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The Bulletin


Club Calendar

February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

2/22 Regular Meeting | Lindy Savelle, President of Georgia Citrus Association
3/1 Regular Meeting-Program Mike Grundman from Georgia Department of Economic Development
3/8 Regular Meeting-Thomasville High School Basketball Coach Ben Tillman & All-American Reggie Perry
3/15 Regular Meeting-Thomas County High School New Head Football Coach, Ashley Henderson

Our Rotary Family

2/1 W. Clay Campbell
2/5 Gregory Adams
2/5 Claire Bowen
2/9 Michele Arwood
2/11 Nick Murray
2/15 TOM Callaway
2/16 Renee Oliveto
2/19 Marta Turner
2/25 Shelley Zorn
2/27 Ronnie Godwin


2/14 John Hinrichs
2/22 Eugene McNease
2/4 Robert Ackerman
2/15 Erik von Hellens
2/28 John Archer


2/1 Charles Hill (45)
2/1 Russell Chubb (41)
2/1 Marta Turner (24)
2/1 Bradford Jackson (24)
2/26 Nate Tyler (19)
2/4 Nancy Tillinghast (19)
2/5 Al Nicholson (3)
2/26 Grady Enlow (2)
2/26 Alfred Bryan (2)
2/27 Shelba Sellers (2)
2/8 Joseph Tarver (0)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792 May 1, 1921
Active Membership: 128 FacebookInstagram

ROTARY CLUB OF Thomasville
PO Box 1277
Thomasville, GA 31799

President Teri White
President-Elect Andre Marria
Immediate Past President Jeff Zoller
Vice President Carol Jones
Secretary Angela Williamson
Treasurer Rick Piper
Program Director Lauren Radford
Fellowship Director Angela Williamson

Have You Registered?
Fireside Chat

Tommorow -Tuesday, February 20th - Fireside Chat @ 900 Clyde Griffin Road, Thomasville, GA 31757

5:45pm Refreshments, 6:30pm Dinner, 7:15pm Program

You can click on the link below and register for the fireside chat or please let me at twhite@hurstboiler.com so that we can plan refreshments and dinner for everyone attending.


People in Action in Thomasville
Upcoming Events & Projects

Monday, February 26th, 6:00 pm - Trivia Bee for Literacy, sponsored by Thomas county CLCP
We have two teams competing...see Lauren Radford if you would like to participate.

Saturday, March 10th, Pool Tournament - Rotary versus Kiwanis

Saturday, March 24th, District Assembly in Columbus, GA - We encourage all Board Members for the current and the upcoming year to attend. We invite any member that would like to attend to please join us. We meet at the Belk parking lot a little before 6:00 am (TBA), we drive over to Columbus, stopping half way for a coffee break, a full Breakfast will be served, assembly takes place and we adjourn and travel home. Group decides on lunch? Please contact Andre', Rick or Teri so that they can register you for the event? (Club pays the registration fee)

This Week's Program
Lindy Savelle, President of the Georgia Citrus Association

Lindy Savelle is a native Georgia Mitchell Countian. She grew up in Sale City and currently resides in Mitchell & Thomas Counties.
Lindy retired in 2015 from a federal law enforcement career spanning 30 years. She began her career in 1985 as a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and ultimately worked for two other agencies, the Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS) and the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR). Lindy was assigned to stateside offices from Albuquerque, NM to Washington, DC and Buffalo, NY to Pensacola, FL. During the last 7 years of her career, Lindy specialized in corruption cases. She worked overseas in Iraq, Qatar, Kuwait, Turkey, Dubai and Afghanistan, spending the bulk of her time serving as the Regional Director of Investigations/Special Agent in Charge of Investigations over the International Contract Corruption Task Force in Southwest Asia.
Prior to her retirement, Lindy and her husband, Perry, decided they would ultimately return to their roots in Mitchell and Thomas counties, where they own two small farms. Part of their plan was to bring their farms back to life, so to speak, and give back to their communities through the development of alternative niche, yet sustainable agricultural commodities. After researching everything from pomegranates to persimmons and lychee to crawfish, they decided citrus was the best fit for them and a commodity that would stimulate growth in Georgia’s agricultural economy.
Lindy and her husband have a commercial citrus grove in Thomas County and a test plot in Mitchell County of Satsuma oranges, seedless tangerines, lemons, grapefruit, navels, mandarins, blood oranges, thornless limes and kumquats. In addition, Lindy is a managing partner in Georgia’s first citrus-only greenhouse/indoor nursery, where they are propagating citrus trees for sale to commercial growers and homeowners. Their nursery is under contract with the University of Georgia to grow the university’s first patented seedless, cold hardy citrus varieties released publicly in November of 2016, as well as UGA’s “Cowboy” perennial peanut ground cover. This spring, Lindy and her family will be opening “Georgia Grown Citrus, LLC”, a Thomas County citrus hub located on Jonina Farm in Ochlocknee.
Lindy received her Bachelor of Business Administration from Valdosta State University, her Masters of Business Administration from the University of West Florida and her Masters of Public Policy from Georgetown University.
Lindy serves as the President of the Georgia Citrus Association. She is also a current participant of the University of Georgia’s Advancing Georgia Leaders in Agriculture program for the 2017-2019 year group. One thing on her bucket list is to write a book chronicling a South Georgia native’s law enforcements adventures around the world back to her agricultural roots and citrus ventures in Georgia. Lindy is married to Perry Savelle and is the proud mother of two sons, William and Colby Billings.

Mike Grundman, Georgia Department of Economic Development

Guest Speaker - Mike Grundman