Leap Into Rotary

“Leap Into Rotary” is a Rotary Social Event on Saturday, February 29th (or as close to that date as possible) where all of Rotary Zone 34 will be hosting individual Club parties for prospective Rotarians. The year 2020 happens to be a Leap Year, so this gives us a great opportunity to have a fun theme for a party that helps us bring future Rotarians into our clubs.

Why have a social? Membership Growth is the #1 internal objective for Rotary International, and a social is an efficient, effective, and enjoyable (FUN) way to strengthen your club’s membership by building relationships with prospective members. This is also an opportunity to take advantage of the Membership Social Grant available to District 6900 clubs.

In an effort to promote fellowship and membership growth, District 6900 will provide Matching Funds up to $250 (if your club spends at least $500) to clubs for the express purpose of hosting a club membership social. Invite your family, friends, and prospective Rotarians – have fun!! Funds are limited, though, so this is a “First Come, First Served” deal.

For more information on hosting a social, contact me - Jaclyn Donovan - your District Membership Chair.

Posted by Jaclyn Donovan
November 5, 2019


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