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June 9, 2020


June is Rotary Fellowships Month

6/11 Past Rotary International President Barry Rassin
6/17 Current Rotary International President Mark Maloney will be our Speaker!
6/25 Plaza Meeting (social distancing) with President Kim Year End & Induction of President-Elect John Brown (RSVP limited seating)
7/2 Plaza Meeting - President John Brown - Introduction of Board and Plans for the Coming Year

Our Rotary Family

6/2 Bill Dickey
6/3 Susan O'Neal
6/5 Sharon Patrick
6/12 Pat McLeod
6/13 Danny Braddy
6/16 Charles Dixon
6/16 Alexzandria Bighams
6/22 Russell Chubb
6/24 Jim Carter
6/24 Jeff Zoller
6/24 Gail Roberts
6/25 Ben Wilds
6/25 Bradford Jackson
6/27 Kurt Stringfellow


6/4 John Glenn, Jr. (59)
6/7 Irene Gleason (23)
6/7 Powell Jones (34)
6/9 Adam Carvin (7)
6/10 Michele Arwood (31)
6/11 Dicky Demott (124)
6/14 Thomas Carlton (7)
6/14 Gerry Gilmer (6)
6/15 Pat McLeod (45)
6/20 Philip Leabo, Jr. (14)
6/23 Homer Pankey (58)
6/24 Randy Watts (20)
6/24 Walter Gilbert (54)
6/28 Scott Rich (51)


6/1 Harry Tomlinson (39)
6/1 George Stephens, Jr. (50)
6/1 Christy Cooke (2)
6 years in Rotary
6/14 Melissa Thomas (1)
8 years in Rotary
6/27 Rob Milberg (18)
6/27 Bob Ackerman (6)
43 years in Rotary
6/30 Mike Bixler (6)
25 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:00 pm
Online currently (The Plaza Restaurant typically)
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President Kim Walden
President-Elect John Brown
Immediate PP Andre Marria
Vice President Terry Rouse
Treasurer Teri White
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation John Glenn, Jr.
Membership Adam Carvin
Program Director Jay Flowers
Sergeant-at-Arms Mary Beth Donalson
Public Image Mike Bixler
Sergeant-at-Arms Danny Braddy
Bulletin Editor Susan Backofen

Our Speaker This Week is Past 2019-2019 Rotary International President Barry Rassin!!!

Our speaker this week is the Past Rotary International President Barry Rassin!

Barry Rassin, of the Rotary Club of East Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas, was the President of Rotary International for 2018-19. As President, Rassin aimed to strengthen our public image and our use of digital tools to maximize Rotary’s reach.

“Those who know what good Rotary clubs do will want to be a part of it, and we must find new models for membership that allow all interested in our mission to participate,” he says. “With Rotary more in the public eye, we will attract more individuals who want to be part of and support a membership organization that accomplishes so much good around the world.”

Rassin earned an MBA in health and hospital administration from the University of Florida and is the first fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives in the Bahamas. He recently retired after 37 years as president of Doctors Hospital Health System, where he continues to serve as an adviser. He is a lifetime member of the American Hospital Association and has served on several boards, including the Quality Council of the Bahamas, Health Education Council, and Employer’s Confederation.

A Rotarian since 1980, Rassin has served Rotary as director and is vice chair of The Rotary Foundation Board of Trustees. He was an RI training leader and the aide to 2015-16 RI President K.R. Ravindran.

Rassin received Rotary's highest honor, the Service Above Self Award, as well as other humanitarian awards for his work leading Rotary’s relief efforts in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake there. He and his wife, Esther, are Major Donors and Benefactors of The Rotary Foundation.

See link for the full article https://www.rotary.org/en/barry-rassin-strikes-balance-between-bahamian-bonhomie-and-decisive-leadership

Fireside Chat Will be June 9th at 6:00 pm at TU with Social Distancing and Food by JB Crumb

The Fireside Chat will be held at Thomas University (Thank you so much President Andy Sheppard!) was scheduled to be outside on the Rumble Terrace under tents. However with the predicted weather we will look to move inside to a room which will accommodate social distancing. If you are a new member that has not attended a fireside chat please email AG Terry Rouse at terry.rouse@ctrouse.com or call him at 229-200-0745.

Special Thanks to our Speaker last week PRID John Smarge

We had a fascinating program last week by Past Rotary International Director John Smarge. He spoke about the HANWASH program (Haiti National Clean Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Strategy) is a collaborative national initiative to provide thoughtfully managed and sustainable clean water and sanitation to all citizens of Haiti, along with the associated health, community and economic benefits.

Next Week We Meet on Wednesday, June 17 to hear from Rotary International President Mark Maloney!

Our Club is highly honored to be able to announce that Past District Governor Fran Milberg has been able to get our current Rotary International President Mark Maloney to speak with our Club! He will be able to speak with our Club on Wednesday, June 17 at Noon instead of our usual Thursday meeting. He requested that we include other clubs from our area and so many clubs have been invited to join us.

Sign up now for the Rotary International Virtual Convention General and Breakout Sessions!!!

The Rotary Virtual Convention allows you to enjoy inspiring general sessions and educational breakout sessions while connecting with other members, all from your own home. Sign up now for this free event: https://on.rotary.org/37682zA

You're Invited to our District Celebration Event June 20 - see Registration Details

We promised a District Conference where The Fun Never Sets, and we are going to have a big piece of that at the 2020 District Celebration! I’m looking forward to seeing a great many of you and your guests on Saturday, June 20 at the Bibb Mill in Columbus, when we celebrate our clubs’ many achievements this Rotary year. Happy Hour starts at 11:30 AM and Jimmy’s Fish Camp luncheon and awards ceremony follows at 12:30 PM. Registration is now open, with a special price of $20.20 to honor our year.

The event will meet and exceed all Social Distancing and safety guidelines. Everyone is invited!

The agenda for our District Celebration Day June 20th is as follows. The Rotary International Virtual Convention starts with a 75 minute opening session that day beginning at 9 AM, and we will be live streaming it for those who would like to come and watch. We will begin the Presidents and District Leadership meeting immediately after the end of the open session at approximately 10:15 AM. This meeting will be to thank you for all your hard work this year and to give out the first round of 78 awards in 14 areas. If you will not be able to attend this meeting please make arrangements to have a club representative or your Assistant Governor at the meeting to pick up awards on your behalf.

The Presidents and District Leadership meeting will break at approximately 11:30 AM when the Happy Hour for all Rotarians and their guests begins. The Jimmy's Fish Camp lunch will follow at 12:30 PM and run until approximately 2:30 PM, and the second round of 121 awards in 20 areas will be presented during the luncheon. We hope you join us!