looking for ways to make an impact in the community; our club members are actively engaged with senior and youth programs that support leadership development and student scholarship. While our motto and most important feature of Rotary International is “Service Above Self,” we also work together in fellowship as we enjoy great camaraderie. Like us on Facebook Sandy Springs' Facebook Page to keep up to date on our club's activities!

I hope you will enjoy our weekly newsletter and I invite you to join us for lunch soon!

Lisa Stueve, President, Rotary Club of Sandy Springs, 2016-17

April 10, 2017 -Jackie Cushman, author

On April 10, 2017, Author Jackie Cushman will speak to the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs.

Known for her ability to synthesize major news events and ordinary life happenings into a unique perspective that rings with authenticity, Jackie Gingrich Cushman connects with her audience through both hearts and minds. Audiences of community leaders, educators, entrepreneurs and executives are captured by her fresh ideas, friendly style and quick wit.

Cushman inspires audiences to live their best life. Jackie encourages her audience to fulfill their God-given potential by being true to themselves and living their best life.

Having campaigned twice and lost before her father won a congressional race, Cushman understands and can convey the importance of dreaming big and working hard through failure. As founder of the Learning Makes a Difference Foundation, which tests innovative learning programs to help struggling students learn they can learn, she knows the importance of learning every day. By helping lead Genesis: A New Life, a homeless shelter for newborn babies and their families, in a $5 million capital campaign, she has learned the value of giving to others.

Cushman is passionate about improving the world her two children will inherit and endeavors to inspire others to learn, love and live their lives successfully.

As a nationally syndicated columnist for Creators Syndicate, Jackie writes with her heart and mind. Noted by the Washington Times for her “considerable talent” in writing, Jackie’s outlook and opinions are highly entertaining, inspirational and thought-provoking.

Jackie’s book “5 Principles for a Successful Life: From our Family to Yours,” (Crown Forum) was co-authored with her father, Newt Gingrich. Their book focuses on the principles that Jackie follows in her daily life: Dream Big, Work Hard, Learn Every Day, Enjoy Life and Be True to Yourself. In March 2010, Jackie was nominated for a Georgia Writer's Association (GWA) Georgia Author of the Year Award.

Her latest book, “The Essential American: 25 Documents and Speeches that Every American Should Own” (Regnery) provides the fundamental documents of our nation’s history, including the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, the text of speeches that have inspired the nation, including Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and President Ronald Reagan’s “Tear Down This Wall” Speech, as well as several lesser-known documents and speeches that forged our nation’s character.

Jackie’s work has been cited on the Today Show, New York Magazine, USA Today, and the Washington Times. She has appeared on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” CNN’s “Campbell Brown,” “The 700 Club,” Fox News Channel’s “Fox and Friends,” “The O’Reilly Factor,” “The Sean Hannity Show,” “The Strategy Room,” “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren,” “Geraldo at Large,” “The Huckabee Show” and “Squeeze Play” on Canada’s Business News Network.

Cushman's non-profit activities included serving on The Georgia Advisory Council for the Trust for Public Land. She Currently serves on the Advisory board of Genesis: A New Life. She is founder and chairman of the board of the Learning Makes a Difference Foundation.

Jackie lives in Atlanta with her husband Jimmy Cushman, Jr., and their children.

Jackie graduated cum laude from Presbyterian College in Clinton, S.C. She received her MBA from Georgia State University in Atlanta and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.

April 3, 2017 - ALIA EL-SAWI - Victim Assistance Specialist for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Homeland Security Investigations

On Monday, March 6, 2016, ALIA EL-SAWI - Victim Assistance Specialist for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Homeland Security Investigations, spoke to the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs about human trafficking.Her area of responsibility includes all of Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. In this capacity, she designs and provides educational trainings and outreach to law enforcement, attorneys, mainstream service providers, and community-based organizations on human trafficking and child exploitation. Additionally, she is involved in conducting victim interviews and completing a portion of the immigration documents and relief available to human trafficking and child exploitation survivors. She works to establish collaborative relationships locally, statewide, and nationally. Prior to her work with Homeland Security, Alia worked for a non-profit, Tapestri, and served as the Anti-Human Trafficking Program Coordinator. In her past position, she provided trainings, outreach, and direct services/case management to foreign-born survivors of human trafficking. Alia also worked on cases that involved immigrant and refugee survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and rape. She also served as the Chair of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Rescue & Restore Board for 3 years and served as the Freedom Network’s Social Service Committee Chair for 3 years. Additionally, she is a recipient of Georgia Trend’s “Top 40 Under 40” Georgians for her career accomplishments. Alia is experienced in public speaking and has made many presentations for the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice, Department of State, Department of Labor, and Department of Health and Human Services. She has also presented in other local, state, national, and international events and conferences. She has traveled overseas to train foreign governments on human trafficking in Chile, Peru, Brazil, Hong Kong, Macau, and Vietnam. Alia speaks Arabic, French, Spanish, and conversational Portuguese; she has Bachelors degrees from Mercer University in International Affairs and another in French. Additionally, Alia has her Masters degree from Boston University in Criminal Justice with a focus in Victimology. For more photos, go to http://rotaryclubofsandysprings.zenfolio.com/p7986...

Congratulations, Jim Squire, For Receiving Recommendation for District Governor 2019-20!

Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, people standing

Past District Governors, the current District Governor, and future District Governors of Rotary International's District 6900 met together at the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs on 2-6-2017 to make an important announcement that the District 6900 selection committee has recommended Jim Squire, a member of the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs, to be the District Governor for 2019-20. Congratulations, Jim. Present were PDGs Claudia Mertl, Margie Kersey, Ralph Thurmond, Bob Hagan (Skyping from India), Blake McBurney, DG Raymond Ray, and DG-Elect Alec Smythe, DG-Nominee Court Dowis, Jr. For more photos, go to http://www.zenfolio.com/rotaryclubofsandysprings/p1029290527



Next Week's Greeters and Invocation

April 10, 2017

GREETER A: Ashley Garrison

GREETER B: Charles Gardner

INVOCATION: Benjy Dubovsky

If you are unable to serve as a greeter or give the invocation, please be responsible for finding a replacement.


- See more at: http://rotary5730.org/Stories/april-is-maternal-an...

At least 7 million children under the age of five die each year due to malnutrition, poor health care, and inadequate sanitation. To help reduce this rate, rotary international provide immunizations and antibiotics to babies, improve access to essential medical services, and support trained health care providers for mothers and their children. Their projects ensure sustainability by empowering the local community to take ownership of health care training programs.

Watch a video of the 1917 Rotary Convention in Atlanta at 1917 Rotary Convention in Atlanta

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