Positive Reinforcement for High School students
Gift Card Drive for RHS

Roswell High School is built on many traditions that help to develop our future leaders. Under the leadership of Pricinpal Mrs. Latoya Miley, a new focus to "Commit to the R" has been set in motion. Through this Positive Behavior Intervention, "Commit to the R" is a focus on REWARDING the good behavior that our students display.

If you would be interested in supporting "Commit to the R", RHS would sincerely appreciate donations of gift cards in the amount of $5 (or up to $20) to help us REWARD students making the RIGHT choices. Gift cards can be from any location (fast food, Wal-Mart, Target, gas cards, Starbucks, etc.). Gift cards will be collected at Rotary meeting during the following dates 9/29 and 10/6.

If you would be interested in partnering your business with this ongoing effort to reward positive student behavior, please reach out the RHS School Social Worker, Valerie Rogers at rogersv@fultonschools.org |404-583-8304. Rewards other than gift cards are welcome too! Thank you for helping Roswell High students "Commit to the R". 

For more info, Rotary's contact is Becky Stone.

Posted by Hal Schlenger
October 6, 2022


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