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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

February 24, 2021


February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

2/26 Ann Hanlon, Executive Director, Perimeter CID ... via Zoom
3/5 Beverly Ferguson, Senior Director, Community Affairs, Georgia Pacific Foundation ... in Person or via Zoom
3/12 Gregory C Dozier, Commissioner , Technical College System of Georgia ... in Person or Via Zoom
3/19 No Friday Meeting - instead consider joining us for Thursday Thursday live!

Our Rotary Family

2/4 Laura Kann
2/7 Freddy Morello, Jr
2/9 Dr. John E. Carr
2/10 Eleni Bafas
2/13 Joseph Ransom
2/27 Bob O'Brien


2/14 Erich Schuetz (44)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
111 Perimeter Center West
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Ardy Bastien
President-Elect Carter Stout
Immediate PP Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Josh Podczervinski
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Membership Darrin Vanderpan

From Our Club President
Staying Connected

It's hard to believe it's almost the end of February - and almost a year since the pandemic moved us to mostly connecting with each other online. I am grateful that we have been able to continue working in our community - particularly through the Community Assistance Center and the Dunwoody Nature Center. And happy to announce that we will once again offer an in-person meeting opportunity starting next week - at Le Meridien Atlanta Perimeter. See the information later in the bulletin - join us live if you'd like or continue with Zoom.

This week, our "sunshine" to start the meeting will include Yemariam Workneh who brings us a special song in honor of Black History Month. And we hope to share part of a clip from a 2018 Rotary International Convention presentation by a young Rotarian from Chicago - focused on peace building and inclusion. This same young man - Xavier Ramey - is featured in one of Rotary's special webinar series on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - we've included information here about upcoming speakers and how to register.

This Week's Speaker on Zoom ...
Ann M. Hanlon, Executive Director, Perimeter CIDs ... via Zoom

Join us to hear from Ann Hanlon, Executive Director of Perimeter CID,l to learn more about what's in store for the Dunwoody area. You can attend in person at Le Meridien Atlanta Perimeter, 111 Perimeter Center West, Atlanta GA 30346 or via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419

As Executive Director for the Perimeter Community Improvement Districts (PCIDs), Ann is in charge of the organization’s daily operations, as well as its investments in transportation infrastructure. The CIDs have an annual operating budget of over $8 million.

New Meeting Place for March ... in Addition to Zoom

As you know, we took meetings totally to Zoom for the month of February and told you we would be looking at other options for meeting live. We are happy to announce that we will be trying a new venue for the month of March - Le Meridien Atlanta Perimeter, 111 Perimeter Center West, Atlanta GA 30346. Le Meridien will serve a buffet breakfast with servers to prepare your plates and COVID-19 protection protocols in place. 

Our meetings at Le Meridien will start next Friday, March 5. And know that you will still have the option to join via Zoom!

Service Opportunities
Mark Your Calendars for March

Coming up ...

  • March 6 ... Community Assistance Center food pantry from 9 am to noon ... contact Jennifer Bowler if you're able to help out
  • March 6 ... Bounds Garden beautification ... 9 am at the traffic island across from the Dunwoody library
  • March 13 ... Dunwoody Nature Center volunteer day ... weather kept us from working this month but join us in March from 9 am to noon

From Rotary District 6960
Infinite Possibilities Series: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

FABULOUS and ENDEARING are the best descriptions District Governor Darryl Keys and program chair Cyndi Doragh can offer for the upcoming February 26 Infinite Possibilities Series: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, featuring Past Rotary International President and World Leader Barry Rassin and International Speaker Brian Rusch.

“Embracing Our Differences” is the focus of our conversation, as we listen to stories of their personal journeys and life experiences. This conversation will touch your hearts and inspire your spirit to greater service. This multi-part webinar series offers you the opportunity to hear from very dynamic speakers who will offer vision, encouragement, enthusiasm and motivation to grow your membership. We encourage you to invite not only your fellow Rotarians, but prospective members as well.

You can register for this session, as well as the March and April events. Non-Rotarians can register at: rizones33-34.org/infinite-possibilities/

  • February 26, 2021 – Embracing Our Differences, hosted by Rotary International Director Stephanie Urchick, with featured speakers Past RI President Barry Rassin and Rotarian Brian Rusch of District 5150 in California. Register NOW 
  • March 26, 2021 – Investing in Equity, hosted by District 6960 Governor Darryl Keys, with featured speaker Xavier Ramey, fellow Rotarian from Chicago. Register NOW 
  • April 30, 2021 – Celebrate Diversity, with special guest speakers Rotary International President Holger Knack, Rotary International Director Peter Kyle and Anna Ekbäck. Register NOW  
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