Club News
Celebrating the National Day of Prayer

President Harry S. Truman signed a proclamation in 1952 to declare The National Day of Prayer “a celebration of the promise and power of prayer in our daily lives that exists to invite people to pray for the nation”. The Rotary Club of North Fulton hosted their 21st Annual North Fulton Interfaith Prayer Breakfast on May 4 at St. David’s Episcopal Church in Roswell.


We celebrated the power of prayer with several Rotary clubs in attendance including tables purchased by Alpharetta, Johns Creek, Roswell, and Sandy Springs (thanks for your support). And we hosted many special Rotary guests – PDG Bob Hagar, Past RI Director Robert Hall, PDG Alec Smythe, and PDG Jim Squire.


The program included several different religious leaders speaking on the meaning and importance of prayer, and there were two performances by amazing musical guests from St. David's Episcopal Church.

We thank our keynote speaker Ron Frieson, COO of Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, who inspired the nearly 250 attendees by sharing the key tenets he follows in his life and how he keeps faith as an integral component of his business life. It was a very inspiring morning and we look forward to seeing you at our 22nd Annual North Fulton Prayer Breakfast on May 2, 2024 - the first Thursday in May!

Posted by Steve Siders
June 14, 2023


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