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August 9, 2022


August is Membership and New Club Development Month

8/11 Regular Meeting - High School Football Preview
8/18 Regular Meeting - Introduction of Satellite Club
8/25 Regular Meeting - Eldrick Jacobs Flint & Port Hat Company
9/1 Regular Meeting - Thomasville Fire Department Capt. Mann

Our Rotary Family

8/6 Janet Liles
8/7 Rich Massa, Jr.
8/9 Cameron Jahnke
8/9 André Marria
8/13 Andy Vann
8/13 Harry Tomlinson
8/13 Joe Tarver
8/15 Scott Smith
8/15 Holly Phillips
8/16 Michael Jones
8/17 Donald Sims
8/23 Rankin Smith, Jr.
8/29 Mike Stephenson


8/3 Lee Wagner (37)
8/7 Niki Gatlin (12)
8/10 William Dickey (54)
8/13 Coy Irvin (45)
8/19 Gary Tucker (62)
8/19 Carlton Bryant (47)
8/20 Russell Chubb (62)
8/26 Copper Comita (33)
8/26 John Comita, Jr. (33)
8/28 Albert Park (51)
8/29 André Marria (49)
8/29 Walter Marria, Jr. (49)


8/1 Fran Milberg (26)
28 years in Rotary
8/1 Wilson Carraway, Jr. (39)
72 years in Rotary
8/1 Walter Gilbert (31)
8/2 Carlton Bryant (4)
8/2 Adrian Burns (4)
8/2 Pat Choice (4)
8/2 Walter Marria, Jr. (4)
8/8 Scott Sterling (14)
8/10 Debbie Quinton (10)
8/13 Mark Lowe (13)
8/13 Cameron Jahnke (7)
8/16 Niki Gatlin (4)
8/23 Philip Leabo, Jr. (4)
8/24 David Hufstetler (5)
8/25 Andy Sheppard (6)
8/27 David Flowers (13)
8/27 Jamie Lawrence (2)
5 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President Danny Braddy
President-Elect Mary Beth Donalson
Treasurer Warren Ballard
Secretary Angela Williamson
Membership William Dickey
Foundation Marta Turner
Public Image Adrian Burns

What You missed Last Week!

We had a week of fellowship and fun! Thank you, Mary Beth for hosting Whine and Wine, we had about 25 Rotarians show up and even the rain could not stop the fun. How many of you are now inspired about our Big Impact Project after hearing and seeing the endless possibilities for what is happening in our community. Speical Thanks to, Bob Dyksterhouse for sharing his love for building and planting. He is a master at building raised garden beds and this is in alignment with our Big Impact Project. "Collaboration allows us to know more than we are capable of knowing by ourselves" Paul Solarz

This week Program!

Are you ready for some Friday Night Football lights? What would South Georgia be without High School football?  We have some of the greatest players and programs right here in Thomasville. We have coaches that believe in the players and are creating champions each and every day. This week we will hear from the Coaches as they are preparing for the best season of their career. Let's get ready to rumble... 

Board Meeting @ 10:45

Golf Tournament...

How Connected Are You?

Solving some of the world’s most complex and pressing problems takes real commitment and vision. Rotary members believe that we share a responsibility to take action to improve our communities. Join us, so that we can make an even bigger impact – together. Join Rotary's 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change - across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. (Rotary International Website) There are so many ways to get connected in Rotary all you have to do is take the first step and be available, willing, and ready and you will see the impact you can have with the forces of Rotary joined behind you!