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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

February 17, 2021


February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

2/19 No Friday Meeting - instead consider joining us for Thursday Thursday live!
2/26 Ann Hanlon, Executive Director, Perimeter CID ... via Zoom

Our Rotary Family

2/4 Laura Kann
2/7 Freddy Morello, Jr
2/9 Dr. John E. Carr
2/10 Eleni Bafas
2/13 Joseph Ransom
2/27 Bob O'Brien


2/14 Erich Schuetz (44)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Dunwoody Country Club
1600 Dunwoody Club Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30350 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Ardy Bastien
President-Elect Carter Stout
Immediate PP Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Josh Podczervinski
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Membership Darrin Vanderpan

No Meeting This Week
Thirsty Thursday Cancelled This Week

Given the weather predictions for tomorrow, we are cancelling Thirsty Thursday for February. Looked too wet and cold to ask you to bring your smiling faces outside for the evening! 

We hope to see you next Friday on Zoom!

From Our Club President
Help Us Measure Our Impact

There's no doubt we're making some difference in our community ... from our work at the Community Assistance Center food pantry (February crew pictured here) ... to volunteering at the Dunwoody Nature Center ... to gardening at Bounds Gardens or the Mulkeys' home ... all the way to our commitment to the mosquito abatement project in Puerto Rico that's in the works. 

We know we're doing good, but we'd like to be able to do better at measuring our impact. So I'm asking each of you to take stock of the Rotary projects you have been involved in this Rotary year (July 1, 2020 up to now) and estimate the hours you have invested. Take a few minutes to itemize the projects and the hours you have spent - whether it's a Saturday morning cleaning up at Bounds Garden or reading essays for the Laws of Life program ... or something at the District level. And then keep the list going  and we'll check back later in the year.

Send me an email now with those details and we'll work on adding up the numbers, just as a way of keeping track of what we're investing in our commitment to Service Above Self.

Service Opportunities
Join Us at the Nature Center This Saturday - Rain Delayed (from Last Week) to Feb. 20

You can be part of a long Dunwoody Rotary tradition this Saturday week at the Dunwoody Nature Center (the picture is from 2005-06). Last Saturday, rain drowned out this "historic" event. So, this Saturday, February 20, we'll try again.

Join our work crew with shovels and rakes from 9:00 am to 12 noon for the monthly volunteer day at the Dunwoody Nature Center. Wear your mask, bring your favorite garden tool and be ready for some work and fellowship. You need to sign up at https://dunwoodynature.org/volunteer-sign-up/

Opportunities to Serve
Calling All Bakers: Need Homemade Cookies for USO Lunch Boxes by February 25

RCD is planning to prepare box lunches for our military personnel at the USO, Atlanta airport. The box lunch will include a sandwich, fruit, chips, bottle of water and “Home Made Cookies” We are asking our members to bake cookies for the box lunches. The goal is to have at least 300 cookies to distribute.

We would like to get at least six members of our club's Family of Rotary to bake 50 cookies and drop them off at E.48th Street Market by Thursday, February 25.

Please let Charlie Augello know if you can help.

Making a Difference
Check Out Rotary Works ... a Program to Support Career Transitions

Last month, Rotary Zones 33 and 34 introduced a very special vocational service project, “Rotary Works” - an initiative provided for Rotarians and Rotaractors experiencing career transition. This initiative is comprised of three distinct programs, providing education, networking, and/or financial resources for participants, providing mentorship opportunities for personal and professional development. To learn more, watch the first program, and sign up for future month Zoom sessions, you can visit www.rotary.works (no .org or .com) [more]

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