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May 7, 2019


May is Youth Service Month

5/9 Be THE Voice - Debbie Cwalina and Michael Schoppenhorst
5/16 Christopher Tuff - The Millennial Whisperer: The profit focused-playbook for working with and motivating the world's largest generation
5/23 Memorial Day Program
5/30 Gretchen Corbin - President and CEO of Georgia Lottery Corporation

Our Rotary Family

5/3 Danny Broadway, II
5/3 Randy Taylor
5/4 Frank Brown
5/4 Jerry Orlans
5/7 Tom Rowsey
5/11 Edward Klaas, II, III
5/12 Lee Dodson
5/14 Don Howard
5/15 John Carruth
5/15 Michele Johnson
5/16 Dennis Canata
5/21 Pat Rains
5/24 Elwyn Gaissert, II
5/25 Peter Calabro
5/25 Rich Dippolito
5/31 Stacy Sims


5/4 George Polatty, Jr. (41)
5/8 Michael Schoppenhorst (5)
5/11 Trummie Patrick, Jr. (41)
5/12 Dick Anthony (31)
5/12 Ralph Rowland, Jr. (8)
5/22 Lorraine Head (22)
5/23 Bruce Smith (23)
5/31 Anita Farley (1)
5/31 Allison Judy (1)
5/31 James Moore (1)
5/31 Anthony Nearhood (1)
5/31 Jay Small (1)
5/31 Michael Curling (1)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Community Activities Bldg
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075



President Becky Stone
President-Elect Gordon Owens
Immediate PP Lisa Carlisle
Treasurer Terry Taylor
Secretary Lynne Lindsay
Foundation Danny Tompkins
Membership Karen Pilcher
Public Image Karen Schwank
Service John Carruth


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message

Purpose. Passion. Perserverance. According to Angela Duckworth, author of Grit, The Power of Passion and Perserverance, passion plus perserverance leads to success! Her book is well researched and enlightening. If you haven't read it, you should! If you are not a reader, she recorded this Ted Talk just for you.

This week, we will hear from Debbie Cwalina about her passion, Be THE Voice®, and meet a couple of students with Very Important Voices. Debbie and Michael Schoppenhorst's passion and perserverance have led to an amazing program that is changing the lives of young people in Roswell, Georgia and Florida. You won't want to miss this update on the Best Youth Service Project in District 6900--Be THE Voice!

President Becky

P.S. For those of you interested in educating your children on wealth, Robert Balentine has shared his recent blog post with us. Click Here.

This Week's Speaker

Born in our wonderful Rotary club back in 2014, Be THE Voice® became a 501(c)3 in 2017 to help support the growth of the program. BTV continues to provide schools with a truly unique peer-led campaign that helps students understand the “power of the Bystander” when witnessing difficult situations. Bullying, prejudice, exclusion, acts of hate… these are just a few of the issues facing students today. But in today’s world, one that is posted online for everyone to see, providing students with the communication skills to be upstanders in a safe manner is our primary mission! In many cases, all that is needed is a little kindness & compassion and things will change. Be THE Voice® is creating new student leaders every day by empowering them to make a difference in their school (and community), one “Voice” at a time! www.be-the-voice.org

New Member Spotlight: Cathy Steffen

I was born and raised in Marietta and moved with my late husband to Redondo Beach, California, in 1975, where we lived for 30 years. During that time I had a varied career, first in corporate and residential real estate development, specializing in project management and legal oversight. After 15 years, I left the corporate world and started my own business, a specialized gift basket business (at a time when you had to explain what a gift basket was). I sold the business after ten years to concentrate on grant writing and fund raising for clients and charitable organizations I had met through my Rotary and business contacts.
I joined the Redondo Beach Rotary Club when I began my gift basket business and over the next 12 years worked with' my club on various committees, focusing on children's issues and chairing 3 major annual fundraisers. I went through several chairs and eventually served as President. I am a 6 year Paul Harris fellow, attending numerous district conferences as well as an international conference.
I moved back home in 2011 to join my family. I love to travel, am a mixed media artist and live in Woodstock with my totally spoiled 4 year old Westie, Sophie.

End Polio Now!

Congratulations to PDG Bob Hagan for receiving the 2018-2019 Regional Polio Service Award! District 6900 raised a record amount to end polio thanks in large part to Bob Hagan's leadership!

Family of Rotary Event

Friday May 17th will be a “Family of Rotary” day at the ballpark with the Atlanta Braves!! Just $20 gets you in the game with a drink and a hot dog!!


Image may contain: one or more people

Leverage the Power of the Pin
Tonight: For Rotarians trying to reach Small Businesses and Consumers locally

District 6900 invites you to participate in the monthly fellowship, Rotary Means Business (RBM).

Here are 4 reasons why you need to attend:

  • RBM brings Rotarians back to one of the founding Rotarian’s main emphasis: BUSINESS NETWORKING and strengthens our Vocational lanes
  • RMB provides chances for expanded business and professional opportunities by bringing Rotarians together in a broader, cross-club social business-networking environment
  • RMB provides a structure to bring business back into Rotary in a way that supplements rather than competes with the service and fellowship aspects of Rotary
  • RMB provides opportunities for qualified guests to experience the value of Rotary, learn more about Rotary, and possibly becomes a Rotarian

PLUS: Think of the vendors you trust. Then invite 1 or 2 to the next RBM meeting. You'll be helping your vendor, and you may end up with a future Rotarian.

Join us on the 2nd Tuesday of the month (tonight), from 5:45 – 7:15p for quality networking.

Intelligent Offices
300 Colonial Center Parkway, Suite 100, Roswell, GA 30076

For more info and to RSVP, please contact one of our hosts

Mary Trapp, 770-645-1320, marytrapp@kw.com Johns Creek North Fulton

Melanie Mayer, mmayer@shafritzdean.com Johns Creek North Fulton

Cliff Wilcox, cliff.wilcox.mdfe@statefarm.com North Fulton

Hal Schlenger, hschlenger@hipnation.com Roswell

Dates for Service Above Self (and a good bit of fun)

Opportunities for your participation:

5/11, Sat: VEO Maintenance Work Day

5/14, Tue: Rotary Means Business - North Fulton B2B networking for Rotarians, https://rotary6900.org/v2/page/484

5/16, Thu: Alive in Roswell (3rd Thursday evening (5-9PM) through October, Hagan Center)

5/17, Fri: Family of Rotary Braves Game

5/27, Mon: Memorial Day: Roswell Remembers

6/05, Wed: Hump Day (TBD)

6/11, Tue: Rotary Means Business - North Fulton B2B networking for Rotarians, https://rotary6900.org/v2/page/484

6/27, Thu: Installation Party

9/09, Mon: 41st Annual Aubrey Greenway Golf Tournament

It's even more fun with your friends and that starts with inviting your friends to a meeting, service project or social event. Bringing a guest presents 2 opportunities for "service." First is the goodwill that comes from introducing a guest to members of our club, to our club projects AND hearing our speakers. The second is growing our Roswell Rotary family.
Please look for opportunities to share Rotary with your friends.

"The more you give, the more you get." Author unknown.

Last Week at Rotary
