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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

October 14, 2020


October is Economic and Community Development Month

10/23 Rob Sayer, Musician, Entrepreneur, Educator via Zoom – Case Study in Business Success and Inspiration!
10/30 Christopher C. Hanks, Institute for Entrepreneurship ... in Person and Via Zoom

Our Rotary Family

10/7 Mike Parks
10/11 Larry Hart
10/13 Mike Shortal
10/22 Teak Pacetti, Jr.
10/24 Bill Woulfin


10/2 Ed Godshall (12)
10/10 Lorri Christopher (39)
10/12 Gary Lane (12)
10/25 Dottie Toney (6)
10/31 William Kelly, Jr. (33)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Dunwoody Country Club
1600 Dunwoody Club Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30350 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Ardy Bastien
President-Elect Carter Stout
Immediate PP Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Josh Podczervinski
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Membership Darrin Vanderpan

In This Bulletin ...

There is no meeting or speaker this week, but we hope you will join us for Thirsty Thursday on October 15 at the Brumfield's. Details below, along with information on some of the work have the opportunity to do to make a difference in our community:

  • An opportunity to help children by becoming a book buddy or tutor
  • Our annual Toys for Tots drive 
  • The opportunity to help name the Dunwoody Police Department's new K9 team

No Meeting This Week
Join Us for Thirsty Thursday This Week (October 15) on the Deck at the Brumfields

Cathie and Ritchie Brumfield are excited to welcome Dunwoody Rotarians, mates and potential members to gather on our decks for fun and fellowship - next Thursday, October 15 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm - weather permitting of course.  We live on a bend in the Chattahoochee River - with lots of old growth forest and ferns - and love to share the view, especially in these cooler fall days!

Here's how the event will work:

  • We have some red wine and plastic cups to share - if you prefer something else to drink, please bring your favorite.
  • It's a BYO snacks event 
  • Bring your masks - so we can socialize while protecting each other when we're close together

Hope to see you next Thursday! We're at 8470 Lazy Oaks Court in Sandy Springs.

Serving During the Pandemic
DeKalb Rotary Council Identifies Education Opportunity We Can Support

DeKalb County students are sequestered at home, taking lessons online. This is very challenging for the students and their families. Deprived of normal social contact, some children are experiencing isolation, depression, and impaired learning during critical development stages.

You can help to make a positive impact in the lives of these children in our community by donating just a little of your time. The DeKalb Rotary Council has identified at least two opportunities presented through the South DeKalb Improvement Association Education (SDIAE) - for reading buddies and tutors. Learn about those opportunities ...

Membership Corner
Plan to Grow!

We have one new member for this Rotary year - and have been happy to welcome a few visitors - but we are on the search ... for friends, neighbors and community leaders who would like to help the Rotary Club of Dunwoody make a difference in our community and the world. 

So I invite you - our extended "membership committee" - to identify one person you think might be just right for Rotary - and invite that person to join us ... for Thirsty Thursday tomorrow or one of our Friday meetings - live at the Dunwoody Country Club or via Zoom.  Our speaker committee - led by Kathy Brandt - has put together an interesting line-up dof programs and we'd love to include some guests in their audience.

Service Opportunity
Now is the Time to Start Shopping for Toys for Tots!

Have you heard that retailers are moving up and spreading out their special deals for this year's holiday season? We'd like to encourage early shopping too - as we get ready to support the Marines and their annual Toys for Tots campaign.

When we gather for our Holiday luncheon on December 11, we'll be collecting bikes, toys and games to help make this holiday season great for needy local youth! Contact Jim Glass if you have any questions.

Thank You!
Watch for Your Opportunity to Vote for New Dunwoody Police K9 Names

The Dunwoody Police Department is starting our K9 program in the first quarter of 2021. The Dunwoody Police Foundation, supported by a generous donation from the Rotary Club of Dunwoody, recently made a $20,000 donation for both dogs' purchase and training. We will send officers to training in early January.

The implementation of our new K9 program would not have been possible without the Rotary Club of Dunwoody's support.

We need your help again! We need to name both of our dogs. As Ardy mentioned last Friday, we were asked to submit names; so was the City of Dunwoody Staff and the Dunwoody Police Foundation. We will identify the top 10 names and distribute a Survey Monkey to citizens through our communication channels, and citizens will vote for the top two names.

One dog is a Belgian Malinois, and the other one is a Dutch Shepherd.

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