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November 26, 2018

Club Calendar

November is Rotary Foundation Month

11/29 Cheryl Greenway - Rotary International Foundation
12/6 Francois Gauthron - WWII Battlefields
12/13 Dale Cardwell - Seven Simple Steps to Secure Superior Service
12/20 Holiday Surprise!

Our Rotary Family

11/1 Larry Harman
11/3 Apoorva Patel
11/4 Sid Disher
11/4 Michael Schoppenhorst
11/6 Karen Schwank
11/6 Tom Wright
11/7 Dave Hallman
11/9 Bryan Chamberlain
11/9 James Moore
11/11 Ron Harlow
11/13 Henry Hicks
11/15 Robert Button
11/16 Gary Waddell
11/16 Anne Greski
11/17 Mickey Deaton
11/18 June Brown
11/19 Bob Burke
11/20 Patsy Wolff
11/26 Don Rolader
11/27 Donna Smythe
11/29 Jim Coyle


11/5 Charlie Cameron (31)
11/5 Bob Hagan (20)
11/7 Ron Harlow (5)
11/7 Kathy Teston (5)
11/7 Mike Hampton (5)
11/7 Scott Moscow (5)
11/8 Robert Fezza (11)
11/11 Joe Piontek (8)
11/11 Nancy Alterman (8)
11/12 Fran Smith (20)
11/14 Richard Spencer (25)
11/17 Rick Dreger (29)
11/30 David White (1)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Community Activities Bldg, Roswell A
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Atlanta April 18, 1951
Active Membership: 239


P.O. Box 783
Roswell, GA 30077

President Becky Stone
President-Elect Gordon Owens
Immediate Past President Lisa Carlisle
Treasurer Terry Taylor
Secretary Lynne Lindsay
Foundation Chair Danny Tompkins
Membership Chair Karen Pilcher
Public Image Chair Karen Schwank
Service Chair John Carruth


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com


In the Rotary world, November is Foundation month. The Rotary Foundation makes a difference around the world and right here in Roswell. The Rotary Foundation is a Four Star Charity (highest ranking) by Charity Navigator and 91% of the funds are spent on Rotary projects. Giving to the Foundation is an important part of our service as Rotarians. This week, our own Cheryl Greenway (Past District Governor and soon to be District 6900 Foundation Chair) will educate us on the Rotary Foundation and how the money we give comes back to Roswell. This year, through the funds given to the Rotary Foundation by Roswell Rotarians, Roswell Rotary has provided tools to help educate RHS students in construction and mats and blankets to keep homeless men, women and children warm this winter. Please consider giving to the Rotary Foundation online or ask Alicia to bill you. New Major Donors and Paul Harris Fellows will be recognized by Rotary International President Barry Rassin on February 16. You will make a difference.

Giving can change you. Several years ago, in preparation for Christmas, our family members only wanted gift cards. They didn’t “need” or even “want” anything, so gift cards were what they asked for. While we are so fortunate that this is the case, I was really saddened and depressed that gift cards were what they wanted. No shopping for the perfect sweater, no “had to have” toy, no new books or music. That year, Mitch’s school had a list of families that were in need for Christmas. One grandmother had recently taken in her five grandchildren. She needed five air mattresses, sheets, towels, clothes for the children and food. At first, this project seemed like too much for one person, but I decided to find my giving spirit by giving them everything they needed that Christmas--anonymously. I shopped and shopped and with each gift bag I filled—six big bags in all—my heart filled with the giving spirit of Christmas. I heard later that that family had a wonderful Christmas and so did I, because that Christmas, I learned that giving is really what Christmas is all about.

So, during this holiday season, I hope you will give—a smile, a handshake, a hug, a pat on the back to someone who is working hard, or a gift (even if it’s a gift card) to those in need!

See you Thursday!

President Becky

This Week's Speaker
Cheryl Greenway

Cheryl Greenway joined the Roswell Rotary Club in 1994 and served as President in 2005-2006 after she held the officer positions of Secretary, Treasurer, and President-Elect. Cheryl also held several committee positions including Chairman of the Aubrey Greenway Golf Tournament. She has traveled and worked with other club members on three different international projects in Costa Rica. After serving as President, Cheryl continued to serve on the board of directors for two years and was the Presidential Advisor for 2009-2010.

As Club President, Cheryl led the club to the Best Club recognition, as well as being individually awarded the District 6900 Sheffield Leadership Award. She is a Major Donor, Paul Harris Fellow, Paul Harris Society Member, Bequest Society Member, a Will Watt fellow, and a Hue Thomas Fellow.

Cheryl became involved at the District Level by coordinating the attendance of the 70 clubs that make up Rotary District 6900 for the International Convention activities in Salt Lake City in 2007. She served as the Awards Chairman for 2007-2008. She was the District Treasurer from July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2011 and has served on several District Conference Committees. Cheryl also has completed the course work for RLI, is a RLI Discussion Leader and served as the RLI Director for the District from 2013-2016.She was the Chair of the Multi-District PETS committee for 2016-2018 and the Annual Funds chair for the District for 2016-2017.Cheryl served as the co-Conference Chair for the 2016 District Conference.

