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October 6, 2020


October is Economic and Community Development Month

10/8 Alan Carson - City Manager
10/15 An update from Archbold.
10/22 The Innocence Project of Florida
10/29 Regular Meeting - Ed Laughlin from Ghosts of Georgia Paranormal Investigators via Zoom

Our Rotary Family

10/1 Pat Choice
10/2 Howard Stephens
10/3 Dicky Demott
10/3 Philip Leabo, Jr.
10/5 Morgan Bailey
10/5 John Comita, Jr.
10/11 Nic Rahming
10/12 David Flowers
10/13 Scott Sterling
10/23 Walter Marria, Jr.
10/24 Wilson Carraway, Jr.
10/25 Wallace Goodman
10/29 John Glenn


10/10 Frances Parker (28)
10/10 Terry Rouse (28)
10/15 Susan O'Neal (26)
10/15 Nick Murray (15)
10/16 Carol Jones (56)
10/22 Dawna Bicknell Tanner (4)
10/24 Vann Middleton (22)


10/2 Terry Rouse (12)
10/3 Julie Carter (1)
10/4 Kurt Stringfellow (2)
6 years in Rotary
10/9 Arlen Yokley (6)
10/13 Teri White (9)
10/16 Tim Filston (6)
10/16 Francis Lilly (6)
9 years in Rotary
10/20 Coy Irvin (4)
8 years in Rotary
10/27 Michele Arwood (9)
10/27 Jim Carter (9)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President John Brown
President-Elect Wayne Newsome
Immediate PP Kim Walden
Treasurer Teri White
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation Fran Milberg
Membership Janet Liles
Public Image Mike Bixler

Honoring our Local Heroes

As we step back out into our Rotary year post-pandemic, it's again time to get back to Honoring Our Local Heroes.

After collaboration with Barbara Williams-Anderson, the new Heroes Chair, the City of Thomasville PD and the Thomas County SO, we've decided to host our first event on October 28th at noon in front of the Police Station/Sheriff's Office. After further discussion, we think it would be best if we go ahead and package up the food so that there isn't the usual buffet line. So, we will cook, as usual, then we will package a hamburger, a hot dog, a bag of chips and a cookie.  I hope to put together some cute packets with ketchup, mayo and mustard in them so that all they have to do is grab a plate, a packet of condiments and a drink.

We need volunteers to help us make this first cookout a success and to show the community that the Rotary Club is still in action! If you are available to assist that day, please let me know so that I can keep a log of who we have. The Heroes committee thanks you in advance for your assistance with this and can't wait to get back out in the community! 

What You Missed Last Week!

Last week’s meeting saw a return to in person meetings. We had thirty-seven in attendance at the Plaza and twenty-three online. It will probably be some time before attendance is back in the eighties and nineties, but it looks like we are getting there.

Don Simms lost his wife last week, so let’s keep Don and his family in our thoughts and prayers. It was also announced that Ed Titus, Ed Elam, and John Glenn are doing well health wise. Joe Brown gave his classification talk. Joe, we all thank you for the many years you gave serving our country. Your service helps make it possible for us to meet each week. If anyone is suffering from cabin fever, please consider volunteering to help Hands Over Thomas County on October 17.

We sometimes take for granted the work we do as a club. Debbie Goodman in her program talk, reminded us that over the years, the Rotary Club of Thomasville has done an outstanding job providing funds to the Georgia Rotary Student Program. Debbie gave us reasons to walk with our heads held a little higher and with a little more bounce in our step. We do great work, and we should be proud knowing that we are making a difference not just in Thomasville but around the world. Thanks, Debbie, for reminding us of the good and meaningful work the Rotary Club of Thomasville is doing in the world. As president John Brown reminds us each week, Rotary Opens Opportunities.

Fireside Chat!

The Club will hold a Fireside Chat at Harry Tomlinson's Fish Camp on October 20.  All members are welcome.  However, it is for new members who have never attended a Fireside event.  The Committee Chairs explain their duties and the initiatives in their area.  Hopefully, you will find something you would wan t to be a part of and sign up.  A Fireside chat is part of the Red Ribbon Ceremony.

This Week's Program


Alan Carson, Thomasville City Manager will speak about his first 18 months in Thomasville, accomplishments and current projects.

Volunteers Needed


Volunteers are needed to assist with the Hands On Thomas County project the morning of October 17th to help spruce up Vashti School.  Bill Dickey will have signup sheets at our meeting.  If you are not planning to attend in person but would like to volunteer, please call him at 229-224-0189.