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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

January 5, 2022


January is Vocational Service Month

1/7 Regular Meeting - Linda Davidson, Alzheimer Association of GA
1/14 Regular Meeting - Maro Innocent-Otolo, "My GRSP Year and Beyond"
1/28 Regular Meeting - Eric Linton, City of Dunwoody
2/4 Regular Meeting - Jon Yeager, Wellness Lessons 2021

Our Rotary Family

1/1 Marie Crean
1/1 William Kelly, Jr.
1/1 P. Game
1/2 Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince
1/11 Jim Glass
1/20 Brian Harper
1/27 Robert Hall
1/29 Kobelah Svensen Bennah


1/23 Tina Philpot (14)
1/28 Bill Woulfin (14)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Le Méridien Atlanta Perimeter
111 Perimeter Center West
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Carter Stout
President-Elect Jennifer Shumway
Immediate PP Ardy Bastien
Treasurer Cathie Brumfield
Secretary Louise Barden
Membership Brian Harper
Foundation Jennie Stipick
Public Image Jackie Cuthbert

This Week's Speaker
Linda Davidson, Executive Director, Alzheimer's Association, Georgia

Join us this Friday at Le Meridien or on Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419 to greet Linda Davidson and learn more about the work of the Alzheimer's Association of Georgia, our partner for our first Annual Golf Classic on May 16,2022 at St. Marlo Country Club.  

Linda Davidson joined the Alzheimer’s Association as the Executive Director of the Georgia Chapter in June 2017. She is located in Atlanta and oversees the staff in Georgia, with seven offices. [more]

Thank You!
Raise a Glass to Our Whiskey-Cigar Fundraiser!

Thanks to all of your support, our first Whiskey-Cigar Raffle - including three drawings in October, November and December - raised $6,690 for the Rotary Club of Dunwoody Charitable Fund. This will help to fund the good work we do in the community!

The engagement from the team here and more was very inspiring and heartwarming as we all had fun and boosted fellowship - including a fun Thirsty Thursday and drawings at Porter Brew & Que. Our success would not have been possible without the all-hands-on-deck approach we had where everyone did whatever they could, with the time they could give to this. RCD members and close friends just kept stepping up. That was inspiring!

Thanks especially to our fundraising committee: Bob O'Brien, Hoshi Daruwalla, Rick Otness, Rick Woods, Freddie Morello, David Burr, Charlie Augello and Jennifer Shumway.

Service Opportunity
Save the Forest - January 8

Join us on January 8th at 9:00 am to help save the forest at the Dunwoody Nature Center. Weather will be chilly but it looks like blue skies. Doing good, having fun AND getting exercise. A trifecta! Sign up at https://dunwoodynature.org/volunteer-sign-up/ or let Cathie Brumfield know, and she will sign you up!

If the weather is bad the DNC will post on their web site and instagram. You can also text or call Cathie at 404 668 6693.

Appreciate all your help!

GRSP Update
GRSP Leadership Weekend Postponed

Due to concerns about the latest COVID wave that's expected to peak just as we approach our GRSP Leadership Weekend next week, we are working to reschedule for one of the first two weekends in March. The Leadership Weekend is one of our club's signature events - designed to have fun while promoting Rotary's goals of Service Above Self to a group with the potential of making a difference in the world. We have only cancelled once before in our history - when snow and ice made it impossible to move through the city!

We will update you as our plans become more solid, and hope to have all of you participate in some way as we welcome the world!
