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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

November 6, 2019


November is Rotary Foundation Month

11/8 PDG Cheryl Greenway, The Rotary Foundation
11/15 No meeting
11/22 Club Assembly
11/29 No meeting - Enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend!

Our Rotary Family

11/1 Fred Brandt
11/3 Jessie Legros
11/11 Roy Ethridge
11/16 Jennie Stipick
11/18 Ray Huebschmann
11/18 Jennifer Bowler
11/19 Jennie Springer
11/26 Dottie Toney


11/24 Bill Mulkey (63)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Fleming's Steakhouse
4501 Olde Perimeter Way
Dunwoody, GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Membership Fred Brandt
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Public Image Jackie Cuthbert

This Week's Speaker
PDG Cheryl Greenway, District Foundation Chair

Cheryl is a second generation Rotarian. She joined the Roswell Rotary Club in 1994 and has served in several positions with the club including chair of the annual golf tournament fund raiser and Club President. She also traveled and worked with other club members on three different international projects in Costa Rica.

Cheryl was Governor of District 6900 for 2012-2013, treasurer from 2008-2011, and has served in several other positions for the District.

She was awarded the Sheffield Leadership Award and the Foundation Award for Meritorious Service. She is a Major Donor, a Bequest Society Member, a Will Watt fellow, and a Hue Thomas Fellow.

Cheryl was born and raised in Roswell and graduated from Georgia State University.

Service Opportunity
Start Shopping Now for Toys for Tots

For many years, Dunwoody Rotarians have been very generous in supporting the Marines in their Toys for Tots Drive. We are asking you to continue that generosity this year - and bring your gifts of toys, bikes and games to the Holiday luncheon on December 13! It's not too early to start shopping. Start taking advantage of the holiday shopping specials now to help us donate even more and make this holiday season the best yet for needy local youth!

Supporting Rotaract
Rotaract Club of Atlanta Supporting End Polio Efforts

The Rotaract Club of Atlanta (pictured above at the World Polio Day event at the CDC) has asked our support in collecting funds to End Polio Now. Rotaractors were out in force at the World Polio Day event at the CDC - and have created a link from their Facebook page to collect donations for polio eradication. You can help in a variety of ways:

  • By liking the Rotaract Club of Atlanta's Facebook page - and sharing their fund-raising event
  • By making a contribution to their initiative at https://my.cheddarup.com/c/world-polio-day-donation
  • By making a contribution directly to The Rotary Foundation in your name through the club - while Rotaract wouldn't get credit for this it still supports our common cause of Ending Polio. You can do this online or by sending a check to PDG Bill Mulkey or bringing it to a Friday meeting. If it's your intent to contribute to End Polio, designate that online or let PDG Bill know when you send a contribution.

Scholarship Opportunity
Do You Have a Son or Daughter Who Would Like to Study in Oslo Next Summer?

Click on the picture for a full size copy of the flier

Each year, Rotarians in Norway offer a summer scholarship opportunity for three college age students from Georgia - to thank us for what we do by offering GRSP scholarships to their college students. The deadline for applications is December 31, 2019. Click on the picture for a flier with more details.

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