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The Bulletin


Club Calendar

July is New Rotary Year Month

7/24 Tom Shinall, Booth Western Art Museum
7/31 Zach Thomas, Author of "Leader Farming" and Chick-fil-A franchise owner
8/7 Gary Black, Commissioner Georgia State Agriculture
8/14 Sam Olens, President, KSU

Our Rotary Family

7/4 Linda Randolph
7/9 Kelly Fredrickson
7/15 Nancy Schroeder


7/6 Kelly Fredrickson

Rotary Online


Sandy Springs

Mondays, 12:15 pm
Hilton Suites
6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, NE
Sandy Springs, GA 30328

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Buckhead January 13, 1972
Active Membership: 48 FacebookTwitter

ROTARY CLUB OF Sandy Springs

President Will MacArthur
President-Elect Fred Ferrand
Secretary Mike Stacy
Treasurer John Neill

President Will MacArthur's Welcome Message

On behalf of the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs, I welcome you to visit our club and experience the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs' hospitality and energy. We meet on Monday for lunch at 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. at the Hilton Perimeter Suites, 6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Sandy Springs, GA 30328. You can reserve a spot by going to our website at www.sandyspringsrotary.org. Join your fellow professionals, and community and business leaders, and learn how Rotary can fit in your future. Experience Rotary Making A Difference!

July 17, 2017 Margie Kersey, District 6900 Foundation Chair

PDG Margie Kersey spoke to the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs on Monday, July 17, 2017. Margie is the District 6900 Foundation Chair and Past District District Governor for 2011-12.

July 24, 2017 Tom Shinall, Booth Western Art Museum

Hold Your Horses! Tom Shinall of the acclaimed Booth Western Art Museum will speak to the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs on July 24, 2017. Enjoy the museum's website and then plan a trip to Cartersville to visit this beautiful museum. Booth Western Art Museum Link

Listed below are current exhibits at the Booth Western Art Museum from the museum's website.

Creating Camelot: The Kennedy Photography of Jacques Lowe

Through August 27, 2017 – Special Exhibition Gallery

This impressive exhibit showcases more than 70 intimate photographs and iconic images of President John F. Kennedy, his wife, Jacqueline, and their children, Caroline and John Jr. — photos that helped create the legend of the Kennedy presidency known as “Camelot” — by Jacques Lowe, Kennedy’s personal photographer from 1958 through his early years in the White House. The official opening reception, gallery walk, and presentation is April 22, 2017.

Image: Estate of Jacques Lowe. “Creating Camelot: The Kennedy Photography of Jacques Lowe” was developed by the Newseum in collaboration with the Jacques Lowe Estate. The Newseum, an interactive museum of news, is located in Washington, D.C.. www.newseum.org

Painting Red Rocks Country, Past and Present

Through October 8 – Temporary Exhibition Gallery

For well over 100 years artists have been drawn to the red rocks of the Four Corners region in the American Southwest. Works by two of the most famous to paint the area, Maynard Dixon and Edgar A. Payne, will set the tone for enjoying the art of current masters G. Russell Case, Denise LaRue Mahlke, Ray Roberts and Matt Read Smith.

Image: © Maynard Dixon, Navajo Woman, 1944, watercolor, 7 x 10”, Mark Sublette Medicine Man Gallery & Maynard Dixon Museum Tucson

Ansel Adams: The Masterworks

Through October 29, 2017 – Picturing America Gallery

Booth Museum has acknowledged the growth and importance of photography as a fine art medium with a new permanent photography gallery, Picturing America. In conjunction with the gallery opening, Ansel Adams: The Masterworks showcases 30 photographs from an edition known as The Museum Set – images hand selected, printed, and signed by Adams himself. Exhibited together for the first time ever, these images are loaned from the personal collection of Virginia Adams Mayhew, Ansel’s granddaughter.

Booth Artists’ Guild Annual Exhibition

Through August 20 – Borderlands Gallery

For an artist, continuing education is vital. Booth Western Art Museum is honored to offer such opportunities through artist presentations, exhibitions and demonstrations. For the fifth consecutive year, Booth Museum is excited to exhibit the work of members from the Booth Artists’ Guild (BAG). Membership in BAG has grown to over 150 members from across the nation. Each year, BAG members are encouraged to submit their work to Booth Museum for the annual juried exhibition.

Image: © Elizabeth Carr, Goose Girl, 2017, watercolor, 15 x 22″


Congratulations, Chuck, on the new position!

Read his letter to the community at this link Gardner Letter.

Advance Notice: Wear Your Pins to Lunch

Much Advance Notice: Wear those Rotary pins to lunch. Starting September 1, 2017, members who don't wear their Rotary pins to lunch will be politely asked to purchase a $5 pin at Check Point Charlie, a/k/a the sign-in desk. Obviously from the picture below, there are correct ways to wear your pin.



Next Week's Greeters and Invocation

July 24, 2017

GREETER A: Cheryl Lietz

GREETER B: Todd Lawrimore


If you are unable to serve as a greeter or give the invocation, please be responsible for finding a replacement.


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