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August 18, 2019


August is Membership and New Club Development Month

8/22 Support The Tournaments
8/29 Service Project Trivia
9/19 Tyler Bowser - VEO


8/20 Tennis Clinic
8/21 New Member Social
8/28 Women In Rotary
8/28 Young Professionals Social


President Gordon Owens
President-Elect Lynne Lindsay
Immediate PP Becky Stone
Treasurer John Carruth
Secretary Terry Taylor
Membership Nancy Alterman
Foundation Mike Agurkis
Public Image Karen Schwank
Service Don Horton


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Community Activities Bldg
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online




To: 41411

Our Rotary Family

8/2 Gene Beckham, III
8/2 Stacy Perlman
8/5 Charlie Cameron
8/8 Alan Christian
8/9 Jennifer Briggs
8/9 Steven Hyde
8/12 Bucky Cook
8/12 Rick Dreger
8/13 Bill Lewis
8/13 Lori Allen
8/15 Harvey Smith, III
8/15 Dr. Betty Price
8/16 Gregory Pierce
8/17 Jacque Digieso
8/17 Brian Clark
8/18 John Albers
8/19 Neil Moulton
8/19 Susan Rumble
8/19 Kathy Teston
8/20 Debbie Cwalina
8/20 Karen Pilcher
8/24 Ted Williams
8/24 Mary Robichaux
8/25 Kevin Head
8/25 Robert Shaw
8/25 Richard Kaufman
8/26 Jim Swain
8/27 Lori Kirn
8/28 Richard Spencer
8/29 Darlene Trigg
8/31 Steve Stroud


8/1 Steven Palmer (3)
3 years in Rotary
8/3 John Carruth (24)
8/4 David Young (31)
8/6 Elwyn Gaissert, II (38)
8/13 Richard Meer (27)
8/14 David Reddick (16)
23 years in Rotary
8/20 John Wolfe (27)
8/20 Rob Sanborn (4)
8/20 Debra Ewing (4)
8/20 Dave Nelson (4)
8/20 Lee Patrick, III (4)
8/23 Charles Krieger (1)
1 years in Rotary
8/23 Jay Pickett, III (1)
8/24 James Sheffield (19)
8/25 Lynn Dunn (3)
8/28 Lori Kirn (5)
8/31 Steven Hyde (8)
24 years in Rotary


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message
Our Community Thanks You

The panel last week gave us great insight into a few charities our club supports through our annual fundraiser. The speakers were members who helped start or run their nonprofit organizations. The history of Roswell Rotary helping our neighbors is alive and well today! Many of you continue the tradition of supporting our community by serving on the board, volunteering your time or lending your talents to these organizations. THANK YOU!

This Week's Speaker
Adele Hamilton - Tournament Czar

A native of Atlanta, Adele Hamilton has been with Hewlett Packard Enterprise for thirty-five years and currently serves as a Global Account Executive, managing all service and support delivery to Bank of America, worldwide. Adele and her family have lived in Roswell for thirty-three years. She is married to Gordon and is the mother of three grown daughters. Adele has served as a director on several non-profit boards. She has been a member of Roswell Rotary Club since 2009 and she served on the club’s Board of Directors for six years. She has chaired the annual Golf and Tennis tournaments several times and looks forward to helping our club provide support for many deserving charities.

Win Big At Rotary
Ball Drop & Live Auction

This week is our tournament preview so come to Rotary ready to spend some money on ball drop entries and a special live auction item that you Bulldog fans will love. There will be prizes for the table that buys the most balls. The individual who buys the most gets to ride in the bucket truck during the ball drop.

Lobby Under Construction
Use The Side Entrance

The lobby of the activities building is being completely remodeled over the next couple of months. Roswell Rec & Parks is making sure we can still meet during the construction, but we will need to use the side entrance to come and go from our meeting. Access to the first floor bathrooms will be limited and we may have to use the upstairs restrooms. For those who need an ADA restroom, the ones at the pool will also be available. Please be patient as the finished product will be awesome. The project should be completed in October.

Help With Our Fundraiser
Volunteers Needed

Every member of our club has a role to play in our annual fundraiser and we are getting close to the big day. Thanks to all who have helped by sponsoring, donating an auction item or lending your time and talent to help make this a success. If you are interested in helping out the day of, please SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER.

Monday, September 9, 2019
Sponsor Our Tournament

Join us at the Country Club of Roswell for a fun day of golf, tennis and good times. Simply click a logo to purchase a sponsorship or ticket to one of our great tournament events:


Tuesday, August 20 | 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Free Tennis Clinic

Thanks to Lee Hollingsworth for sponsoring a couple of tennis clinics for players of all levels to tune up their game before our tournament on September 9th. Join us at Brookfield Country Club for tennis, fun and fellowship.

Wednesday, August 28 | 6PM - 9:30PM
Introduce A Friend To Rotary

Bring a non-member with you to Variant Brewing and your first pint is on us. Don't think of this as a time-share sales pitch, but a casual way to introduce the people in your life that say, "what's Rotary?" to our club. This event is perfect for 30-40 year old friends, family, neighbors, co-workers or employees that have a heart for service and you think would be a great addition to our club.

Wednesday, September 4 | 5PM - 8PM
Join Us For Hump Day

Join your fellow Rotarians for a bit of fun mid-week. Bring your significant other or a prospective member. Stop by for a drink or stay for dinner either way, we hope to see you there.

Last Week at Rotary
