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December 31, 2019


December is Disease Prevention and Treatment Month

1/2 Gail Roberts to introduce new grant benefiting the community
1/16 G. Wayne Clough - the first secretary of the Smithsonian Institution born in the South
1/23 Ben Huntzinger - Spartan Wheel Cariott

Our Rotary Family

12/6 Andy Sheppard
12/10 Andy Jones
12/11 Eric Ward
12/13 Bob Drummond
12/14 Walter Gilbert
12/16 John Bracey, Jr.
12/16 Mike Bixler
12/23 Eugene McNease
12/24 Carlton Bryant
12/25 Oscar Mims
12/29 Susie Shin
12/31 Rob Milberg
12/31 Robert Jackson
12/31 Sally Hernandez
12/31 Tara Hagan
12/31 Dawn Hunnewell


12/1 Harry Tomlinson (40)
12/11 Rankin Smith, Jr. (28)
12/19 George Stephens, Jr. (67)
12/21 Fran Milberg (50)
12/22 Shelba Sellers (28)
12/27 Frederick Buechner (44)
12/27 Matt Brown (29)
12/29 Joe Brown (61)
12/30 Tim Filston (24)


12/1 Scott Rich (42)
12/1 Rebecca Strickland (16)
12/1 Pat McLeod (32)
12/2 John Brown (9)
12/3 Thomas Carlton (4)
12/3 Howard Stephens (4)
12/13 Gerhard Sommer (18)
12/13 John Blackmon (1)
4 years in Rotary
12/13 Matt Brown (1)
5 years in Rotary
12/13 Julie Cannady (1)
12/13 Susie Shin (1)
12/13 Barbara Williams-Anderson (1)
12/18 Shanna Derby (5)
12/18 Frank Helms (5)
6 years in Rotary
12/19 Gerry Gilmer (0)
2 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:00 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792 FacebookInstagram


President Kim Walden
President-Elect John Brown
Immediate PP Andre Marria
Vice President Terry Rouse
Treasurer Teri White
Treasurer Rick Piper
Secretary Angela Williamson
Membership Adam Carvin
Foundation John Glenn, Jr.
Sergeant-at-Arms Danny Braddy
Program Director Jay Flowers
Bulletin Editor Susan Backofen
Sergeant-at-Arms Mary Beth Donalson
Public Image Mike Bixler

Little Free Library Memorial
Special Literacy Recognition

Pictured - District Governor Jim Squire, Rick Hasty, Julie Williams and Rotary Club of Thomasville President Kim Walden
District Governor Jim Squire emphasized literacy this year as his special project. So it was only fitting that during his official visit to the Rotary Club of Thomasville that we highlighted a very special Little Free Library Project.
Julie Williams lost her sister Nellie Amanda Hasty this past March after a long battle with cancer. Her sister loved to read and especially loved visiting our Little Free Libraries. Julie became aware that our club was refurbishing the seven LFL’s in our community and called to find out how to establish one in honor of her sister. Thanks to her question we were able to help her with this goal and will soon be painting and registering a LFL built by Rick Hasty in her honor. The LFL will be housed at Emiliano’s, a local coffee shop and favorite place of Nellie's. We are so honored to help Julie and to share the gift of reading with others in our community.

Longest Active Rotary Member Recognized
Oscar Mims receives Special Recognition from our District Governor

Rotarian Oscar Mims was recognized by District Governor Jim Squire as the longest serving active member - 65 years! Oscar joined our club on May 1, 1955. We are so proud to have him in our club!

Gail Roberts shares details about a new grant program

Gail Roberts is the Executive Director of the Thomasville-Thomas County Humane Society. She will speak to us about a new grant that is changing the lives of people and animals in our community.

RLI January 18 hosted by Rotary Club of Thomasville
Building Leadership Skills Through Rotary

Rotary Leadership Institute Sunshine Division

“Building a better Rotary through education.”

Rotary District 6900

One of the keys to success in life is continuous learning. Rotarians who want to grow themselves and their clubs always looks for opportunities to learn, grown and share with others. Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) provides you with those learning, growing and fellowship experiences.

Registration is now open to all Rotarians for Parts 1, 2, 3 and Graduate Classes in Membership and Facilitation Techniques for the next District 6900 Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) that will be held Saturday, January 18, at Southern Regional Technical College in Thomasville, Georgia.

Some of the interesting leadership topics that will be discussed during our classes include: Membership Engagement, Analyzing Your Rotary Club, Strategic Planning, Service Projects, Effective Leadership Strategies and the History of Rotary. Special Graduate Classes on Membership and Facilitation Techniques will also be offered, for those Rotarians that have completed RLI Part 3.

WHEN: Saturday, January 18, 2020, from 8:00am to 3:30pm.

WHERE: Southern Regional Technical College, 15689 U.S. 19, Thomasville, Georgia

Please plan to enjoy Breakfast starting at 7 am. 15 Hotel rooms have been saved at the Hampton Inn in Thomasville under the name of Kim Walden. Let us know you want to attend by registering online or by sending an email to thomasville@rotary6900.or

Welcome to our Newest Member
Induction of Dr. Gerry Gilmer

Welcome to our newest member Dr. Gerry Gilmer picture with his wife Delores and his sponsor Homer Pankey.

Wine or Whine goes Mexican
Join us at Frida’s for fun on January 7th

Wine or Whine is going Mexican this month and will be at Frida’s downtown on Tuesday, January 7th from 5:30 - 7:30.

DG Jim Visits Thomasville
Great Evening at South Eden Plantation