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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

March 24, 2021


March is Water and Sanitation Month

3/26 Chris Brand, President, FODAC ... in Person and Via Zoom
4/2 To be announced ... in Person and Via Zoom
4/9 To be announced ... in Person and Via Zoom
4/16 No Friday Meeting - instead consider joining us for Thursday Thursday live!

Our Rotary Family

3/7 Jackie Cuthbert
3/8 Louise Barden
3/8 Dabney Daniel
3/8 Ken Levy
3/9 Pat McMahon
3/12 Pavittar Safir
3/16 Amber Saunders
3/20 Anne Glenn
3/22 John Mills


3/13 Laura Kann (23)
3/19 Jennie Springer (13)
3/25 Patti Bunker (21)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
111 Perimeter Center West
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Ardy Bastien
President-Elect Carter Stout
Immediate PP Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Josh Podczervinski
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Foundation Jennie Stipick
Membership Darrin Vanderpan

This Week's Speaker ... In Person and Zoom
Chris Brand

Join us this Friday to hear from Chris Brand, Stone Mountain Rotarian and President of FODAC (Friends of Disabled Adults and Children). We will be meeting in person at Le Meridien Atlanta Perimeter, 111 Perimeter Center West, Atlanta GA 30346, or you can join us via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419

Chris joined Rotary in 2006 after helping the Rotary Club of Stone Mountain with several wheelchair projects in the Dominican Republic. Since then, he has served as President of the Stone Mountain Rotary Club and Chair of the DeKalb Rotary Council, and is currently serving as an Assistant Governor in District 6900.

Making a Difference
Dunwoody Continues Special Olympics Support

Last week, your Board of Directors approved a $5,000 contribution to Georgia Special Olympics - to sponsor the Special Olympics State Horse Show that will take place May 28-29 at Wills Park in Alpharetta. More than 600 athletes, coaches, horse handlers, and volunteers will participate in this event. Together with the Rotaract Club of Atlanta, we also have the opportunity to fill ten volunteer spots at the event. More on that volunteer opportunity to follow.

This contribution is just the most recent in a long Dunwoody history of supporting Special Olympics. For more than ten years, many of us volunteered as coaches, scorekeepers, ball chasers and most importantly, cheerleaders at the basketball skills workshops at Peachtree Charter Middle School - most recently in September 2019 before COVID-19.

Learning Opportunities
Atlanta Rotary Council on Human Trafficking

Join the Atlanta Rotary Council Against Human Trafficking on Zoom later this month (March 26 at 9 am) to hear from Sarah Richardson with Wellspring Living.  You can reach the meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87414738102?pwd=cnBzNWZyYU8xbjM1K2RrMkhCcDBOdz09

Learning Opportunities
Join Rotary's Infinite Possibilities Series This Friday

A few weeks ago, we shared part a video clip from Chicago Rotarian Xavier Ramey's presentation to the Rotary International Convention in Toronto in 2018. This Friday, March 26 at 1:00 pm, Xavier will the featured speaker at the latest in Rotary International's Infinite Possibilities Series: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion - Investing in Equity. Register NOW 

Learning Opportunities
Still Time to Invest in District Assembly - Virtual and Free!

Every year, District Assembly offers a great opportunity to interact with other District 6900 Rotarians, get new ideas and prepare for a great Rotary year. The district has a variety of topics available for club presidents, officers, directors, committee chairs, and members to learn more about their role or areas of interest at district training.

This year, sessions will all be virtual via Zoom. Sessions are scheduled from now through April 8th and each topic is offered twice. Check out the District Calendar on the right side of the home page at Rotary6900.org  to see the schedule and register for sessions of your choice. Please register at least two days before the session to receive the Zoom link.

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