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March 30, 2021


March is Water and Sanitation Month

4/1 LTC Mark P.Z. Citarella - Executive Officer 78th Troop Command, GA Army National Guard
4/8 TFR - Thomasville Fire Rescue
4/15 Southwest Ga Technical College - Rick Perkins Award

Our Rotary Family

3/4 Will Watt , III
3/9 Frederick Buechner
3/16 Scott Rich
3/16 Bonnie Hayes
3/21 Powell Jones
3/24 Adrian Burns
3/24 Julie Cannady
3/27 David Lewis
3/31 Will Brown, III
3/31 Henry Pepin, IV


3/5 Mark Lowe (16)
3/6 Ronnie Godwin (17)
3/24 Mary Beth Donalson (20)
3/24 Will Watt , III (31)
3/28 Tom Harrison, Jr. (23)
3/30 Charles Dixon (25)


3/1 Elijah Miranda (4)
3/1 Joe Brown (16)
3/6 Ellis Jackson (13)
3/7 Bryant Beadles (8)
3/7 John Archer, Sr. (3)
20 years in Rotary
3/8 Hinson Arwood (3)
3/19 Gail Roberts (1)
3/19 John Comita, Jr. (1)
3/19 Copper Comita (1)
3/19 Angela Williamson (6)
3/20 William Felts (7)
3/21 Susan O'Neal (13)
3/22 Irene Gleason (9)
3/24 Janet Liles (5)
3/27 Rankin Smith, Jr. (7)
21 years in Rotary
3/28 Danny Braddy (19)
3/31 Robert Jackson (5)
46 years in Rotary
3/31 Gregory Adams (5)
49 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President John Brown
President-Elect Danny Braddy
President-Elect Wayne Newsome
Immediate PP Kim Walden
Treasurer Teri White
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation Fran Milberg
Membership Janet Liles
Public Image Mike Bixler

100 Years of Rotary in Thomasville

This Week's Program

LTC Mark P.Z. Citarella, Executive Officer  78th Troop Command, GA Army National Guard will be discussing the National Guard’s multi-faceted statewide support of COVID efforts.

Fireside Chat March 23rd

What You Missed Last Week!

The Rotary Club of Thomasville has meet 4,991 times since it was founded. We have nine more meetings before we celebrate one hundred years of service to our community and the world. There are not too many one-hundred-year-old organizations in Thomasville. Even rarer, are one hundred-year-old service organizations. As Rotarians, we should be encouraged and inspired, knowing the rich history we are building upon. We will be given many opportunities to change our world in the next one hundred years. It is important that we start today, laying a foundation for those who come behind us. Remember, “Rotary Opens Opportunities.”

Chuck Ray was the program for last week’s meeting. Chuck is Field Operations Manager for the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency or GEMA/HSA. The purpose of the Emergency Management Agency is to prepare local communities for major emergencies and disasters and reduce the loss of life and property. GEMA is for Georgia what FEMA is for our country. Chuck explained how GEMA can impact local areas during these times of disasters, natural or man-made.

After several attempts and over a period of months, someone pulled the Joker in our Scholarship Raffle. For those who may not know, half of the money goes to the winner, and half goes for educational scholarships. Last week the pot was over three thousand dollars. And for the second time, David Hufstetler captured the Joker and half of the pot. David, the club thanks you for donating your winnings to the scholarship fund.

This month’s Technology Student of the Month is Jason Guo. Jason is a senior at Thomas County Central High School. Upon graduation, he plans to attend Southern Regional Technical College and pursue a career in accounting.

Board Meeting NEXT week

Rotary Board Meeting will be held at the Plaza on Thursday, April 8th.

Blood Mobile Next Week

Please give the gift of life by donating blood.  The Big Red Bus will be at the Plaza next week.

You can do so at One Blood located in the strip mall on 19 near Firehouse and Seminole Winds. If you donate, please email Bob Drum for Rotary credit. bobdrum@rose.net.