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May 10, 2020


May is Youth Service Month

5/14 "Live" Zoom Meeting
5/21 Live Meeting - TBD
5/28 Live Meeting - TBD
6/4 Live Meeting - TBD


5/13 Virtual Hump Day
5/16 2020 Graduate Celebration
5/23 Drake House Move In Day
5/25 Memorial Day (CANCELLED)


President Gordon Owens
President-Elect Lynne Lindsay
Immediate PP Becky Stone
Treasurer John Carruth
Secretary Terry Taylor
Membership Nancy Alterman
Foundation Mike Agurkis
Public Image Karen Schwank
Service Don Horton


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Community Activities Bldg
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online




To: 41411

Our Rotary Family

5/3 Danny Broadway, II
5/4 Frank Brown
5/4 Jerry Orlans
5/7 Tom Rowsey
5/11 Ed Klaas, II
5/12 Lee Dodson
5/14 Don Howard
5/15 John Carruth
5/15 Michele Johnson
5/16 Dennis Canata
5/17 Leslie Bassett
5/21 Pat Rains
5/24 Elwyn Gaissert, II
5/25 Rich Dippolito
5/31 Peter Calabro


5/4 George Polatty, Jr. (42)
5/4 Mary Trapp (0)
6 years in Rotary
5/8 Michael Schoppenhorst (6)
5/11 Trummie Patrick (42)
5/12 Dick Anthony (32)
5/12 Ralph Rowland, Jr. (9)
5/22 Lorraine Head (23)
5/23 Bruce Smith (24)
5/23 Kathleen Carmical (1)
5/31 Anita Farley (2)
5/31 Allison Judy (2)
5/31 Anthony Nearhood (2)
5/31 Michael Curling (2)
5/31 Jimmy Moore (2)
8 years in Rotary


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message
Happy Mother's Day

To all the mom's out there, Happy Mother's Day! Ashley and I got to see her parents yesterday at our first family gathering since quarantine. I am fortunate to have my mom live a few doors down so we could stop by with some flowers and visit for awhile at a distance this morning. I hope you are all able to celebrate the mom's in your life in s special way today.

Every Wednesday At 6PM
Join Our Virtual Hump Day

Please join us every Wednesday night as we check in with our Rotary family via zoom. To join, simply click the link: https://zoom.us/j/96208486516

Thursday, May 14 | 12:15pm
"Live" Zoom Meeting

Watch Zoom How To

Join us for a live Rotary meeting on zoom this Thursday at our normal time, just not our normal place. Zoom has a great video for first time users if you need help signing into our meeting. To join, just click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89045319419

Saturday, May 16 | 2:30 PM
Cheer On 2020 Graduates

In honor of the class of 2020, we are excited to announce a graduation parade through Brookfield to celebrate them! Any senior of a Roswell Rotary member can join in the parade and be cheered on by the crowd. They just need to email Devon Green (dnshort20@gmail.com) to sign up.

We will setup our Rotary tent near the intersection of Hickory Oak Hollow and Oakhaven Drive where Roswell Rotarians can meet (socially distanced) to cheer on the seniors as they pass by. Please join us for a fun group activity to get us back in the swing of serving the community in real life!

Saturday, May 23 | 9AM-2PM
Drake House Move-In Day

If you feel comfortable, come help our new Drake house mom and her son move into the apartment our club sponsors on Saturday, May 23. For more information or to volunteer to help, reach out to Lisa Carlisle.

Pictures & Updates
2020-21 Directory

It is time to start thinking about next year's club directory. Michael Gould has volunteered to take a new head shot if you need one. Call him at (770) 617-2958 to set up a time. David Bourne has a private photo studio we can use as well. Be ready for a call from Mickey Deaton to place an ad and Jim Coyle can help make sure all your info is correct. So, if your headshot is a Rotary wheel get a new pic and double check that all your info is correct by going to our website and logging in to check your profile (click you name at the top of the site after you login).

Schedule A Time To Give Blood
Red Cross Blood Drive

Our blood drive was pushed to the fall but the need is still there for blood donations. We have worked with the Red Cross to setup a "virtual" blood drive. By virtual, we mean you go online and register to give, then the Red Cross will send you a link to schedule a time to give at a safe location close to you. Please donate if you can.

Donate Blood

Lots To Celebrate!

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