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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

September 2, 2020


September is Basic Education and Literacy Month

9/4 Brian Harper and Annette Rollins, Atlantic Capital Bank, "Helping Businesses Survive COVID Challenges" ... Via Zoom
9/11 Daniela Sanchez, Rotary Youth Exchange - "My Year in Korea" ... via Zoom and in person at Dunwoody Country Club
9/18 No Friday Meeting - instead consider bringing a friend to Thursday Thursday live!
10/23 Rob Sayer, Musician, Entrepreneur, Educator via Zoom – Case Study in Business Success and Inspiration!

Our Rotary Family

9/2 Josh Podczervinski
9/6 Chris Gutschenritter


Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Dunwoody Country Club
1600 Dunwoody Club Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30350 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Ardy Bastien
President-Elect Carter Stout
Immediate PP Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Josh Podczervinski
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Membership Darrin Vanderpan

In This Bulletin ...

Read about this week's speakers and plan to join us by Zoom this Friday at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419, then read on to learn more about ...

  • President Ardy's request for your help in identifying ways we can serve the community
  • An immediate service and fellowship opportunity next Saturday, September 12, at the Dunwoody Nature Center
  • Jeff Hanson, one of our newest members, who shared his long-time Rotary connection in last Friday's member moment
  • The Rotary Foundation - and how you can be a part of changing the world!

This Week's Speakers on Zoom ...
Annette Rollins and Brian Harper, Atlantic Capital Bank ... via Zoom

By now we are used to the drill ... grab your coffee or tea and join us on Zoom this Friday at 7:15 a.m. to hear Annette Rollins and our own Brian Harper - both from Atlantic Capital Bank - talk about "Getting Business Back to Work." Just follow the Zoom link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419.

Annette is Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer for Atlantic Capital Bank - with over 15 years in executive leadership positions and over 35 years in the financial services industry. Brian currently serves as Senior Vice President and SBA Division Manager for Atlantic Capital’s government guaranteed small business loan division, and has more than 25 years of business banking and lending experience.  

From Our Club President
Restless to Serve?

Thoughts from President Ardy ...

I'm wondering how many of you are feeling like me - understanding all the need for social distancing and precautions as we gather - but worried about how others in the community are doing, and wishing there were more ways for us as Dunwoody Rotarians to be "out there" doing something that would help the community and further Rotary's mission of Service Above Self.

I know I've had this type of conversation with several of you - and I'd like to formalize it some by asking for all of your help. We'd like to hear from you about needs you're hearing about - in the schools, your neighborhood, the broader community - as people struggle with the pandemic and its economic and health challenges. What could we be doing as a Rotary Club that would make you prouder to be a Dunwoody Rotarian? And what kinds of activities would you be willing to take on - from home or out in the community - to help us make a positive difference.

The Board is looking at ways we can partner with the Community Assistance Center, Malachi's Storehouse and the Dunwoody Nature Center, and how we can continue projects like our Thanksgiving baskets for Kingsley Elementary families, Toys for Tots, and books for the students at Dresden and Kingsley. And we're open to new ideas from you – in a new time where needs and circumstances have changed. I invite you to reach out to me and/or Kobelah Svenson Bennah, our Community Service Director, with your thoughts about this. In addition, a team will be reaching out to all of you individually over the next week or two – to check in on how you’re doing and talk about this a little more.

Opportunities to Serve
Gardening and Fellowship at Dunwoody Nature Center - September 12

Don't miss out on this awesome  opportunity to "play in the dirt" at the Dunwoody Nature Center on Saturday, September 12 - and enjoy some Dunwoody Rotary fellowship at the same time. Join us from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM for the Nature Center's regularly scheduled work day - and bring a cooler/lunch bag for some outdoor fellowship after we finish our work!  Dress to get dirty - in a Dunwoody Rotary shirt if you have one! Bring water, gloves, mask, social distance and  a can-do spirit. The Nature Center is located at 5343 Roberts Drive, Dunwoody, GA 30338.

Contact Cathie Brumfield to RSVP with pleasure! (404) 668-6693. You will also need to visit the Dunwoody Nature Center website and complete a volunteer registration.

We're planning to build an RCD Nature Team to help with whatever tasks we might find. This opportunity may be open monthly but for now we'll focus on September 12.

Member Spotlight
Meet New Member Jeff Hanson

Last Friday, new member Jeff Hanson told us a little about himself. He didn't come to Rotary by accident - his father was a Past District Governor and Jeff grew up helping with Rotary fundraisers and attending various Rotary Club meetings. He's pictured here with wife Patty. And here's the story he shared ...

Jeff was born and raised in Northbrook, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. His parents, Robert “Bobby” and Fran Hanson taught him at a young age to always give back to his family, his friends, his community, and his country. His parents were involved with Rotary for most of his life. His father was District Governor for Rotary District 6440 in Illinois (1990-1991) and had perfect attendance until his death in 2015. His mother still helps out the Seneca, SC Rotary Club where Jeff’s parents retired. Throughout the years Jeff assisted his father with Rotary fundraisers and attended various Rotary clubs with his father. Some clubs Jeff has visited are in Seneca, SC, Wheeling, IL, Northbrook, IL, and Ames, IA where Jeff was pursuing a degree in Industrial Education and Technology from Iowa State University.

The Rotary Foundation
Your Rotary Foundation and the Rotary Club of Dunwoody

Posted by Bill Mulkey, Rotary Foundation Director

Our appreciation to all active members as of July 1, 2020 for being recognized as Rotary Foundation Sustaining Members. A Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member personally contributes $100 or more each Rotary year to the Annual Fund SHARE. For 15 consecutive years, the Rotary Club of Dunwoody has been recognized by The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International as a 100% Sustaining Member Club.

We ask you to consider making an additional contribution and be recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow (13 active members haven’t been recognized as a PHF), a Multiple Paul Harris Fellow or a Major Donor. CALL BILL MULKEY at 404-325-2110 if you have questions about your total recognition amount and the contribution needed to obtain the next level of giving. Your personal contributions are added to your balance and count towards being recognized as a:

  • Paul Harris Fellow $1,000 - Receive a PHF certificate of appreciation signed by the President of Rotary International, the Chair of the Rotary Foundation Trustees and a lapel pin
  • Multiple Paul Harris Fellow in additional increments of $1,000 - Receive a PHF pin with a sapphire for each additional $1,000 +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, and a ruby for +6, +7, +8
  • Major Donor Level I - $10,000+ in total contributions - Receive crystal and blue diamond=shape pin with one diamond
  • Major Donor Level II - $25,000+  in total contributions - Receive crystal and blue diamond-shape pin with two diamonds
  • Major Donor Level III - $50.000+ in total contributions - Receive crystal and blue diamond-shape pin with three diamonds
  • Major Donor Level IV - $100,000+ in total contributions - Receive crystal and blue diamond-shape pin with four diamonds
  • Arch C. Klumph Society - $250,000+ in total contributions - Receive crystal globe

Editor's Note: Its thanks to our contributions to The Rotary Foundation that young people like Kaitlin Sandor are able to study as Global Grant Scholars and work to make strides in fighting ALS and other diseases, that the World Health Organization was able to declare Africa polio free last week, and that we were able to partner with Italy on a project to help Alzheimer's patients and their families. And our TRF contributions have also helped fund books for Dresden and Kingsley students in previous years, and turkeys for Kingsley families last Thanksgiving.

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