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October 11, 2022


October is Economic and Community Development Month

10/13 Be The Voice
10/20 DG George Granade Official Club Visit
11/3 Interact Kickoff
11/10 Family, Faith and Military Service - Dwight Schmidt


10/18 Rotary Means Business (district networking event)
10/18 RR After Hours Club
10/19 DG Dinner
10/20 Alive In Roswell

Our Rotary Family

10/1 Ralph Rowland, Jr.
10/2 Sandy Buhler
10/2 Cheryl Greenway
10/4 Ronald Cowan
10/4 Adele Hamilton
10/4 Lucy Hall
10/6 Cathy Steffen
10/7 Lynne Lindsay
10/7 Stephen Bragg
10/10 Jeffrey Meyers
10/11 Charlie Brown
10/11 William Albers
10/12 SaraBeth Huntley
10/12 Jeff McCoy
10/13 Kyle Woods
10/14 Jeremey Ashman
10/15 Tori Nielsen
10/16 David Wash
10/16 Natalie Cook
10/17 Jim Byrd
10/17 Geoff Smith
10/18 A.D. Dalton
10/19 Jack Stephens
10/23 Mindy Jones
10/23 Lisa Smith
10/26 Katie Anderson
10/31 Virginia Martz


10/1 Fate McKinney, III (21)
28 years in Rotary
10/4 Shields Blankenship, III (0)
6 years in Rotary
10/6 Chuck Savage (6)
14 years in Rotary
10/7 Jim Coyle, Jr. (13)
10/7 Matt Millard (13)
10/10 Mike McRay (20)
10/11 Ted Lescher, Jr. (3)
9 years in Rotary
10/11 Samuel Pittman (3)
10/11 William Lindsey (3)
10/11 Darrell Bartlett (3)
10/12 Tom Rowsey (16)
18 years in Rotary
10/13 Jennifer Briggs (11)
10/16 Lou Tabickman (14)
10/19 Kurt Hilbert (5)
5 years in Rotary
10/19 Timothy Klatt (5)
10/23 Steve Stroud (36)
10/25 Dazia Fumbah (4)
10/28 Ryan Gehricke (1)
10/28 Bill Hoban (1)
10/28 Geoff Smith (1)
10/29 Hal Coleman (24)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075




President John Carruth
President-Elect Alex Kaufman
Immediate PP Terry Taylor
Treasurer Trummie Patrick, III
Secretary Nancy Alterman
Membership Katie Anderson
Foundation Leslie Bassett
Public Image Michael Gould


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message

President John's Message

Over the next few weeks Roswell Rotary will feel more connected to the greater Rotary world.  Next week our District Governor George Granade will make his official visit.  DG George's background is Agricultural education and he recently retired from the University of Georgia's Griffin campus.  You will want to be there to learn what our District is doing this year.  

The following Monday, October 24, is World Polio Day.  Keep an eye out for the First Annual World Polio Day Cornhole Tournament at Lucky's Burgers and Brew.  Sign up to play or sponsor a team.  All registrations are tax deductible, count toward Paul Harris Fellowships, and Lucky's will donate a portion of the evening's proceeds to End Polio Now.

 Then November arrives with Rotary Foundation Month.  We have a very special Foundation speaker in the works that you will not want to miss on November 10th.  Now would be a good time to take advantage of matching club funds and get to your first or next level of Paul Harris Fellowship giving.  Check with Leslie Bassett or Elwyn Gaissert to find out more about how you can contribute.

 See you Thursday when we find out from Debbie Cwalina how many schools now have Be The Voice and much more.

Debbie Cwalina to Speak
10-13 Program: Be the Voice

Be THE Voice® Debbie Cwalina Roswell Rotarian And Be THE Voice® Co-Founder And Executive Director is our speaker this week. What a treat!

Not only was she Roswell Rotarian Of The Year, 2016, but  Debbie Baker Cwalinais is the owner and founder of Creative Corporate Ideas Inc., a certified Woman Owned Business (WBE). She started her company in 1993 and has received recognition as a Top Woman Owned Small Business every year since 2005 (by DiversityBusiness.com).

In the Fall of 2014, looking for a place to make a difference, Debbie joined the Roswell Rotary Club. Inspired by the many programs that Roswell Rotary supports throughout the community, Debbie created and launched, along with co-founder Mike Schoppenhorst, the Be THE Voice® Campaign.

Talk about making a difference! Just a year after the idea was born from their own personal childhood experiences, Debbie and Mike implemented the program in 8 area schools. With the success of the program and her strong desire to get involved in the community, Debbie was honored to be awarded Roswell Rotary’s prestigious “Rookie of the Year” award in 2015. Since then, the reviews the program has received from Principals, Teachers and Students have been overwhelmingly positive, allowing Be THE Voice® to spread its message of kindness, compassion and inclusion to Schools across the state.

