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July 21, 2020


July is New Rotary Year Month

7/23 Ben Huntzinger - Spartan Wheel Cariott
7/30 Cheif Troy Rich
8/6 Mellinda Piller - Covid and the impact on Small Business
8/13 Danillo Pistelli - A History of Mom and Dads and the Pistelli Family

Our Rotary Family

7/8 George Stephens, Jr.
7/11 Matt Brown
7/12 Gerhard Sommer
7/19 Coy Irvin
7/21 Dale Hodges
7/28 Bryant Beadles
7/28 Stuart Jackson
7/30 Ed Elam, III


7/9 Tom Callaway, III (43)
7/12 Paul Hancock (45)
7/12 Debbie Quinton (34)
7/12 Donald Sims (51)


7/1 Mary Beth Donalson (6)
7/1 Jay Flowers (10)
7/1 Scooter Grubbs, III (33)
7/1 Donald Sims (31)
7/1 Warren Stafford (40)
7/1 Jeff Zoller (11)
7/1 Sharon Patrick (16)
7/1 Lauren Vann (4)
7/2 Bill Dickey (5)
7/4 Erik von Hellens (8)
7/4 Nic Rahming (1)
7/4 Alexzandria Bighams (1)
7/6 Ronnie Godwin (3)
25 years in Rotary
7/6 Kim Walden (3)
9 years in Rotary
7/11 Ben Wilds (7)
7/12 Eric Ward (8)
7/14 Frederick Buechner (4)
29 years in Rotary
7/17 W. Clay Campbell (8)
24 years in Rotary
7/18 Andre Marria (15)
7/22 David Lewis (10)
7/30 Charles Hill (1)
47 years in Rotary
7/31 John Glenn (23)
24 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President John Brown
President-Elect Wayne Newsome
Immediate PP Kim Walden
Treasurer Teri White
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation Fran Milberg
Membership Janet Liles
Public Image Mike Bixler

VIRTUAL meeting this week

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83087399226 Meeting ID: 830 8739 9226 Dial by your location +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

This Week's Program

Spartan Wheel Chariots is owned by Ben Huntzinger, a paraplegic outdoorsman who started building rugged all-terrain wheelchairs on the tailgate of his truck.  

“I decided a while back that if I was going to have access to the life I wanted, I was going to have to build it from scratch. After years of trial and error, and lots of being told no, I developed a wheelchair that would be tough enough to handle the challenges that my lifestyle would demand of it.”

Even the best wheelchairs are not designed for outdoor use. Founder Ben Huntzinger was determined to fix that. ​ Ben researched the least expensive products that still maintain strong integrity for off-road use. That way, everyone could afford an all-terrain wheelchair. He partnered with Spinergy Wheels, the "Cadillac" of wheels to identify a strong and reliable wheel with the best price per wheel. We believe everybody worldwide needs access to living. Spartan Wheel Chariots are the answer. ​

In 2019, Ben participated in the Georgia Chamber of Commerce's InVenture Prize Competition. He found an incredible community of support for his rugged all-terrain wheelchairs. Since then, Spartan Wheel Chariots continues to partner with extraordinary people in providing an extraordinary product.  Changing lives, one wheelchair at a time.

Learn more at https://www.spartanwheelchariots.com/

Last Week's program

President John Brown kicked off the meeting by thanking Thomas University for the use of their conference room. Our newest member, Brett Jenkins was officially inducted into the club. Congratulations Brett, welcome to the team.

Clay Campbell gave us some Sunshine for the day, and Tom Callaway informed us that Thomasville was highlighted in the Georgia Trend magazine.

The Back to School Blitz will not happen this year. The funds will be divided between the Thomasville City School System and the Thomas County School System. Remember fellow Rotarians, “Rotary Presents Opportunities.” Are you looking for yours? 

There are “Angels Among Us”. Our guest speaker, Jacqueline Knight, reminded us why we think so highly of Thomasville. We were reminded that we can be our best self, right here in our corner of the world. As Rotarians, we are angels to our community each time we display in our lives The Four Way Test.

ABC's of Rotary

International Responsibilities of a Rotarian

As an international organization, Rotary offers each member unique opportunities and responsibilities. Although each Rotarian has first responsibility to uphold the obligations of citizenship of his or her own country. membership in Rotary enables Rotarians to take a somewhat different view of international affairs. In the early 1950s a Rotary philosophy was adopted to describe how a Rotarian may think on a global basis.

Here is what it said:

"A world-minded Rotarian:

  • looks beyond national patriotism and considers himself as sharing responsibility for the advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace;
  • resists any tendency to act in terms of national or racial superiority;
  • seeks and develops common grounds for agreement with peoples of other lands;
  • defends the rule of law and order to preserve the liberty of the individual so that he may enjoy freedom of thought, speech and assembly, and freedom from persecution, aggression, want and fear;
  • supports action directed toward improving standards of living for all peoples, realizing that poverty anywhere endangers prosperity everywhere;
  • upholds the principles of justice for mankind;
  • strives always to promote peace between nations and prepares to make personal sacrifices for that ideal;
  • urges and practices a spirit of understanding of every other man's beliefs as a step toward international goodwill, recognizing that then are certain basic moral and spiritual standards which will ensure a richer, fuller life."

That is quite an assignment for any Rotarian to practice in thoughts and actions!