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June 23, 2020


June is Rotary Fellowships Month

6/25 Plaza Meeting (social distancing) with President Kim Year End & Induction of President-Elect John Brown (RSVP limited seating)
7/2 Plaza Meeting - President John Brown - Introduction of Board and Plans for the Coming Year
7/9 Regular Meeting
7/16 Regular Meeting

Our Rotary Family

6/2 Bill Dickey
6/3 Susan O'Neal
6/5 Sharon Patrick
6/12 Pat McLeod
6/13 Danny Braddy
6/16 Charles Dixon
6/16 Alexzandria Bighams
6/22 Russell Chubb
6/24 Jim Carter
6/24 Jeff Zoller
6/24 Gail Roberts
6/25 Ben Wilds
6/25 Bradford Jackson
6/27 Kurt Stringfellow


6/4 John Glenn, Jr. (59)
6/7 Irene Gleason (23)
6/7 Powell Jones (34)
6/9 Adam Carvin (7)
6/10 Michele Arwood (31)
6/11 Dicky Demott (124)
6/14 Thomas Carlton (7)
6/14 Gerry Gilmer (6)
6/15 Pat McLeod (45)
6/20 Philip Leabo, Jr. (14)
6/23 Homer Pankey (58)
6/24 Randy Watts (20)
6/24 Walter Gilbert (54)
6/28 Scott Rich (51)


6/1 Harry Tomlinson (39)
6/1 George Stephens, Jr. (50)
6/1 Christy Cooke (2)
6 years in Rotary
6/14 Melissa Thomas (1)
8 years in Rotary
6/27 Rob Milberg (18)
6/27 Bob Ackerman (6)
43 years in Rotary
6/30 Mike Bixler (6)
25 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:00 pm
Online currently (The Plaza Restaurant typically)
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President Kim Walden
President-Elect John Brown
Immediate PP Andre Marria
Vice President Terry Rouse
Treasurer Teri White
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation John Glenn, Jr.
Membership Adam Carvin
Program Director Jay Flowers
Sergeant-at-Arms Mary Beth Donalson
Public Image Mike Bixler
Sergeant-at-Arms Danny Braddy
Bulletin Editor Susan Backofen

Special Thanks to our Rotary International President for Speaking to Our Club Last Week!

Last week we had the current President of Rotary International, Mark Maloney, on our Zoom call.  Zoom technology allowed the President of the whole world of Rotary right into our Thomasville Rotary Club meeting!!!   He was very down to earth and gave us a behind the scenes peek into what it was like hosting meetings for the RI President.  He also talked about membership retention being the most important thing during the pandemic and that the members we aren't seeing are the most important members to follow up with and reconnect.  He also hearkened us to remember that Paul Harris set up Rotary to be a networking club and we needed to be sure and connect with all of our membership.  He said that he was very proud of Rotarians for adapting during the pandemic.

We Resume Meeting at the PLAZA this Week!!!! Join us for the Year in Review and Awards. Please RSVP for the Plated Lunch.

Our meeting will cover our Year in Review and will include awards and honors.  We have much to celebrate this year!!!  We went to the District Celebration and our Club won many awards!  We also will be giving out all the awards to our Rotarians for their Foundation giving.  We have such an amazing group of Rotarian's who volunteer their time, talent and treasure each year to benefit our Club, Community and the World!  We have the best members Ever!  

The Rotary District Celebration in Columbus was an amazing day for our Club and what a great year we’ve had!!!  We were the Club of the Year - Runner up, Winner of the Jake Cheatham Award, winner of the Best Vocational Service Award, Best Foundation Total Giving - Runner Up, Best Foundation Per Capita Giving -Runner Up. Two of our members were awarded the Avenues of Service Awards from Rotary International. We were also awarded 1 of the 10 District $500 awards for a First Responder Scholarship. We also were the winner for the Best Internal Service Award, Best Bulletin, Best Overall Youth Service, Best Participation - runner up, Best Club Administration- runner up and the Best Rotary Has a Heart - runner Up. Terry Rouse our AG won the Follow Me Award, and President Kim won the Sheffield Presidential Leadership Award.  What excellent leadership we’ve had from DG Jim Squire and Rotary International during these unprecedented times!

Hope to see you on Thursday to celebrate being together again and to celebrate the accomplishments of our Club!

RSVP to Thomasville@district6900.org

Our Rotary Board Meeting will be at Thomas University Hawks Nest at 6 pm

Rotary Awards