From Our District Governor
Wishing You the Blessings of Peace and Joy This Holiday Season

As I sat Thanksgiving morning reflecting on all the blessings I have had since last Thanksgiving, like most of you I’m sure those wonderful times involving family are first and foremost. But a close second for me are the extraordinary experiences I have had as District Governor Elect and now District Governor interacting with the fantastic class of 2019-20 club Presidents, AGs and other District Leadership, and visiting Rotary clubs across the District. First Lady Donna and I have now had my official visit with 64 clubs, and it is almost overwhelming to see how each and every one of the clubs are having such an enormous positive impact on their communities in their own unique way. Truly our clubs’ Service Above Self is on steroids in District 6900! And I know the remaining seven clubs will mirror my experiences to date.

As we approach the Christmas, Hanukkah, and other religious holiday seasons Donna and I wish you and your families a time of love, peace and joy, and may it follow you throughout the coming new year.

Thanks for all you do.

Posted by Jim Squire
December 9, 2019


This Year’s Posts: