The Power of Rotary President John's Message
Recently Past President A.D. Dalton challenged us to help those suffering in nearby Jackson, Mississippi from the total loss of their water system due to historic flooding. When schools reopened last week brown water literally flowed from the faucets if you tried to use plumbing. Two weeks ago, we passed the hat and Roswell Rotarians gave generously. We raised about $3,400. We added to that $1,000 in club Disaster Relief funds and a donation from the North Fulton Rotary Club, enough to secure 20 pallets of bottled water - a semi-trailer load! With the help of new member Steve Bragg, A.D. connected with Mark Arum at WSB who then connected him with the American Truckers Association. That group was to supply truck, driver, and fuel at no cost to ship the water to Jackson. However due to water shortages now at Sam's Club in metro Atlanta, Sam's will ship the water directly to Jackson for us. We contacted the Jackson and North Jackson Rotary Clubs and their members will personally deliver the water to groups they serve - homeless shelters, Meals-On-Wheels, nursing homes, children, hard hit low income neighborhoods, to name a few. Thank you A.D. and Roswell Rotary! Roswell Rotary Rocks!! You May Be Here By Yourself if You Don't Remember No Meeting This Week- September 15thReminder to Club: Remember that there will not be a regular Rotary club meeting on Thursday, September 15th as we all get a break after our Golf and Tennis Tournaments. Enjoy the week off.
Prayers for Healing & Volunteer Opportunity
Although we are not meeting this week, we still have people in our club who need special care from us this week. Prayers Requested: Anita Farley had emergency surgery on Saturday to relieve pressure from swelling on her brain. On Friday night at Georgia Ensemble Theatre she experienced a bad headache and felt faint so they called 911. After testing, surgery was necessary. She is now progressing well, will be moved from ICU to a regular room this week, and a full recovery is expected. Volunteers Needed: Tom Campbell has started three weeks of special antibiotic treatments and needs a driver each day to help him get to his appointments. If you can help out with transportation, please call his wife Martha at 470-514-5210. They live in Alpharetta and it's not too far from the treatment center. Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and assistance. Oh What a Perfect Day! 2022 Golf & Tennis Tournament Success!

Our 44th Annual Aubrey Greenway Golf Tournament and 10th Annual Hagan Cup Classic Tennis Tournament were true team efforts – such a beautiful day raising funds for the charities Roswell Rotary supports! The weather was fantastic – in the views of many, thanks in large part to Malone Dodson smiling down and putting in a good word or two for us. The volunteers labored with cheer and wit in true Service above Self fashion. Golf and tennis players seemed to enjoy the friendly competition and camaraderie – with a few Mulligans thrown in for grace. Of course the 19th Hole and Haganade were a hit with the thirsty. Hearty thanks to all the sponsors, players, volunteers and Brookfield for a day well played. After Hours to Host Spaghetti Lunch at VEO
After Hours is excited to announce their upcoming service project next Saturday, Sept. 24! The club will prepare and serve a spaghetti lunch to the Veteran residents of the Veterans Empowerment Organization. Prep begins at 10 a.m. and lunch will be served at 12 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend and hopefully put a smile on a Vet's face, one plate of spaghetti at a time. The VEO is located at 373 W Lake Ave NW in Atlanta. Join the Fun! Alive in Roswell Thursday Sept 15 5pm-9pm
Meet under the Roswell Rotary tent in the Hagan Business Center Parking Lot. Parking only $5 and food and drinks free at Rotary tent. Help Keep Roswell Waterways Beautiful Rivers Alive This Saturday Sept.17 31st Annual Rivers Alive! Cleanup This Saturday, Sept. 17, 2002 8am - 12pm This event, cohosted by Keep Roswell Beautiful and the City of Roswell, is part of a statewide campaign to clean and preserve Georgia’s 70,100 miles of rivers and streams. This year, cleanup sites will include Riverside Park, Waller Park, Don White Memorial Park, Seven Branches, Old Roswell Cemetery, and sections of Big Creek, Foe Killer Creek, and Hog Waller Creek. To participate email Dutch Earle,, include names of all participants AND register on the website at Add To Calendar [read more] Volunteers Needed for Sept. 24 Beaucoup Jazz & Blues Festival
Roswell Rotary will have a tent handing out free water to the public. We need Rotarians to volunteer to take a shift,. Please contact Susan Rumble to volunteer or for more information. Event is from 2 PM to 9 PM at King's Market Shopping Center with many musical artists and a Pop Up Art Village.
Save the Date Gary Garrett's Farm Day Event- Saturday October 1st
Mark your calendars now for a Day at the Farm! Gary Garrett hosts this amazing day out in the country every fall. And it is always a blast! New members, be sure to be there and bring your families. Four wheeling, grilling, pot luck, adult beverages, and a great opportunity to be with your Roswell Rotary family! Make sure you have Oct. 1 on your calendar! Add To Calendar New Member Spotlight Welcome New Member: Angela Medley Why you joined rotary: I wanted to meet more people (I already know half the room) who had a heart for our community like I do. I love seeing all the things Rotary does for our community and I wanted to be a part of something larger than myself that was focused on that. We are a small percentage of the population that exhibits service above self so we need to band together and do the most good we can collectively. Roswell Rotary Members: Let's show Angela how we welcome new members to our club! Take a moment to shake her hand, eat lunch with her at your table, invite her to help with your projects, invite her to Alive in Roswell or a Hump Day to meet people, find several things that you two have in common! It's hard to be new. Let's make it fun and exciting to onboard into our club! [read more] After Hours Receives Homebuying Advice
RRAH had another insightful and beneficial meeting last week! Roswell Rotarian, Club Advisor and relator Bob Clarkson gave the run-down on everything real estate and homebuying. He was joined by fellow Roswell Rotarian Katie Tucker, who is a mortgage loan officer. The dynamic duo answered questions about first-time homebuying, mortgage rates and industry trends. Thank you both for your gracious wisdom! The next meeting is Tuesday, Sept. 20 at 6:30 The Artillery Room @ Gate City. In honor of National Suicide Prevention Month, a mental health professional will serve as our guest speaker. Mark your calendars! Save the dates This is where Roswell Rotary's Magic Happens. How will you help?
This is what earns Rotary such a great reputation...and "Club of the Year" recognition. Plan to attend many of these events...and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member. If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then participate -- and share it with others!
Alive In Roswell Add To Calendar Thurs 5pm Meet at Hagan Center under RRC tent- Parking $5
Rivers Alive- Chattahoochee River Clean Up
Add To Calendar Sat. Sept 17 TBA RR After Hours Club Meeting Add To CalendarTues Sept 20 6:30pm Meets at the Artillery Room @ Gate City Brewing, 932 Canton Street, Roswell, GA 30075 Rotary Means Business for District 6900
Add To Calendar Tue, Sep 20 6:00pm - 8:00pm (new start time) Gary Garrett's Farm Day
Add To Calendar Sat, Oct 1 TBA Youth Day Parade
Add To Calendar Sat, Oct 8 TBA World Polio Day Add To Calendar Mon Oct 23 TBA
Red Cross Blood Drive Add To Calendar Tue, Oct 25 TBA Rotary Last Week