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October 27, 2020


October is Economic and Community Development Month

10/29 Virtual Health Care - Jeremy Boyd
11/5 Veterans Day - Maureen Clay
11/12 DG Visit - Kirk Driskell
11/19 Foundation - Cheryl Greenway


11/5 Adopt A Platoon Packing
11/18 Hump Day - Osteria Mattone


President Lynne Lindsay
President-Elect Terry Taylor
Immediate PP Gordon Owens
Treasurer Alex Kaufman
Secretary John Carruth
Foundation Don Horton
Membership Mike Agurkis
Service Nancy Alterman
Public Image Lee Patrick, III


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Holiday Inn
909 Holcomb Bridge Road
Roswell, GA 30076

Rotary Online



To: 41411

Our Rotary Family

10/1 Ralph Rowland, Jr.
10/2 Sandy Buhler
10/2 Cheryl Greenway
10/4 Ronald Cowan
10/4 Adele Hamilton
10/4 Lucy Hall
10/6 Cathy Steffen
10/7 Lynne Lindsay
10/10 Jeffrey Meyers
10/12 SaraBeth Huntley
10/12 Jeff McCoy
10/13 Kyle Woods
10/14 Jeremey Ashman
10/16 David Wash
10/17 Jim Byrd
10/18 A.D. Dalton
10/19 Nancy Diamond
10/19 Jack Stephens
10/23 Mindy Jones
10/23 Lisa Smith
10/26 Katie Tucker


10/1 Fate McKinney, III (19)
26 years in Rotary
10/6 Chuck Savage (4)
12 years in Rotary
10/7 Jim Coyle, Jr. (11)
10/7 Matt Millard (11)
10/10 Mike McRay (18)
10/10 Carl Owens, Jr. (29)
10/11 Ted Lescher, Jr. (1)
7 years in Rotary
10/11 Samuel Pittman (1)
10/11 William Lindsey (1)
10/11 John Carney (1)
10/11 Darrell Bartlett (1)
10/12 Tom Rowsey (14)
16 years in Rotary
10/13 Jennifer Briggs (9)
10/15 Neil Moulton (33)
10/16 Lou Tabickman (12)
10/19 Steve Forbes, Jr. (3)
10/19 Kurt Hilbert (3)
3 years in Rotary
10/19 Timothy Klatt (3)
10/19 Jim Sturm (3)
10/23 Steve Stroud (34)
10/25 Dazia Fumbah (2)
10/29 Hal Coleman (22)


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message
Matching Funds - Double the Impact

Through our giving, Rotarians change lives.  

November is Foundation month. We ask that you consider the Rotary International Foundation when planning your year end donations. The club will match your gift dollar for dollar up to $300. This means that your next Paul Harris Fellow will cost $700 instead of $1000.

Please see Don Horton at donaldjhorton@att.net if you are interested in taking advantage of the matching funds.

Together we are keeping our promise to make this word a better place. ❤️ #proudtobearotarian

This Week's Speaker
Virtual Healthcare

Dr. Jeremy Boyd is a primary care physician here is Roswell with 10+ years of experience, and a Family Physician within Wellstar Medical Group for the last 3 years. He earned his undergraduate degree from the University of North Georgia, and his medical degree at St. Matthews University School of Medicine.

After finishing medical school, he headed north to complete his Family Medicine Residency at Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center in Bronx, NY and followed this up with a year in Obstetrics at Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center also in the South Bronx, which can be described as one of the most underserved parts of our country. Upon completion of his training he went on to serve as a Core Faculty Attending for the Family Medicine Residency Program at Jamaica Hospital Medical Center’s in Queens, NY where he applied his skills in training the next generation of primary care physicians.

Eventually Dr. Boyd decided it was time to leave the big city and return home to Georgia, but he didn’t come straight home. Instead, he took an extended sabbatical in which he backpacked around the world for nearly a year. The eye-opening experiences of roughing it on a world tour highlighted many of the world’s health disparities around the globe.

Now, returning home he has been back on the front lines of our country’s rapidly evolving healthcare delivery system since 2017. Additionally, he has spent this last year as Medical Director in the development of Wellstar’s first ever Virtual Anticoagulation Center of Excellence.

