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July 9, 2019


July is New Rotary Year Month

7/11 Regular Meeting Scooter Grubbs - Mike Owens - Country Oaks Golf
7/18 Lou Alvaredo - Rotary Means Business
7/25 April Penton - Camp Stemtastic
8/1 Regular Meeting Kurt Piehler - FSU Institute on World War II and the Human Experience

Our Rotary Family

7/8 George Stephens, Jr.
7/11 Matt Brown
7/12 Gerhard Sommer
7/19 Coy Irvin
7/21 Dale Hodges
7/28 Bryant Beadles
7/28 Stuart Jackson
7/30 Ed Elam, III


7/9 Tom Callaway, III (42)
7/12 Paul Hancock (44)
7/12 Debbie Quinton (33)
7/12 Donald Sims (50)
7/23 Rick Piper (15)


7/1 Mary Beth Donalson (5)
7/1 Jay Flowers (9)
7/1 Scooter Grubbs, III (32)
7/1 Donald Sims (30)
7/1 Warren Stafford (39)
7/1 Jeff Zoller (10)
7/1 Sharon Patrick (15)
7/1 Lauren Vann (3)
7/2 Bill Dickey (4)
7/4 Erik von Hellens (7)
7/5 Trent Reynolds (1)
7/6 Kim Walden (2)
8 years in Rotary
7/6 Ronnie Godwin (2)
24 years in Rotary
7/6 Eddie Smith (8)
7/9 Sally Hernandez (4)
7/11 Ben Wilds (6)
7/12 Eric Ward (7)
7/14 Frederick Buechner (3)
28 years in Rotary
7/17 Clay Campbell (7)
23 years in Rotary
7/18 Andre Marria (14)
7/22 David Lewis (9)
7/31 John Glenn, Jr. (22)
23 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:00 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792 FacebookInstagram


President Kim Walden
President-Elect John Brown
Immediate PP Andre Marria
Treasurer Teri White
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation John Glenn, Jr.
Foundation Warren Ballard
Membership Charles Carvin
Public Image Mike Bixler


meeting begins at NOON!

A Tradition of Strong Leadership

On Thursday, June 27, the Rotary Club of Thomasville conducted its annual ‘changing of the guard’ meeting as members celebrated out-going president Andre’ Marria and welcomed its new president for the 2019-2020 year, Kim Walden, and her leadership team. Founded in May 1921, ours is one of the oldest Rotary Clubs in the state of Georgia. In its nearly 100-year history, our club has been a major force for good in our community and around the world. This club’s nearly 140 active membership roll represents a diverse network of local business, professional and community leaders and, locally, our club’s impact and influence are best illustrated in its many community service projects and youth-focused initiatives.

Kim Walden, Rotary Club of Thomasville President 2019-20

Andre Marria, Rotary Club of Thomasville outgoing President

2019-20 Rotary Club of Thomasville Board of Directors

Young Toastmaster's Show Poise and Professionalism

The three young men spoke at the June 27 meeting showed a great deal of poise while presenting speeches on relevant and important topics. We all remember how nerve-racking public speaking can be! They delighted the club with the courage, significance of their topics and their great sense of humor. Congratulations to Wyndham Drayton, Frederick Drayton and Ja'Mear Lane for a job will done.

This Week's Program

Scooter Grubbs will present a program on The Annual Rotary Golf Tournament, Mike Owens golf pro at Country Oaks Golf Course, will talk about the course and recent improvements, Rebecca Cannady, Executive Director of Thomasville/Thomas County United Way and Rotarian Gene McNeese president of UW will speak about the contributions Rotary has made and the ongoing programs supported by the United Way.

Rotary Makes a Difference by Volunteering

A special report prepared for Rotary International by the Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies found that Rotary members had volunteered a total of 5.8 million hours within a four-week survey period. Extrapolating those results over an entire year, the report gave a conservative estimate of nearly 47 million hours of volunteer effort generated by Rotary members in a typical year.