District 6900 Governor | Barry Smith |
Club | Sandy Springs |
Rotary President | Herbert G. Brown |
Home Country | USA |
Theme | Act with Integrity-Serve with Love -Work for Peace |
Convention Location | Calgary AB, Canada |
Barry was District 6900’s first “English” speaking Governor. This year President Herb Brown’s main thrust was to increase membership as Rotary had been losing Members at an ever increasing rate. As well as quantity we were also seeking Quality members. The District took in 654 members during the year for a net gain of 265 new Rotarians, the total in the District on June 30 1996 was 4961. Each new Rotarian was written a welcome letter by Barry and sent a copy of his Directory and a copy of the District History. The theme for the District Conference was Experience the International World of Rotary through your Georgia Rotary Student. The main speaker was Astronaut Kathryn Thornton, Ph.D. She was the EVA crew member on the Hubble Space Telescope repair mission. The President’s Representative was Past Director Dr. Ted Gifford and his spouse Caroline. Conference registration was 1136 with 1020 seated at the Banquet on Saturday night. Bill Mulkey did an excellent job of running the conference as Chairman.
PDG Bill Stubbs was in charge of our Olympic committee and he did an outstanding job assisted by many Rotarians. The Hospitality House in downtown Atlanta is still being talked about in Rotary circles.
We had two GSE teams, one led by Nancy Love from North DeKalb to D1120 in England and the other led by John Dykes from Buckhead to D3220 in Sri Lanka. Giving to the Rotary Foundation was at an all time high of $275,000.00 and to the GRSP $146,648.00.
This year we lost a great PDG, Lee Howard, 1984-85, who passed away in June of 1996.
As of the writing of this History Barry has attended 18 District Conferences and 14 International Conventions.