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August 6, 2019


August is Membership and New Club Development Month

8/8 State of The City - Mayor Henry
8/12 Roswell Rotary & RUMC Job Networking "Mini' Job Fair
8/15 Panel Discussion - Charities We Support
8/29 Support The Tournaments


8/7 Hump Day - Houck's
8/7 Tennis Clinic
8/10 Drake Village Apartment Rehab
8/13 Rotary Means Business


President Gordon Owens
President-Elect Lynne Lindsay
Immediate PP Becky Stone
Treasurer John Carruth
Secretary Terry Taylor
Membership Nancy Alterman
Foundation Mike Agurkis
Public Image Karen Schwank
Service Don Horton


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Community Activities Bldg
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online




To: 41411

Our Rotary Family

8/2 Gene Beckham, III
8/2 Stacy Perlman
8/5 Charlie Cameron
8/5 Jim Swain
8/8 Alan Christian
8/9 Jennifer Briggs
8/9 Steven Hyde
8/12 Bucky Cook
8/12 Rick Dreger
8/13 Steve Stroud
8/13 Bill Lewis
8/13 Lori Allen
8/15 Harvey Smith, III
8/15 Dr. Betty Price
8/16 Gregory Pierce
8/17 Jacque Digieso
8/17 Brian Clark
8/18 John Albers
8/19 Neil Moulton
8/19 Susan Rumble
8/19 Kathy Teston
8/20 Debbie Cwalina
8/20 Karen Pilcher
8/24 Ted Williams
8/24 Mary Robichaux
8/25 Kevin Head
8/25 Robert Shaw
8/25 Richard Kaufman
8/27 Lori Kirn
8/28 Richard Spencer
8/29 Darlene Trigg


8/1 Steven Palmer (3)
3 years in Rotary
8/3 John Carruth (24)
8/4 David Young (31)
8/6 Elwyn Gaissert, II (38)
8/13 Richard Meer (27)
8/14 David Reddick (16)
23 years in Rotary
8/20 Debra Ewing (4)
8/20 Rob Sanborn (4)
8/20 Lee Patrick, III (4)
8/20 John Wolfe (27)
8/20 Dave Nelson (4)
8/23 Jay Pickett, III (1)
8/23 Charles Krieger (1)
1 years in Rotary
8/24 James Sheffield (19)
8/25 Lynn Dunn (3)
8/28 Lori Kirn (5)
8/31 Steven Hyde (8)
24 years in Rotary


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message
100% Participation Needed

Our conversation last week around the financially vulnerable members of our community should have been an eye opener for anyone who attended the meeting. Roswell Rotary is on the front lines of serving those in need and I ask that every member of our club support our fundraiser in some fashion. Thank you to those that have already sponsored or volunteered to help out! Our ability to support our community is in direct correlation with the success of our golf and tennis tournament as 100% of the proceeds go directly to the charities we support. Please consider a sponsorship and/or donation and let Adele know how you can help.

This Week's Speaker
Mayor Lori Henry

Prior to being elected as Mayor in 2018, Lori previously served as a City Councilmember from 2001-2009 and in 2017. She has a strong history of public service and has served her community not only on City Council but also as a member of the Design Review Board, the Community Development Advisory Committee, and on several citizen advisory groups over the years. We look forward to Mayor Henry sharing the state of Roswell with our club.

Monday, September 9, 2019
Sponsor Our Tournament

Join us at the Country Club of Roswell for a fun day of golf, tennis and good times. Simply click a logo to purchase a sponsorship or ticket to one of our great tournament events:


11:30AM Weekly
Tournament Meeting

Every member of our club has a role to play in our annual fundraiser. Join our weekly meeting to see how you can help. For more information contact:
Adele Hamilton at 678-642-7764.

Current Needs (other than sponsors): Brown Liquor & Gift Cards ($50-$200)

Speaker Honorarium
Sending Care Packages To Deployed Troops

Each week as a way to honor our speakers we will send a box of goodies to the men and women of our armed services that are in harms way. These brave soldiers are putting their lives on the line for our freedom and this is the least we can do to thank them for their service.

Help With Interact, Greeting & Opioid Awareness
Opportunities To Serve Our Club

Interested in getting involved with something, but not sure where to start? Here are a few great opportunities to serve our club and get engaged.

  1. Michael Schoppenhorst is looking for a few more Interact Liaisons to help out this year. He is hosting an information session after our meeting this week. If you are interested stick around or reach out to him directly at (678) 822-9801.
  2. Kathleen Carmical is organizing the weekly greeters. This is a great way to get to know our club members and an easy lift. Please contact Kathleen via email or phone at (404) 931-2589
  3. Kym Mwansa is holding a meeting after our club meeting this week for anyone interested in joining the Rotary Opioid Task Force.

Monday, August 12, 2019 | 6:15 pm - 8:45 pm
Looking for a Great Employee?

Join us on August 12, 2019 at 5:30 pm for dinner, employer meeting at 6:15 pm, and employers introduced from the stage at 6:45 pm. For more information, visit our website at www.rumcjobnetworking.com. Call Karen Griggs, 770-261-1739, for further information or to let her know you will be attending. You’ll be glad you came!

Tuesday, August 13 | 6PM - 7:30 PM
Leverage the Power of the Pin

Ready to get more business from Rotarians? Join us on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, from 6:00 – 7:30p for the Rotary Means Business networking fellowship.

Intelligent Offices - 300 Colonial Center Parkway, Suite 100, Roswell, GA 30076

For more info and to RSVP, please contact Hal Schlenger, hschlenger@hipnation.com

Wednesday, August 28 | 6PM - 9:30PM
Introduce A Friend To Rotary

Bring a non-member with you to Variant Brewing and your first pint is on us. Don't think of this as a time-share sales pitch, but a casual way to introduce the people in your life that say, "what's Rotary?" to our club. This event is perfect for 30-40 year old friends, family, neighbors, co-workers or employees that have a heart for service and you think would be a great addition to our club.

Last Week at Rotary
