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December 10, 2019


December is Disease Prevention and Treatment Month

12/12 Christmas Pageant and Student of the Month
12/19 Regular Meeting - District Governor Jim Squires Official Visit
12/26 N0 Meeting today - Merry Christmas
1/2 Regular Meeting

Our Rotary Family

12/6 Andy Sheppard
12/10 Andy Jones
12/11 Eric Ward
12/13 Bob Drummond
12/14 Walter Gilbert
12/16 John Bracey, Jr.
12/16 Mike Bixler
12/23 Eugene McNease
12/24 Carlton Bryant
12/25 Oscar Mims
12/29 Susie Shin
12/31 Rob Milberg
12/31 Lisa Billups
12/31 Robert Jackson
12/31 Sally Hernandez
12/31 Tara Hagan
12/31 Dawn Hunnewell


12/1 Harry Tomlinson (40)
12/11 Rankin Smith, Jr. (28)
12/19 George Stephens, Jr. (67)
12/21 Fran Milberg (50)
12/22 Shelba Sellers (28)
12/27 Frederick Buechner (44)
12/27 Matt Brown (29)
12/29 Joe Brown (61)
12/30 Tim Filston (24)


12/1 Scott Rich (42)
12/1 Rebecca Strickland (16)
12/1 Pat McLeod (32)
12/2 John Brown (9)
12/3 Thomas Carlton (4)
12/3 Howard Stephens (4)
12/13 Gerhard Sommer (18)
12/13 John Blackmon (1)
4 years in Rotary
12/13 Matt Brown (1)
5 years in Rotary
12/13 Julie Cannady (1)
12/13 Susie Shin (1)
12/13 Barbara Williams-Anderson (1)
12/18 Shanna Derby (5)
12/18 Frank Helms (5)
6 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:00 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President Kim Walden
President-Elect John Brown
Immediate PP Andre Marria
Vice President Terry Rouse
Treasurer Teri White
Treasurer Rick Piper
Secretary Angela Williamson
Membership Adam Carvin
Foundation John Glenn, Jr.
Sergeant-at-Arms Danny Braddy
Program Director Jay Flowers
Bulletin Editor Susan Backofen
Sergeant-at-Arms Mary Beth Donalson
Public Image Mike Bixler

This Week's Program

In addition to recognizing our Students of the Month, we will be having a Christmas pageant to help us celebrate the season.


Please help us with our annual coat and blanket drive. Bring your items to our meeting. These items help individuals in our area stay warm this winter. Please share your resources in this worthy project.

Main Street Program

April Norton and Madison Eaton with Thomasville Main Street presented information on the programs and impact of the Main Street program. It is estimated we will host 15,000 people each night of the Victorian Christmas this year.

In 2018, 2,003 promotional events were held with 106,753 people attending. This includes the Victorian Christmas, First Friday and Sip and Stroll events. We have netted 19 new businesses opening or expanding creating 130 new jobs. Eighteen building rehabilitation projects were completed at an investment of $1.3 million. Thomasville's Main Street Program has been recognized on the state and national levels as one of the nation's most successful programs.


Support the Troops Christmas Meal was a big success! Thank you to all who assisted and for all those wonderful desserts!

Each year the Rotary Club prepares a Christmas meal for the 1230th Transportation Company. This year the event was held at the Armory on Sunday, December 8, 2019. Rotarians arrived early to prepare a meal which included putting turkey and ham on the smoker and all the trimmings. Rotarians also made all kinds of desserts to complete the meal. Also at the event was a bounce house and craft room for the kids. A DJ kept things festive by playing great music. Rotarians received thank you upon thank you from the troops for the meal. It really was a great day enjoyed by almost 200 people. The event takes a lot of organizing and volunteer help. Special thanks to Joe Brown for organizing everything and to Warren Ballard for transporting and manning the smoker! Thanks Carlton for transporting all the food. So many others volunteered to make this event wonderful for the troops! Thank you to everyone who shared their time and/or brought a dessert. We couldn't support our community like we do without your Service Above Self!

BLOOD DRIVE December 19th

Thursday, December 19th. Share the gift of life this Holiday season!


Register on our website.

Board Meeting

December 19, 11 a.m. at the Plaza