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September 19, 2018

Club Calendar

September is Basic Education and Literacy Month

9/20 Mentoring our Youth - Ron Clark, Ron Clark Academy
9/27 Peace - Malek Jandali, Pianos for Peace
10/4 Andrew Dietz - Creative Influence
10/11 Tyler Bowser- Veterans Empowerment

Our Rotary Family

9/1 Danielle Dillavou
9/2 Dennis Eidson
9/4 Terry Taylor
9/4 Roger Wise, Jr.
9/6 Theo Keyserling
9/6 Rudiger Lind
9/7 Carl Owens
9/11 John McDonald
9/13 William Swank
9/14 Chuck Savage
9/16 Scott Morchower
9/17 John Webster
9/17 Mike Agurkis
9/18 Dwayne Kell
9/20 Jeff Bridges
9/23 Bill Hardman
9/24 Chris Archer
9/25 Robert McGowan
9/25 Michael Sutton
9/27 Dave McCleary
9/30 Anita Farley


9/6 Stacy Perlman (11)
9/7 Sid Disher (9)
9/8 Jeff Bridges (13)
9/8 Karen Schwank (7)
9/9 Rose Burton (8)
9/9 Sue Sharp (14)
9/9 Lisa Smith (14)
9/9 Herb West (42)
9/18 Brian Hansford (4)
9/18 Debbie Cwalina (4)
9/20 Stacy Sims (6)
9/22 Henry Hicks (26)
9/24 Tod Baker (3)
9/26 Patsy Wolff (27)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Community Activities Bldg, Roswell A
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Atlanta April 18, 1951
Active Membership: 245 FacebookLinkedInTwitterInstagram

P.O. Box 783
Roswell, GA 30077

President Becky Stone
President-Elect Gordon Owens
Immediate Past President Lisa Carlisle
Treasurer Terry Taylor
Secretary Lynne Lindsay
Foundation Chair Rose Burton
Membership Chair Karen Pilcher
Service Chair John Carruth
Public Image Chair Karen Schwank

President's Message
Supporting Roswell's Youth

Roswell Rotary has always actively worked with and supported the youth of Roswell. In the early days, Roswell Rotary helped raise money at Roswell High School for the football field and stands and established and led Interact Clubs at Roswell High School and The Cottage School. Today, Roswell Rotary actively supports 12 Interact Clubs, participates in the Youth Day Parade, honors Students and Teachers from our local schools, provides vocational expertise at Career Days, volunteers at the Dream Field, awards Scholarships to high school seniors and so much more. Many of us are actively working with the youth of this community because this investment is critical to their success in life and the overall health of Roswell—and benefits us, too!

Over the last few years Roswell’s youth have been under siege, with two teenagers murdered by a mentally disturbed youth, teen suicides, and drug overdoses and deaths. While our members have been very involved in our schools, it is clear that our youth need to be even more connected to leaders in our community. Roswell Rotarians have an incredible opportunity to connect with our youth and build trusting relationships that will allow us to empower them to dream big and change the world.

This week, Ron Clark will share with us ways to connect with youth and build these trusting relationships.

Don’t miss it!
President Becky

This Week's Speaker
Ron Clark

Known to many as "America's Educator," Ron Clark is the 2000 Disney American Teacher of the Year, a two-time New York Times Bestselling author, the subject of a television movie and the founder of The Ron Clark Academy. Ron is regularly featured on network and cable television (The Today Show, CNN and Oprah,) and was dubbed by Ms. Winfrey as her first "Phenomenal Man."

Ron Clark brings charisma, energy and devotion to the education profession. Ron pioneered innovative projects in rural North Carolina working with minority students in a low wealth area. His highly effective programs garnered national attention and led to a White House invitation to be honored by the President of the United States.

In addition to his many duties as an educator, Ron Clark is a much sought after keynote speaker. He shares the uncanny adventures he has had in the classroom and speaks of his experiences teaching in Harlem. Within his humorous and heartwarming stories, he delivers a message relevant to each of us. It is a message of hope, dedication and the never-say-never attitude required to achieve goals and dreams.

Charity Spotlight
Star House


To enrich the community by promoting academic success and empowering lifelong achievement for children in need.

Fast Facts:
  • Founded in 1993 by a group of Junior League volunteers, Star House just celebrated its 25th Anniversary.
  • 3,514 kids live in poverty in North Fulton, despite being one of the most affluent areas in Georgia.
  • 14% of Roswell children live below the poverty level.
  • 1 in 6 kids who don’t read proficiently by 3rd grade do not graduate high school
  • 300,000+ children in Georgia are unsupervised from 3 pm to 6 pm (juvenile crime peak time).
  • Star House serves 270 at-risk children in four Roswell schools with after school programs that provide assistance with homework and test preparation as well as key skills to help them make positive life choices.
  • Star House provides over 37,000 nutritious snacks to its students each year.
  • Star House provides elementary summer camp which helps students bridge the gap by focusing on academic retention during the summer.
  • Nearly all elementary school students passed their core classes with the vast majority receiving B’s or better.
  • 10 out of 21 current members of the Board of Directors are Roswell Rotarians.

Find out more:

Service Opportunity
Volunteer for Rivers Alive this weekend

Rivers Alive, Georgia's annual river cleanup, comes to Roswell on Sept. 22. This event is brought to you by Keep Roswell Beautiful (KRB) and the City of Roswell.

The cleanup will be based at Riverside Park from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Riverside Park. Volunteers are needed to pick up litter along local roads and in the river, remove privet (an invasive plant species), and mark storm drains in surrounding neighborhoods. Awards will be given at the end of the cleanup for the most trash collected and most unusual item found.

Signups will be available at the September 20th meeting. For more info, contact Dutch Earle hearle@esitalent.com or (770) 403-0755


Service Opportunity
RUMC Job Networking

Roswell United Methodist Church Job Networking will hold their next meeting on Monday, September 24, 2018 starting at 12:30 p.m. No advance sign up is required.

The day starts at 12:30 pm with 10 afternoon workshops, and 15 evening workshops / activities starting at 7:00 pm. Our Workshop Leaders are highly skilled professionals who volunteer their time and knowledge on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month at RUMC. Visit our website at www.rumcjobnetworking.com for complete workshop details, times, and directions. Information on the website will tell you how you can sign up to join our RUMC Yahoo Groups to be notified daily about new job openings and how to apply.

Plan to join us for dinner starting at 5:30 p.m. Suggested donation $3 for dinner. Ricky Steele will be speaking during the dinner hour. You won’t want to miss Ricky --- he is also our Keynote Speaker!
Ricky Steele is the CEO of Steele Technology Partners which was launched in March of 2016. Steele Technology Partners are passionate about their clients, candidates, community and each other. They are driven by the Golden Rule through Servant Leadership principles. www.steelejobs.com.

A dedicated and fearless network builder with a proven record of successfully implementing customer, media and community relationships on behalf of CEO’s and Company Owners, Ricky follows authors to get new release updates plus improved recommendations. He has enhanced revenues and profits whle creating sustainable brand equity for clients across many industries.
