January 4, 2024 12:15 pm

Bethany High - U.S.A. Olympic trap shotgun athlete Add Guest

 A Camilla resident has competed in a three-time Junior National Olympics as a current Olympic trap shotgun athlete. She is currently in the top ten spot and is very close to competing again at the Olympic trials part two in Tuscan, Arizona on March 15th.

Bethany High, a Camilla resident, says she fell in love with the sport at first sight and owes her accomplishments to her trainer, which is her mom.

In 2021, Bethany placed in the USA Shooting Junior Nationals and came in 1st place.

The most recent event she competed in was the USA Shooting Olympic Trials Part 1 which placed 9th overall for women.

“I’m technically the only person in the state of Georgia who shoots Olympic bunker trap. I train by myself unless I go down to Florida and train. Getting to go to competitions, I get to meet people from all over the world,” said High.

Bethany currently ranks in the top 10. To qualify for the Olympic Trials Part 2, she needs to come in fourth place to be an alternate, and top two to compete on the Olympic level. 

Her message for others is to keep pushing and never give up on your dreams.

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Vashti Center
1815 East Clay Street
Thomasville, GA 31792