Professionally, Cheryl is a CPA. She was born and raised in Roswell and graduated from Georgia State University, magna cum laude. After graduation, Cheryl went to work for Deloitte, now know as Deloitte and Touche. She worked in the Atlanta office of Deloitte for 6 years and in the Dallas, Texas office for 4 years. She left Deloitte to go to work for one of her clients, a real estate investment company. Cheryl was the CFO of the company and was very involved with the company but also handled the financial activities for approximately 50 partnerships organized by the CEO and President of the company. In 1988, she moved back home to Roswell and opened her own accounting firm. She is a member of the American Institute of CPAs and the Georgia Society of CPAs. She served as President of the North Perimeter Chapter of the Georgia Society of CPAs in the early 1990s.

Cheryl served as treasurer of the Georgia Ensemble Theater from 2005-2008 and has served as a volunteer and board member or officer for several other charities. She has served on the board of the Historic Roswell Convention and Visitors Bureau from 2007-2009 and was on the Board of Zoning Appeals from 2002 through 2008 where she served as Chairman of the Board for two years. She served on the Planning Commission and was the Chairman of that Commission. In 2008, the American Business Women's Association presented her with the Phenomenal Women of North Fulton Award.

Charity Spotlight
Huskies Helping Huskies


To ensure academic success for all Crabapple Middle School students by supplementing nutrition, providing school supplies, and enriching lives during the middle school years while preparing them for future challenges.

Fast Facts:

  • Founded in 2016
  • Huskies Helping Huskies provides daily snacks and weekend meals to 30-40 Crabapple Middle School students.
  • Huskies Helping Huskies partners with the national organization Blessings in a Backpack that ensures that each student has sustainable food each and every weekend of the school year.
  • 100% of money raised to fund a school goes directly to feeding the children.
  • Blessings in a Backpack has partnered to develop a multi-year national evaluation project that measures program impact. In the first year, the program reported the following impacts.
    • 59% find it is easier to learn at school.
    • 60% do not get in trouble as much.
    • 78% feel cared for by their community.
    • 71% feel they are helping their family.
    • 60% report that their school attendance is better

Find out more: Click Here

Hump Day!
Let the Fun Begin!

Our next Hump Day is Wed. Dec. 5 at 5:30 p.m. at the Chowder House! Hope to see you there!

Toy Drive and Hoodie Drive Starts Dec. 6!

Please bring new unwrapped toys to Roswell Rotary on Dec. 6 or Dec. 13 for families served by North Fulton Community Charities. June Brown will manage the collection and will be happy to purchase toys with a monetary donation!

Please bring Large, Extra Large or XXL hoodies to Roswell Rotary on Dec. 6 or Dec. 13 for the veterans being served at Veterans Empowerment Organization. Dave Wash will manage the collection and will be happy to purchase hoodies with a monetary donation.

'Tis the Season for Giving!


The Roswell Rotary Holiday Party will be Friday, December 14th at 6:30pm at the Roswell Country Club. We will once again be dancing to the tunes of the Fly Betty band. It's a great time of fun and fellowship! Tickets are $50.00 per person. Reserve your spot with Alicia Hughes or Click Here to register and pay!

Be The Inspiration
Rotary International President Barry Rassin Visits Roswell Rotary!

Rotary International President Barry Rassin will Visit Roswell Rotary on

February 16, 2019 at Blessed Trinity High School, 11320 Woodstock Road, Roswell, Georgia 30075


9:30 - 11:30 District 6900 Interact Conference

11:30 - 12:30 Registration, Supply Collection* and Lunch ($15 per person-except for Roswell Rotarians, then no charge)

12:30 - 2:00 Roswell Rotary Special Meeting – Featured Speaker Rotary International President Barry Rassin

2:00 - 3:00 Interact members pack items destined for Puerto Rico

Service Project:

In honor of President Barry’s visit to Roswell, please make a donation or bring the following supplies for delivery to Puerto Rico: Adult diapers, body lotion, Wet Ones, Ensure and vitamin drinks.


Please Register Online

For more information, please contact Becky Stone at Rebecca.Stone@StonePC.net or 770-634-2717.


How To Start A Business, Make It Grow And Turn It Into A FUN, THRIVING…and PROFITABLE Future!

This 6 week workshop led by Hal Coleman is for those individuals who either already own a small business and want to know how to make it grow faster…or dream of someday owning their own business but don’t know how to get started!

WHEN: February 7, 14, 21, 28 and March 7 and 14 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

WHERE: Century 21 Connect Realty, 880 Holcomb Bridge Road, Suite 150, Roswell, GA (Next to Brookwood Grill)



After an inspirational message from District Governor Court, Big Wheels, Margaritas and a visit from our own Roswell Rotary Parrot, We are Ready to Sign-up for District Conference! The Rotary Bandit is racing to SanDestin arriving April 25 - 28, 2019 singing:

We are Sandestin bound and down, loaded up and truckin',

We're gonna do what they say can't be done.

We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there.

We are Sandestin bound, just watch ol' "Rotary Bandit" run.

District Conference registration is now open.

Current prices are good until December 31. They will go up on January 1, so reserve now - and be eligible for Early Bird prize drawings!

Click Here to Register.

See you there for Adult Spring Break!

No meeting last week
Rotary at Work Last Week
