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July 1, 2019


July is New Rotary Year Month

7/4 NO MEETING TODAY! Meet us at Publix for 4th of July Celebration!
7/11 2019-20 Rotary Year Kick Off
7/18 Michael Hitt - Roswell Before The Big Houses
7/25 Connecting To Our Club's Past


7/4 4th of July Celebration
7/9 Rotary Means Business (networking)
8/13 Rotary Means Business (networking) (CLONE)
9/9 41st Annual Aubrey Greenway Golf Tournament


President Becky Stone
President-Elect Gordon Owens
Immediate PP Lisa Carlisle
Treasurer Terry Taylor
Secretary Lynne Lindsay
Foundation Danny Tompkins
Membership Karen Pilcher
Public Image Karen Schwank
Service John Carruth


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Community Activities Bldg
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online




To: 41411

Our Rotary Family

7/1 George Polatty, Jr.
7/5 Bob Hagan
7/6 Jack Wyche
7/7 Eddie Smith
7/8 Allison Judy
7/9 Stanley Moses
7/11 Craig Simons
7/12 Andy Williams
7/13 Dick Anthony
7/13 Scott Moscow
7/15 Malone Dodson
7/16 Mike McRay
7/17 Jack Tolbert, Jr.
7/18 Susan Church
7/18 Debra Ewing
7/19 Alex Kaufman
7/19 Mark Snoddy
7/23 Dave Nelson
7/23 Steven Palmer
7/27 Walt Woliver
7/29 Matthew Thomas
7/30 Dick Zorn
7/31 Tom Lynch


7/1 Larry Harman (11)
20 years in Rotary
7/1 Kay Love (11)
7/7 Zachary Fields (2)
7/11 John Ross (1)
7/12 Rich Austin (6)
7/16 Harvey Smith, III (26)
7/16 Joanna Spencer (3)
7/16 Don Horton (3)
7/16 John Watton (3)
18 years in Rotary
7/17 Mark Snoddy (15)
19 years in Rotary
7/17 Robert Burke (4)
8 years in Rotary
7/17 Eric Rivenbark (4)
6 years in Rotary
7/17 Chris S Nelson (4)
7/17 Dr. Betty Price (4)
7/17 Mike Agurkis (4)
7/19 Ed Vaught, Jr. (3)
33 years in Rotary
7/20 Theo Keyserling (8)
7/20 Michael Hernandez (18)
7/20 Michael Hebberger (8)
7/20 Robert Button (18)
7/20 Don Rolader (18)
26 years in Rotary
7/22 Becky Stone (9)
7/25 Douglas Fincher (10)
7/25 Jack Tolbert, Jr. (33)
7/25 Pat Rains (10)
7/26 Dave Hallman (17)
7/26 Zach Hunt (0)
7/26 Joe Mazzeo (0)
7/27 Adam Seever (1)
7/27 Jo Anne Wright (1)
9 years in Rotary
7/28 John Webster (7)
7/28 Jack Wyche (13)
7/28 Chris Archer (7)


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

Great Start To The Year!

If the rest of the year is anything like the installation party, then it is going to be another amazing year for Roswell Rotary. Thank you to all who came out to celebrate with me! I certainly feel the love and support from the club, my family and friends. I am honored to serve as your president for the 2019-20 Rotary year and look forward to leading our club as Rotary Connects The World.

Fireworks & Fun
Join Us For The 4th

Celebrate Independence Day with your Roswell Rotary family. We will have a setup much like Alive In Roswell with our tents, grill and coolers of drinks. Feel free to come early and drop off your chairs. We will fire up the grill around 5PM and hang out all evening waiting for the fireworks to start at 9:30PM.


When: Thursday, July 4 2019. 5PM - 10PM
Where: Publix Parking Lot at King Rd & Hwy 92

Dues Reminder
July Invoices Went Out This Week

It is a new Rotary year which means it is time for the next quarterly dues invoice. As Terry Taylor shared with the club, we have a new online invoicing system that is tied into our website. We are making an effort to have all club related business on our website so you have one place to go to buy tickets to events, sponsor the tournaments, order parrot shirts and pay your club dues. We even have the ability to securely store your payment method so your quarterly dues can get automatically paid. If you need help getting into your account, setting up a payment method or just want to make sure you don't have an outstanding balance please check with Alicia at our next meeting.

We also put together some step-by-step instructions to help walk you through paying your invoice online. Simply CLICK HERE to download the instructions.

Teacher Exchange
Roswell Teacher Visits Argentina

Lisa Weldon of Roswell High School in Pilar, Argentina, courtesy of Roswell Rotary Club Teacher Exchange.

She is the guest of four former Argentine teachers to Roswell: Mariela Melado (1st teacher to Roswell, 2009), Maria Lascombes (2019), Lisa Weldon, Mirta Frank (2011), Langdon Hollingsworth (who happened to be in town), and Lucia Lopez (2018)

Do GOOD while having FUN!
Weekly Tournament Meeting

Please join us, each Thursday, at 11:30 a.m.

We need the help of EVERY member of Roswell Rotary Club as we prepare for our biggest fundraiser of the year - the 41st Annual Aubrey Greenway Golf Tournament and the 7th Annual Hagan Cup Classic Tennis Tournament!

Save The Date: Monday, September 9, 2019

The tournament will, once again, be held at the Country Club of Roswell on the Monday after Labor Day (September 9th). The proceeds of this tournament will benefit THIRTY (30) different charities within our community and abroad!

If you have any questions, please contact Adele Hamilton @ 678-642-7764 or rotarygolftournament@gmail.com

Leverage the Power of the Pin
For Rotarians trying to reach Small Businesses and Consumers locally

District 6900 invites you to participate in the monthly multi-club fellowship, Rotary Means Business (RBM).

Here are 4 reasons why you need to attend:

  • RBM brings Rotarians back to one of the founding Rotarian’s main emphasis: BUSINESS NETWORKING and strengthens our Vocational lanes
  • RMB provides chances for expanded business and professional opportunities by bringing Rotarians together in a broader, cross-club social business-networking environment
  • RMB provides a structure to bring business back into Rotary in a way that supplements rather than competes with the service and fellowship aspects of Rotary
  • RMB provides opportunities for qualified guests to experience the value of Rotary, learn more about Rotary, and possibly becomes a Rotarian

PLUS: Think of the vendors you trust. Then invite 1 or 2 to the next RBM meeting. You'll be helping your vendor, and you may end up with a future Rotarian.

Join us on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, from 6:00 – 7:30p for quality networking.

Tue, July 9
Intelligent Offices
300 Colonial Center Parkway, Suite 100, Roswell, GA 30076

For more info and to RSVP, please contact one of our hosts

Mary Trapp, 770-645-1320, marytrapp@kw.com Johns Creek North Fulton

Cliff Wilcox, cliff.wilcox.mdfe@statefarm.com North Fulton

Hal Schlenger, hschlenger@hipnation.com Roswell
