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July 9, 2019


July is New Rotary Year Month

7/11 2019-20 Rotary Year Kick Off
7/18 Michael Hitt - Roswell Before The Big Houses
7/25 Connecting To Our Club's Past


7/9 Rotary Means Business (networking)
7/25 Together Roswell
8/28 Women In Rotary
9/9 41st Annual Aubrey Greenway Golf Tournament


President Gordon Owens
President-Elect Lynne Lindsay
Immediate PP Becky Stone
Treasurer John Carruth
Secretary Terry Taylor
Membership Nancy Alterman
Foundation Mike Agurkis
Public Image Karen Schwank
Service Don Horton


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Community Activities Bldg
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online



To: 41411

Our Rotary Family

7/1 George Polatty, Jr.
7/5 Bob Hagan
7/6 Jack Wyche
7/7 Eddie Smith
7/8 Allison Judy
7/9 Stanley Moses
7/11 Craig Simons
7/12 Andy Williams
7/13 Dick Anthony
7/13 Scott Moscow
7/15 Malone Dodson
7/16 Mike McRay
7/17 Jack Tolbert, Jr.
7/18 Susan Church
7/18 Debra Ewing
7/19 Alex Kaufman
7/19 Mark Snoddy
7/23 Dave Nelson
7/23 Steven Palmer
7/27 Walt Woliver
7/29 Matthew Thomas
7/30 Dick Zorn
7/31 Tom Lynch


7/1 Larry Harman (12)
20 years in Rotary
7/1 Kay Love (12)
7/7 Zachary Fields (3)
7/11 John Ross (2)
7/12 Rich Austin (7)
7/16 Harvey Smith, III (27)
7/16 Joanna Spencer (4)
7/16 Don Horton (4)
7/16 John Watton (4)
18 years in Rotary
7/17 Mark Snoddy (16)
19 years in Rotary
7/17 Robert Burke (5)
8 years in Rotary
7/17 Eric Rivenbark (5)
7 years in Rotary
7/17 Chris S Nelson (5)
7/17 Dr. Betty Price (5)
7/17 Mike Agurkis (5)
7/19 Ed Vaught, Jr. (4)
33 years in Rotary
7/20 Theo Keyserling (9)
7/20 Michael Hernandez (19)
7/20 Michael Hebberger (9)
7/20 Robert Button (19)
7/20 Don Rolader (19)
26 years in Rotary
7/22 Becky Stone (10)
7/25 Douglas Fincher (11)
7/25 Jack Tolbert, Jr. (34)
7/25 Pat Rains (11)
7/26 Dave Hallman (18)
7/26 Zach Hunt (1)
7/26 Joe Mazzeo (1)
7/27 Adam Seever (2)
7/27 Jo Anne Wright (2)
9 years in Rotary
7/28 John Webster (8)
7/28 Jack Wyche (14)
7/28 Chris Archer (8)


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

Celebrating Our Freedom

We had a great turn out of Rotarians, extended family, kids and prospective members at our tent for the City's fireworks display. A special thanks goes out to Mickey Deaton and Victoria Webster for staking out an awesome spot for our 4th of July celebration. At the end of the night, many hands made light work of breaking down our tables, tents and chairs. Thanks to that group too!

As we begin the new Rotary year, I am proud to live in a country where we are free and that we choose to use our freedom to go do good in our neighborhood, our state, our country and around the world.

Rotary Connects The World

Our RI President Mark Maloney introduced the theme for the 2019-20 Rotary year as, "Rotary Connects The World." If you are a Rotarian, this is a no-brainer. It is the power of the pin that allows us to cross the physical, cultural and religious boundaries that stop other organizations in their tracks. President Mark wants us to use his theme to demonstrate our influence, expand our reach, engage our members and adapt to the ever changing world.

District Governor Jim Squire is carrying the RI theme into his year with a focus on Basic Education & Literacy. That means no Rotary Bandit, Possum Bob or Pirate "Argh" for Cheryl to play off of but I am sure the creatives in our club will come up with some fun ways to promote our activities throughout the year.

At our meeting this week, we will preview the year ahead and show off some of the cool things we hope to accomplish.

2019-20 Rotary International President
Meet Mark Maloney

Mark Daniel Maloney is a principal in the law firm of Blackburn, Maloney, and Schuppert LLC, with a focus on taxation, estate planning, and agricultural law. He represents large farming operations in the Southeastern and Midwestern United States, and has chaired the American Bar Association’s Committee on Agriculture in the section of taxation. He is a member of the American Bar Association, Alabama State Bar Association, and the Alabama Law Institute. He has been active in Decatur’s religious community, chairing his church’s finance council and a local Catholic school board. He has also served as president of the Community Foundation of Greater Decatur, chair of Morgan County Meals on Wheels, and director of the United Way of Morgan County and the Decatur-Morgan County Chamber of Commerce. Read More...

2019-20 Rotary District 6900 Governor
Congratulations To Our Friend Jim Squire

District Governor Jim Squire is a Past President of the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs. However, he is no stranger to Roswell Rotary. DG Jim served as our Assistant Governor for years and has many close friends in our club. Because of his ties to our club and his close proximity to Roswell, we can expect to welcome DG Jim at many of our club activities. He considers our club his Rotary second home, so please make him feel right at home when he pops in for a visit. For those of you that don't know DG Jim well, you can read his bio on the District 6900 website.

Monday, September 9, 2019
Sponsor Our Tournament

Join us at the Country Club of Roswell for a fun day of golf, tennis and good times. Simply click a logo to purchase a sponsorship or ticket to one of our great tournament events:


11:30AM Weekly
Tournament Meeting

Become a sponsor, donate auction items, lend us your talents or volunteer your time. Every member of our club has a role to play in our annual fundraisers. We especially need members to bring in $50-200 GIFT CARDS to your favorite restaurant, Costco, etc. And we need BOTTLES OF BOOZE (preferably brown) for our Booze Wall. Each week we'll meet early to discuss the tournaments, so please join us to see how you can help. For more information contact Adele Hamilton at 678-642-7764.

Thursday, July 25 6-8PM
Roswell Needs Your Input On Our Future

In case you missed your opportunity to provide input on the future of Roswell, we are helping to host one more community event. Please invite your friends and neighbors to join us at Gate City Brewing on Thursday, July 25 from 6-8PM. If you can't make it to the live session, please share your thoughts online.