As Debbie says "The power of kindness...Sometimes, all it takes is one kind word or act of compassion and things can change!"

Debbie and her husband Pete, have two daughters, Nikki and Kasey. The whole family has participated and helped with the Be THE Voice® campaign. Join us for lunch on Thursday to be inspired by this powerhouse woman and Roswell Rotarian who is making a difference in the lives of so many young people!

Past President Don Horton

Past President Moment - Don Howard 1996-97

In 1996 Atlanta hosted the Centennial Olympic Games. Don Howard was president of Roswell Rotary and we were tapped to host an Atlanta area Rotary meeting during the games.  Spring of 1997 rolled around and the First Annual Roswell Rotary Relays took off from the starting blocks.  What else happened in the Club year 1996-97?  Come hear what Don has to share with us this week. 

Important Announcement at Thursday's Meeting
Behavioral Health Podcast Series Kickoff

Hear an important announcement from Past President Terry Taylor as RRC and WellStar North Fulton partner to provide much needed behavioral health information to help our young people as they navigate through their world. This program will bring content and resources to youth in our community dealing with a myriad of mental health issues. Be there Thursday to hear more about this initiative. 

Join us for Talk Saves Lives

Save the date: RRAH is having a special virtual meeting on Tuesday, November 15th. Join us as we dive deeper into suicide prevention with a virtual course: Talk Saves Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention. Sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the community-based presentation will cover the general scope of suicide, the research on prevention and what people can do to fight suicide. All Rotarians are invited and more information will be shared closer to time.

After Hours Meeting Recap

After Hours welcomed back one of their favorite guest speakers, Alfonso Rogers! He currently serves as the Regional Development Director for The Headstrong Project. Headstrong is a national mental health treatment practice for veterans and their families. Alfonso spoke on his organization's important mission of getting mental health services into the hands of vets quickly and efficiently. We look forward to partnering in the future!

The next meeting will be Tuesday, October 18. It will be a spooky theme and location is TBD. Stay tuned! 

Why Does This Beer's Name Matter?

Imagine that you can save lives even though your chances are 2 out of 3 that you can't give blood.  The solution is simple: find a friend, family member -- or our favorite solution, your coworkers -- to donate a pint.  Not only will they get cookies and snacks, they'll get the Roswell-popular "Pint for a Pint" coupon from Variant Brewing, including the premiere of  "Blood Orange Cashmere" to celebrate all blood donors!

Join us at our Oct 13 Rotary lunch meeting for a special Red Cross presentation.

Then share this link with the one who will 'giveth and receiveth' so that they can reserve a donor table of their choice.  

Questions should be directed to Darrell Bartlett at 770-883-7757 or Hal Schlenger at 770-335-0077.


Add To Calendar

Tue, Oct 18 at Eclipse di Luna
Business Networking is Better When It's with Fellow Rotarians (12-club event)

For you, or someone on your staff.....6:00 - 8:00pm.   

For more information, contact  Ken Carter 404-386-3214<ken.carter@floorcoveringsinternational.com> or Hal Schlengeer 770-335-0077 <HSchlenger@GreatSouthBenefits.com>

Support World Polio Day
Corn Hole Tournament at Lucky's

Let the games begin. Turn out to support World Polio Day with your family and friends at the first EVER World Polio Day Cornhole Tournament at Lucky's 

When:  Monday October 24, 6 PM

Where:  Lucky's Burger and Brew

What: Enter the tournament with a $25 donation to Rotary's PolioPlus fund (tax deductible). Or consider sponsoring one or more tournament slots.  Click on this link to enter or to sponsor a slot(s)

Roswell Rotary...Doing what we do...Raising money for great causes while having fun!!

Add To Calendar

Save the dates
This is where Roswell Rotary's Magic Happens. How will you help?

This is what earns Rotary such a great reputation...and "Club of the Year" recognition. Plan to attend many of these events...and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member.

If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then participate -- and share it with others!

Rotary Means Business (district networking event)

Add To Calendar  Tue, Oct 18            6:00pm

Last Alive in Roswell

Add To Calendar    Thurs. Oct. 20

First Annual World Polio Day Cornhole Tournamtn

Add To Calendar  Mon Oct 24          6pm at Lucky's

Red Cross Blood Drive

Add To Calendar Tue, Oct 25        8:00AM - 1:00PM

After Blood Drive Party at Variant 

Add To Calendar  Tue. Oct 25        5:00PM - Until

Hump Days Begin Again in November   TBA

Day of the Dead

Add To Calendar  Tue, Nov. 1  TBA

Holiday Party

Add To Calendar Friday. Dec. 9 TBA


Rotary Last Week
