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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

September 30, 2020


September is Basic Education and Literacy Month

10/2 Peter Kyle, RI Director, Zones 33-34
10/9 William Baker, Senior General Manager, Perimeter Mall ... in Person or via Zoom
10/23 Rob Sayer, Musician, Entrepreneur, Educator via Zoom – Case Study in Business Success and Inspiration!

Our Rotary Family

9/2 Josh Podczervinski
9/6 Chris Gutschenritter


Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Dunwoody Country Club
1600 Dunwoody Club Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30350 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Ardy Bastien
President-Elect Carter Stout
Immediate PP Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Josh Podczervinski
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Membership Darrin Vanderpan

In This Bulletin ...

Read about this week's visit by RI Director Peter Kyle and plan to join us by Zoom this Friday in person at the Dunwoody Country Club or on Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419, then read on to learn more about ...

  • Our upcoming service opportunity at the Dunwoody Nature Center
  • Tina Philpott and her Rotary journey
  • How you can help Grow Dunwoody by getting your friends and colleagues started on their Rotary journey.

This Week's Speaker
Peter Kyle, RI Director, Zones 33-34

Join the Rotary Club of Dunwoody this Friday at the Dunwoody Country Club at 7:15 am or grab your coffee or tea and join us on Zoom at 7:15 a.m. to hear from a very special guest - RI Director Peter Kyle. Just follow the Zoom link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419. He will discuss Rotary International’s partnership with the United Nations, UNESCO, UNICEF, World Bank, and other groups. Peter was the Dean of this cadre of Rotary partnerships so can speak from experience as well as just simply being a great speaker.

Peter first came to the US from New Zealand in 1973 to pursue post-graduate studies in law at the University of Virginia as a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar. After a career in private legal practice in New Zealand he returned to the US in 1992 to take up a position with the World Bank as a senior international attorney. He retired from this position in 2009.

He was inducted into Rotary in 1976 and  is a member of the Rotary Club of Capitol Hill Washington, DC. Peter has since served the organization in many capacities. He has been particularly involved in alumni/Rotary Peace Fellow activities and has chaired both the Alumni Relations and Rotary Peace Centers Committees. He has also served as an International Assembly Trainer, COL Delegate, RI President’s Representative, a RFHA board member and a WASRAG Board member. He served as the Dean of the Rotary Representative Network (United Nations, UNESCO, World Bank and more) and became an RI Director for 2020-22 in Zones 33 & 34.

Peter currently serves on the RI Executive Committee. Peter has received the Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award together with the Service above Self Award and the Citation for Meritorious Service. He and his wife, Margaret, live on the West River in Maryland in a home designed by Margaret and close to their two children and one grandson.

Service Opportunities
Join Us October 10 at the Dunwoody Nature Center

This opportunity to volunteer at the Dunwoody Nature Center will occur one Saturday in each month. The next date is October 10 from 9:00 AM to noon. We plan to make this a monthly RCD volunteer event, but we need additional volunteers to increase the impact we will have on the Dunwoody Nature Center. The activities involve proper social distancing, but allow volunteers to be close enough to share encouragement and humor. Half way into our morning a brief gentle cooling rain, mostly misting, cooled us down.

Go to the Dunwoody Nature Center website to sign up and complete a volunteer waiver. Bring your water, gloves and plan to enjoy fellowship with your club members!

Member Spotlight
Meet Tina Philpot

Last Friday, Past President Tina Philpot shared a little about herself. 

Tina was born in Louisville, KY, just at the end of WW II, and raised in Chattanooga, Tenn. She used the theme from the September Rotary Magazine - "A Life-Changing Adventure", - to lead into her life changing adventure--a trip to Europe in 1968, as a new graduate of FSU.

"Our visit to Prague just as the Russians were preparing to cross the border, and the 'control' of the citizens in Prague, Czechoslovakia, by the Russians led me to come home and rethink my career--from Systems Analyst to Economics College Professor--a career I just retired from after 42 years with DeKalb College/ Perimeter College at GSU." Tina said this experience has led her to treasure Rotary's outreach to students ... through programs like Rotary Youth Exchange and GRSP. The picture here is from food-packing during one of Dunwoody's GRSP Leadership weekends.

Tina also noted the delightful adventure of joining Rotary 18+ years ago, and the excitement of participating in the leadership structures of this great organization!

Membership Corner
Grow Dunwoody!

This year, we're focused on membership. It's our committee's goal to welcome 18 new members this year ... that's 1 1/2 people each month. So far, we have one new member - we're counting on you to bring more people to visit. 

This Friday is a great time to bring somebody who is looking to make a difference in the world to be inspired by what Rotary is all about. They can join us in person at the Dunwoody County Club or via Zoom. Getting someone to visit is half the battle! Let's start October with a big push to grow our visitor population - and inspire folks to join our mission to make a difference while having fun.

Let Membership Chair Darrin Vanderpan know if you have questions or need help as we look for ways to Grow Dunwoody!

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