Help Keep Roswell Waterways Beautiful
Rivers Alive This Saturday Sept.17

Meet us at Riverside Park

31st Annual Rivers Alive! Cleanup this Saturday, Sept. 17, 2002 8am - 12pm

This event, cohosted by Keep Roswell Beautiful and the City of Roswell, is part of a statewide campaign to clean and preserve Georgia’s 70,100 miles of rivers and streams. This year, cleanup sites will include Riverside Park, Waller Park, Don White Memorial Park, Seven Branches, Old Roswell Cemetery, and sections of Big Creek, Foe Killer Creek, and Hog Waller Creek. 

Thank you for your participation last year in being one of 205 volunteers that collected 2,285 pounds of trash, marked 55 storm drains, and removed 35+ cubic yards of invasive, non-native plants! This annual cleanup is important in maintaining the Chattahoochee River and its tributaries that flow through Roswell.

Once again Roswell Rotary Club will participate and clean up the roadway, trails, riverbanks and maybe the river, along Riverside Road from Eves Road to the 400 Bridge, our designated “Adopt-a-Stream” area. We will meet at 8 AM at Dutch Earle’s house, 9030 Bluffview Trace, Roswell 30076

To participate email Dutch Earle, hearle@esisearch.com, include names of all participants AND register on the website at www.keeproswellbeautiful.org/rivers-alive.

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Posted by Dutch Earle
September 17, 2022


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