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May 28, 2019


May is Youth Service Month

5/30 Gretchen Corbin - President and CEO of Georgia Lottery Corporation
6/6 Ben Mathes - Rivers of the World Experiences
6/13 Judge Elizabeth Gobeil - From George Washington to Pop Culture:  What to do (and Not do) to Bridge Differences in a Divisive World
6/20 Roswell Rotary Year End Awards

Our Rotary Family

5/3 Danny Broadway, II
5/3 Randy Taylor
5/4 Frank Brown
5/4 Jerry Orlans
5/7 Tom Rowsey
5/11 Ed Klaas, II
5/12 Lee Dodson
5/14 Don Howard
5/15 John Carruth
5/15 Michele Johnson
5/16 Dennis Canata
5/21 Pat Rains
5/24 Elwyn Gaissert, II
5/25 Rich Dippolito
5/31 Peter Calabro
5/31 Stacy Sims


5/4 George Polatty, Jr. (41)
5/8 Michael Schoppenhorst (5)
5/11 Trummie Patrick, Jr. (41)
5/12 Dick Anthony (31)
5/12 Ralph Rowland, Jr. (8)
5/22 Lorraine Head (22)
5/23 Kathleen Carmical (0)
5/23 Bruce Smith (23)
5/31 Allison Judy (1)
5/31 James Moore (1)
5/31 Anthony Nearhood (1)
5/31 Jay Small (1)
5/31 Michael Curling (1)
5/31 Anita Farley (1)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Community Activities Bldg
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075



President Becky Stone
President-Elect Gordon Owens
Immediate PP Lisa Carlisle
Treasurer Terry Taylor
Secretary Lynne Lindsay
Foundation Danny Tompkins
Membership Karen Pilcher
Public Image Karen Schwank
Service John Carruth


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message

I have said "Never Lose Hope" to Mitch many times in the last few years and I will bet you have said (or will say) it too, if you have college age kids! We are blessed that in 1992 then-Governor Zell Miller inspired the State of Georgia to provide the Hope Scholarship to Georgia's students. Paying for college has never been more expensive and the Hope Scholarships provide a way for many Georgia students to attend Georgia colleges and technical schools tuition free or nearly tuition free. Education is the foundation of our society and access to affordable higher education for its young people is a critical investment in our state's economy and future. Beyond the benefits to our state, funding for Pre-K and college educations give Georgia's student "hope" for their futures and, boy, do our kids need hope. Education has the power to make the world a better place, which is why basic education and literacy is one of Rotary's six areas of focus. Georgia continues to make education possible for lots of Georgia students making it a great place to live, work and play!

We are honored this week to get an update on the Georgia Lottery Corporation, the funding source for Georgia Pre-K and the Hope Scholarships, from its President and CEO, Gretchin Corbin. She is an incredible leader, Atlanta Rotarian and among the 100 Most Influential Georgians.

See you on Thursday!

President Becky

This Week's Speaker
Gretchin Corbin - President and CEO of the Georgia Lottery Corporation

Gretchen Corbin was appointed President and CEO of the Georgia Lottery Corporation starting January 1, 2018. As president and CEO of the Georgia Lottery, Corbin’s business goal is to fulfill the Corporation’s mission to maximize revenues for HOPE and Pre-K, ensuring that Georgia’s students continue to have access to these important educational programs.

Currently the Georgia Lottery provides $1.2 billion to the state of Georgia each year for Georgia’s HOPE Scholarship Program and Georgia’s Pre-K Program. Since inception in 1993, the Georgia Lottery has returned more than $20.5 billion to the state of Georgia for education. More than 1.8 million students have benefited from HOPE scholarships and grants, and more than 1.6 million 4-year-olds have attended lottery-funded Pre-K.

Prior to her role at the Georgia Lottery, Corbin served as commissioner of the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG). At TCSG, Corbin oversaw the state’s 22 technical colleges, 135,000 students, 46,000 economic development trainees, 15,000 employees, an $800 million budget, and a host of economic and workforce development programs, including Georgia Quick Start, the nation’s top-ranked workforce training program. During Corbin’s tenure, TCSG grew dual enrollment of high school students taking TCSG college courses to 22,000 students. The TCSG graduation rate increased by 9 percent from academic year 2015 to 2017. Additionally, Corbin partnered in developing the HOPE Career Grant to provide free tuition to students in 17 high-demand areas. The agency saw numerous advances under Corbin’s leadership including: new options for GED completion and transcript acquisition; a tax credit program for employers who encourage GED completion; the opening of the Georgia BioScience Training Center and other new facilities; and a mobile app to facilitate college registration.

Corbin joined TCSG from the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA), where she served as commissioner. At DCA, she oversaw 65 programs and was responsible for more than $71 million in investment in Georgia communities. Prior to DCA, Corbin served 15 years at the Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD), holding a variety of roles including deputy commissioner of global commerce. Her work within Georgia and throughout the world brought nearly 69,000 jobs and over $13 billion in capital investment to Georgia.

With her leadership experience at these agencies, Corbin has a unique understanding of the way education and business must join together to ensure that Georgia has a globally competitive workforce. Global giants like Porsche, Caterpillar, Gulfstream, Mohawk and Shire are just some of the hundreds of companies she has helped grow in Georgia through providing economic, community and workforce development assistance. Corbin is involved in a number of professional and civic organizations, including Leadership Georgia, where she has served as president and chairman. She is a member of the Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute External Advisory Board, the University of Georgia’s Board of Visitors, Rotary Club of Atlanta, and a Georgia Chamber of Commerce board member. Corbin has been named the last six years as one of Georgia Trend magazine’s 100 Most Influential Georgians, she was named one of the Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Top 20 Women Who Mean Business, and she is one of James magazine’s 2018 Most Influential Georgians.

Corbin, her husband, David, and their two daughters are proud to call Georgia home.


May 27, 2019 was a beautiful day in Roswell where thousands honored those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. A heartfelt thank you to Dave Young and the Memorial Day Committee for an inspirational ceremony honoring those who gave their lives for our freedom and afternoon of fellowship at Roswell City Hall.

Attitude matters. Words matter.
George Rhodes invites Your Words in his Battle with Cancer

George Rhodes is battling multiple myeloma and your words and prayers can make a difference. George's family set up a webpage for us to follow his progress and send him messages. Please click on this direct link or go to www.caringbridge.org and search for George Rhodes.

Are You Able to Help During a Meeting?

We need YOU! Are you interested in serving your fellow Rotarians by being a Greeter, leading the Pledge of Allegiance or the 4-Way Test? These are simple, important and fun tasks. The Greeters arrive at 11:30 a.m. and warmly welcome our Rotarians and guests for 30 minutes, a Rotarian officially speaks the Pledge of Allegiance with the group and the administrator of the 4-Way Test leads the assembly in stating the 4-Way Test. To help with these assignments please utilize the sign-up genius https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080845AFA92DAAFC1-4way

If you have any questions, please see Allison Judy or Dave Hallman. Thank you!

Beer, BBQ & Classic Rock

Thursday, June 27, 2019
6PM - 10PM
Gate City Brewing Company


Join us as the presidential pin gets passed from Becky to Gordon as we ring in the new Rotary year. There couldn't be a better place then Gate City Brewery for Gordon to be inducted as president of our club as it is his second home! There will be plenty of beer and BBQ, but don't worry if you want wine or booze we will have that too. Jimmy Moore's band will make it a rockin event so please join us.

Get More Business
Advertise In The Directory

Club Directory

As the new Rotary year approaches, it is time to update our club directory before the next edition goes to print. Please make sure your personal information is up to date. You can update this yourself on our club website or stop by and see Darlene at one of our next meetings.

The directory is a great opportunity to advertise your business to our club membership. If you have run an ad in previous years, expect a call from Mickey Deaton asking you to run an ad again this year.


  • $250 - 1/3 Page (2.5"h x 3.375"w)
  • $500 - 2/3 Page (5.25"h x 3.375"w)
  • $750 - Full Page (8"h x 3.375"w)

Want More Exposure?

Get higher visibility by having your ad on the inside or back cover. Pricing for these limited and high traffic ad placements is simple, it is double the normal price listed above.

Thank you for advertising in the directory and doing business with fellow Rotarians!

2019-20 Roswell Rotary Directory
Get A Free Head Shot

Does your headshot look like this?

Now is your chance to get a new one at no cost to you. David Bourne and Michael Gould have offered their services to take new headshots for our members before and after our weekly meetings from May 16 through June 6.

Dress for success and plan to come a few minutes early or stay for a few minutes after our meeting to have them take your new headshot. These will get added to our club website and make their way into the 2019-20 club directory.

Dates for Service Above Self (and a good bit of fun)

Opportunities for your participation:

6/05, Wed: Hump Day (TBD)

6/11, Tue: Rotary Means Business - North Fulton B2B networking for Rotarians, https://rotary6900.org/v2/page/484

6/27, Thu: Installation Party

9/09, Mon: 41st Annual Aubrey Greenway Golf Tournament

It's even more fun with your friends and that starts with inviting your friends to a meeting, service project or social event. Bringing a guest presents 2 opportunities for "service." First is the goodwill that comes from introducing a guest to members of our club, to our club projects AND hearing our speakers. The second is growing our Roswell Rotary family.
Please look for opportunities to share Rotary with your friends.

"The more you give, the more you get." Author unknown.

Last Week's Pictures
Memorial Day Program
