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November 24, 2020


November is Rotary Foundation Month

12/3 Archbold Update
12/10 Regular Meeting
12/17 Walt Geer - CEO JingleRing

Our Rotary Family

11/1 Richard Vann
11/3 Homer Pankey
11/5 Bob Ackerman
11/7 Gary Tucker
11/7 Lauren Vann
11/7 David Hufstetler
11/10 Mark Lowe
11/16 Barbara Williams-Anderson
11/24 Ron Salter
11/30 Rebecca Strickland


11/3 Julie Cannady (13)
11/8 Claire Bowen (12)
11/12 Lauren Vann (4)
11/12 Pat Choice (37)
11/26 Nathaniel Abrams (9)
11/27 Jim Carter (27)
11/27 Ray Thompson (28)
11/29 Jeff Zoller (45)


11/1 Ed Titus, Jr. (25)
11/1 Albert Park (25)
11/1 Homer Pankey (35)
11/4 Carol Jones (16)
11/6 Ron Salter (12)
11/8 Renee Oliveto (13)
11/10 Morgan Bailey (4)
11/14 Noel Ellis (1)
11/18 Dale Hodges (21)
11/29 Tom Harrison, Jr. (19)
11/30 Will Watt , III (3)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President John Brown
President-Elect Wayne Newsome
Immediate PP Kim Walden
Treasurer Teri White
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation Fran Milberg
Membership Janet Liles
Public Image Mike Bixler

No meeting this week!

Wine and Whine

Whine and Wine will be Tuesday evening December 1 between 6:00 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. at Relish.  We are delaying Whine and Wine by thirty minutes so if you want you can Christmas shop on your own. It will be a fun evening, shop or just chat.

Rotary YMCA Football Team

Shown here is the 2020 Rotary-sponsored YMCA flag football team. These boys, ages 4-6, had a 4-2 record and placed 2nd in the league. Congratulations!!

Driver Safety Awareness Initiative

For more than 20 years, our club has sponsored SafeDrive… a driver safety awareness initiative which targets young, new drivers and persons new to this community. The primary tool used in SafeDrive is a map of Thomasville that shows where the majority of bad accidents occur. The map is updated every 3-4 years and is made available in both digital and hardcopy form.

Each year, members of our club’s SafeDrive team go into area high schools and present SafeDrive to students who are just beginning to drive. This past week, presentations were made via ZOOM at Thomasville County Central High School to 360 in-person students and 100 virtual students across 7 periods throughout the day.

Congratulations John Archer

John Archer is the Club’s Newest GRSP Governor’s Associate At our Rotary meeting on November 12, 2020, GRSP Committee Co-Chair Debbie Goodman, presented John Archer with his new GRSP recognition. John Archer became the Club’s newest Governor’s Associate. Congratulations John!

Linda McGarrah Newest Will Watt Fellow

At our Rotary meeting on November 5, 2020, Linda McGarrah became the Club’s newest Will Watt Fellow.  Linda was honored by her friend and co-worker, Carol Jones, who donated funds to the Georgia Rotary Student Program (GRSP) to fund this honor.

This is given in recognition of the GRSP founder, our own, Thomasville Rotarian, Past District Governor (PDG) William A. Watt. He founded the organization in the spring of 1946, having seen the damage of war in Europe at the end of WWII as a way to support World Peace.

Linda McGarrah holds the Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine and is the Miss Kitty Feline Sanctuary Medical Director and Spay Neuter Surgeon. Congratulations Linda and thank you Carol Jones for so generously supporting GRSP. 

What You Missed Last Week!

November is Rotary Foundation Month. Am I the only club member who did not know that? Rotarian Fran Milberg gave an informative overview on the Foundation. It was a much-needed presentation, especially for those of us who are relatively new Rotarians. Fran explained how our individual and collective monies are used to make a difference in our community and the world. Part of her overview was the presentation of a district grant to Spark Thomasville. There are also global grants available. Global grants support large international activities with sustainable and measurable outcomes in Rotary’s areas of focus. Clubs are encouraged to partner with other clubs when considering global grants. Thank you, Fran, for offering your personal reason for giving to the Foundation. You are being the change you want to see.

With the holiday season upon us, there are several opportunities to serve our community. For starters Tom Everett is looking for volunteers to ring the Salvation Army bell at Walmart.  Since there was no dinner at the Vashti Center this year, you can donate to the center by mailing your donation to Teri White. There is also the recommendation of Fran to dig deeper into our pockets and give to the Foundation.

There are several club members who are recovering from surgery or are in the hospital. Some have lost loved ones or have loved one in the hospital. There are some who are scheduled to have surgery. Let us continue to keep these and their families in our prayer.