Dr. Boyd is visiting us to describe the digital-health revolution’s ongoing transformation of our healthcare delivery system and how new technology is closing the gap for some of our most vulnerable individuals here in the U.S. He sees this opportunity of the future now at our fingertips and a vision of virtual health one day expanding its reach around the world and into areas that need it most.

Thursdays, 11:45 - 1:15 PM | Holiday Inn
Meeting Protocol Virtual and In-Person

You can participate either way.

1)  Join us at the Holiday Inn.   We have expanded our space to include all three ballrooms.  Tables are set according to CDC guidelines.  The Holiday Inn is located behind the Olive Garden at 909 Holcomb Bridge Rd, Roswell, GA 30076.

2)  Join us virtually at 12:15pm by computer, tablet or phone via CLICKING/TAPPING THIS LINK.   THIS IS A NEW ZOOM LINK.  If you are asked , the password, is Roswell.  

Adopt A Platoon
Defending Our Freedom

Thanks to Alicia, we have identified 14 local sailors who are deployed on the USS Nimitz in the Persian Gulf. the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower in the Red Sea and USS Ronald Regan in the South China Sea.  The  Nimitz operates  and trains alongside regional and coalition partners, and provides naval aviation support to Operation Inherent Resolve.   The Ronald Regan conducts maritime air defense operations in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific.   The Dwight D. Eisenhower  provides a wide range of flexible mission capabilities, including maritime security operations, expeditionary power projection, crisis response, counter-terrorism, and security cooperation.  

From October 1st through Nov. 5th, we will collect supplies to ship 150 goodie boxes to each ship.  Boxes will be packed as part of our Veterans Day program AT OUR NOVEMBER 5TH MEETING.  

Click here for the list of needed supplies.  Reach out to Ralph Rowland @ rfrrowland@yahoo.com or 404-641-5671 with questions.  Share the list with family and friends.  This is YOUR chance to support those who are providing regional stability and freedom of the seas.

Budget Coach Needed
Lending a Hand


The Drake House is in need of a Budget Coach.  This role works with families offering guidance in financial planning.  Training will be conducted via Zoom.

If  interested, please visit https://thedrakehouse.org/individuals  to complete the online Volunteer Application.  You may also reach out to Kathy Woerner,  the  Village Coordinator at kwoerner@thedrakehouse.org to be scheduled for an upcoming session.

Contact  Lisa Carlisle 404-915-7986 with questions.  

Wed., Nov. 18th 5:30 HUMP DAY
Firepit & Brews/Osteria Mattone

Join your fellow Rotarians Wednesday, Nov. 18th @ 5:30 for a bit of mid-week fun, as we enjoy a warm fire, brews, appetizers and smores.  Bring your significant other or a prospective member. Valet parking is available or you may park in Hagan's lot or at Michael Curling's place, New Kent Capital.

See you there! 

Charity Spotlight
Friends of Bulloch Hall


To accurately restore, preserve, and interpret this nationally significant antebellum historic site and to present an authentic interpretation to all Roswell citizens and visitors through quality tours, educational programs, and community outreach and events.

Fast Facts:

• Friends of Bulloch was founded in 1993.

• Bulloch Hall was built in 1839 by slaves of Major James Stephens Bulloch, one of Roswell’s first settlers and grandson of Governor Archibald Bulloch.

• Designed by architect Willis Ball of Connecticut, Bulloch Hall is an example of Greek Revival architecture listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

• Mittie Bulloch, mother of President Theodore Roosevelt, grew up in the house before moving to New York. President Roosevelt visited Bulloch Hall in 1905.

• Bulloch Hall is open daily for visitors to explore the grounds, restoration projects, and exhibits, and to participate in educational programs as well as guided and self-guided tours.

• A portion of the grounds of Bulloch Hall are known as Orchard Hill is being restored as a water conservation demonstration area that will include a gazebo, bridge, dock, nature trials, and a natural amphitheater.

• Roswell Rotary funds are planned to be used to complete the Peter Abreu Memorial Gateway and Stone Amphitheater on Orchard Hill.

Find out more:


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