Congratulations Charlene Hall!

Charlene Hall with Dunwoody President Tina Philpot, PDG Bill Mulkey, Past RI Director Robert Hall and PDG Raymond Ray

Charlene Hall with Dunwoody President Tina Philpot, PDG Bill Mulkey, Past RI Director Robert Hall and PDG Raymond Ray

At the Rotary Club of Dunwoody's Awards and Installation Banquet, PDG Bill Mulkey and DG Raymond Ray were honored to present Charlene Hall with the Rotary International Rotarian Spouse Partner Service Award! Everyone who knows Charlene has experienced her graciousness and her commitment to Rotary and its causes. This includes her participation in a National Immunization Day in India several years ago ... to serving with Robert Hall in his terms as Governor, President's Representative, Zone Polio Coordinator, RI Director and most recently, Host Operating Committee Co-chair for the 2017 RI Convention,

This is the first time this award has been presented in D6900 and only the second time within the three Districts of Georgia. Only 50 spouses or partners can be honored with this award in any one Rotary year. So extend congratulations and a big thank you to Charlene!!

Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
June 1, 2017


Posted by Lorri Christopher
Rotary Club of Dunwoody
July 5, 2017 11:48pm

Congratulations, Charlene! You have set the example for many to follow. You are one amazing lady.You exemplify Rotary leadership in every way. So happy you have been recognized for all you do.

Love to you,

Past President, Lorri Christopher