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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

August 28, 2019


August is Membership and New Club Development Month

8/30 No meeting - Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend!
9/6 Billy Grogan, Chief of Police, Dunwoody
9/13 Michael Starling, City of Dunwoody Development Update
9/19 Third Thirsty Thursday- 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Marlow's Tavern

Our Rotary Family

8/2 George Stewart, Jr.
8/4 William Thiele
8/14 Cathie Brumfield
8/15 Jack Francisco
8/17 Charlie Augello
8/23 Andrew Kaiser
8/30 Bob Freeman


8/2 William Grogan (39)
8/3 Deb Cameron (28)
8/9 Terry Nall (33)
8/12 Marion Bunch (41)
8/19 Mike Parks (2)
8/20 Ron Barden (52)
8/29 Buzz Law (11)
8/31 Rick Woods (18)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Fleming's Steakhouse
4501 Olde Perimeter Way
Dunwoody, GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Membership Fred Brandt
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Public Image Jackie Cuthbert

No Meeting This Week
Enjoy Your Labor Day Weekend!

There is no meeting this week - partly because it is the 5th Friday of the month - and partly in honor of the Labor Day weekend. We hope you will enjoy the holiday weekend and be back in force next Friday, September 6 - with a potential new member at your side and ready to welcome our own Chief of Police Billy Grogan as our speaker!

As for me, I'm publishing this newsletter on the way to Osh Kosh, Wisconsin - where I'll be enjoying dinner with former RCD members Don and Marj Griffing as part of my Labor Day adventure in Michigan and Wisconsin. On Labor Day, I'll be participating in my third annual five-mile Mackinac Bridge Walk.

Thanks for Your Service
Bounds Garden Gets a Refresh!

The Bounds Gardening Gang gathered for a quick clean up of Bounds Gardens (aka Monroe Park) this past Saturday. We swept the sidewalk and street, picked up litter, and did some extensive weeding. We got in and out in just under an hour, leaving Monroe Park looking pampered and loved. Hats off to the Gang: "Ranger" Fred Bounds. Rick Otness, Erich Schuetz and Rick Woods.

This "gang" gets together about four times a year to make sure the traffic island across from the Dunwoody Library looks great! If you want to join the gang, check in with Ranger Fred. It's open to anyone who likes gardening and a little Rotary fellowship to start their Saturday!

Opportunity for Fun
Get Ready Now to Join Us for District Conference in Jekyll Island Next April

While April seems a long way off, at the same time it's hard to be believe it is already the end of August - two months into our new Rotary Year. We are looking to have a great time Connecting with Rotarians throughout the District at the beach in Jekyll - from April 30 to May 3, 2020.

There are three steps you can take right now to be there:

  1. Register for District Conference on the District web site
  2. While you are on the website, book your room now in the Homewood Suites before the rooms are gone. This is the best deal, within walking distance of the convention, and where the hospitality suite will be.
  3. Put the dates on your calendar and get ready for fun

Thanks for Your Service
Dunwoody Rotarians Attend Vibrant Club Workshop

While the Bounds Garden Gang was cleaning up last Saturday, five other Dunwoody Rotarians traveled to Macon for the district's Vibrant Club Workshop. The program featured sessions about Membership, The Rotary Foundation and Public Image. Thanks to President Cathie, Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince, Erica Brown, Jennifer Bowler and Ed Holliday for investing their Saturday in making our club more vibrant!
