Foe Killer Creek is a perennial stream that flows through Wills Park in Alpharetta, continues into Big Creek and eventually into the Chattahoochee River. Unfortunately, the creek has been identified as an impaired (polluted) stream due to increased presence of fecal coliform bacteria and sediment load.
Project Scope
Alpharetta Rotary has partnered with the City and local businesses to develop a stream restoration project that will improve the quality of water of Foe Killer Creek. The Club will help restore a portion of the stream by establishing a 25 foot stream buffer along 720 feet of Wills Park. This project is expected to cost $200,000.
Project Status
Alpharetta Rotary finalized a partnership with the Alpharetta Business Association for construction funding. Additionally, the club completed a three-month engineering design in January 2017. The next steps include:
Project Goals
Rotarian Involvement
This project has achieved high engagement from members at 45%. We have broken into the following sub-committees:
Measuring Success
Alpharetta Rotary adopted the stream alongside Wills Park and must complete periodic water testing as part of the program. The measurable benefits of this project for the 62,000 residents and visitors to Alpharetta includes:
Partner Involvement |
Alpharetta Rotarian and Stream Engineer, Brian King describing the plan with City Staff
President Jason Binder describing the Restoration Project to Alpharetta Business Association Board Members. They have Partnered with the Club to provide funds for the Restoration