Rotary Year 1937 — 1938

District 165 GovernorT. T. Molner
Rotary PresidentMaurice Duperrey
Home CountryFrance
Convention LocationSan Francisco, CA

For the term of 1937-38, Georgia chose as its District Governor, T. Tibor Molnar, of Cuthbert, Georgia. It was at the International Convention in Nice, France, that much of the work of redistricting the Rotary world was completed, and while there was no change in the geographical make-up of the 69th (Georgia) District, it was assigned a new number, and T. T. Molnar became Governor of the 165th District.

During Governor Molnar’s administration eleven new clubs were created in Georgia and, named in alphabetical order, they were: Calhoun, Dalton, Decatur, Eastman, Jefferson, LaFayette, Milledgeville, Millen, Monroe, Tennille and Thomson. The organization of the Dalton Club was well under way when Governor Molnar took office and the Waynesboro Club distinguished itself chiefly through its president. Porter Carswell, by sponsoring and helping to create five new clubs for an outstanding record. Governor Molnar presented eleven new clubs with their Charters.